
xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ lǜ ɡuī fàn
  • administrative legal norm
  1. 行政法律规范的冲突是一个无法回避且普遍存在的现象,其主要有两种形式:下位法与上位法的冲突;

    The conflict of administrative legal norms is an unavoidable and generally existing phenomenon .

  2. 论行政法律规范的冲突及控制机制

    Administrative Legal Norms : Conflict Controlling Mechanism

  3. 由于环境行政法律规范的缺陷和环境行政执法的不力,很多纠纷未能得到及时有效的解决,于是污染受害者不得不求助于环境民事诉讼程序。

    All disputes were resolved promptly and efficiently because administrative requirements of environment had defects and administrative enforcement lacks strength .

  4. 确立控制冲突的原则;加快行政法律规范的代谢过程。

    And establish the principles of controlling conflicts as well as quicken the course of supersession of administrative legal norms .

  5. 与同期的其它地区相似,吐蕃王朝的行政法律规范发展的也相对滞后。

    Similar with the development of other areas at the period , administrative law of the Tubo Dynasty is lagging behind .

  6. 本文认为,在行政法律规范对行政管理事项没有明确具体的规定时,行政规范性文件可以创设新的权利义务;

    The author think , while administrative laws have not definitely prescribed proceedings of administration , administrative regulating documents may create new rights and obligations ;

  7. 途径之一在于不断完善成文行政法律规范的供给机制,之二在于不断挖掘不成文行政法律规范。

    We should perfect the supply mechanism of written administrative legal norms on the one hand and discover the unwritten administrative legal norms on the other hand .

  8. 我国目前主要是以僵化的行政法律规范对该制度进行调整,不利于排污权的实现。

    Nowadays in China we mainly use rigid norms of administrative law to regulate the system , which is not beneficial to the realization of emission rights .

  9. 具体而言,我国行政法律规范中没有体现出行政不作为诉讼救济应有的地位,行政不作为诉讼救济只是作为行政作为诉讼救济的补充而存在。

    Specifically , our administrative legal norms did not reflect the accuse relief of the administrative omission due position , administrative omission litigation relief just as administrative litigation supplementary exist as .

  10. 第三,从吐蕃王朝法律规范的内容上看,其结构上的分布规律是:民事法律规范发展充分、行政法律规范发展滞后、刑事法律规范特色鲜明。

    Third , from the content of the Tubo Dynasty legal norms , its distribution of the structure are as follow : civil law developing fully , administrative law laging behind the development , criminal laws and regulations with distinctive features .

  11. 其行政违法法律规范也更加详细、具体。

    And , the other legal norms in the Code are more detailed and specific .

  12. 行政程序法律规范主要是指行政程序法典以及规定行政程序的其他行政法律法规,如我国《行政处罚法》、《行政复议法》和《行政诉讼法》中关于行政程序的相关规定。

    Administrative procedures regulating mainly refers to the Code of Administrative Procedure Law and other administrative laws and regulations .

  13. 治安管理处罚告知制度作为行政程序法律规范,它所体现的是我国公民的基本人身权利以及人格权利的一些最基本的准则。

    Inform on administrative penalties for public security system , as an administrative procedure law , it embodies the basic human rights of our citizens and the personality rights of some of the most basic principles .

  14. 个别性解释是指行政机关对法律规范如何具体适用的问题进行的解释。

    The explanation of individual nature is that how the executive authorities to interpret the question of the legal norms application .

  15. 中央政府通过行政干预、法律规范、经济激励等手段,使耕地保护的各个参与主体共同保护耕地。

    Central government protects cultivated land with other cultivated land participants together by administrative interference and Legal norm and economy encouraging .

  16. 寻求行政诉讼和解在法律规范上的可能性&法律解释方法之视角

    The Possibility of Reconciliation in Administrative Procedure in Legal Criterion & A Perspective of Legal Interpretation

  17. 俄联邦与立陶宛在建构行政司法行为的法律规范机制以及行政委员会,在行政纠纷解决机制中的主体地位方面存在较大差异。

    There are differences both on the legal norms of administrative justice action and on the position of administrative commission between the Russian Federation and the Lithuania .

  18. 尽管有关药品行政处罚的相关法律规范已经为药品监督管理部门裁量权的行使提供了法律依据,但这并不能完全解决药品行政处罚实践中裁量权运用的具体标准问题。

    Although some laws and regulations have provided the grounds for the drug supervision and administration departments , they can not fully solve the specific standards of the use of discretion power .

  19. 第四,通过对现行涉及行政即时强制的法律规范(包括法律、法规、规章以及其他规范性法律文件)系统地梳理和分析,反思我国行政即时强制立法的不足与问题,揭示制度的弊病。

    Fourthly , through systematic analysis of the present regulations involving the administrative prompt coercion ( including law , regulations , rules and other regulated legal documents ), we must reconsider the deficiency and flaws of our administrative prompt coercion and reveal the disadvantages of the system .

  20. 而相对于行政管理事务的复杂性而言,行政法律规范总是供给不足的。

    Given the complexity of the administrative affairs , administrative laws and regulations are always insufficient provided .

  21. 监督方面着重分析了当前的行政监督体系,并对行政伦理法律规范监督做了一些设想。

    In the supervision , the author analyzes the current administrative supervision system and assumes the supervision of law and standards of administrative ethics .

  22. 论行政规章监督的法学机理和机制行政法律责任的规范分析&兼论行政法学研究方法

    The Theory of Law and Legal Mechanism on Supervising Administrative Regulations A Normative Analysis on Administrative Legal Obligation

  23. 接下来,通过考察我国现行法律规范中有关行政收费程序的规范,实证分析行政收费程序法律规范的现状,以使读者对其有个全面的认识。

    Next , examine the existing legal norms of administrative fees relating to the program specification , program administrative fees empirical analysis of the status of legal norms , so that its readers have a comprehensive understanding .

  24. 将行政奖励列入法治化轨道,用行政法律加以制度化规范,是势在必行的措施。

    Will the administrative awards listed in the orbit of ruling by law , administrative institutionalized standard , it is imperative to the measures .

  25. 比例原则作为行政法的基本原则,应明确规定于我国行政法律规范;

    As the basic principle of the administrative law , the proportional principle should be prescribed clearly and definitely in the administrative law of China .

  26. 行政伦理制度化建设的主要内容包括制定行政伦理法律和规范、设立行政伦理管理机构和对行政伦理法律规范进行监督三方面。

    In this paper , the system of the administration ethics includes three aspects : the standards and law , the administrative organization and supervision .

  27. 其中,立法层面的主要问题有:行政给付立法分散;行政给付立法层次较低;行政给付法律规范的比例失调;行政给付的内容存在问题。

    In the legislative level , the main problems are : legislation dispersed , lower level of legislative , imbalance of legal norms ; existing content problems .

  28. 中国行政法制现代化是一个长期的工程,需要以完善的行政法律规范为基础。

    In China , the work is a long-term project , and needs to take a basis of sound legal standards of administration .

  29. 行政执法是行政主体依照法定职权和程序,针对具体事件,执行行政法律规范的专门活动。

    Administrative law enforcement refers to the special activities of enforcing administrative law regarding particular incident by the administrative subject according to the statutory power and procedure .

  30. 违法行政责任是指行政机关及其工作人员在行使职权、履行职责的过程中违反行政法律规范而应当依法承担的不利后果。

    The responsibility of illegal administration is the disadvantageous aftereffect that the administrative department and its clerks should take when they disobey administrative laws in the process of performing duties and powers .