
xínɡ zhènɡ fǎ yuàn
  • Administrative Court;court of Claims
  1. 法国的最高行政法院国务委员会(CouncilofState)于周五推翻了一座城市的布基尼禁令。显然,如果其他城市有类似法律诉讼的话,它也会做出同样判决。但是这场战争还远未结束。

    Although France 's highest administrative court , the Council of State , struck down one town 's burkini ban on Friday - and clearly would do the same for other towns if lawsuits were brought - the fight is far from over .

  2. 试论我国行政法院制度建构

    Research on the Establishment of Administrative Court System in Our Country

  3. 透视WTO框架下的我国司法审查制度&兼及我国法制建设中行政法院的建构

    Grasp the Judicial Review of China under the Framework of WTO

  4. 因此,法国行政法院制度的行政色彩十分浓厚。

    Consequently , the French administrative court system is filled with administrative features .

  5. 行政法院是管辖行政诉讼和税务诉讼的法院。

    It is the court which shall have jurisdiction over administrative and tax cases .

  6. 大陆法系国家行政法院之考察与启示

    Inspection of Administrative Court of civil - law family countries and Enlightenment from It

  7. 法国行政法院制度的启示与借鉴

    On the Administrative Litigation System in France

  8. 行政法院制度重点介绍了德国三级行政法院的组织、职能及人员设置。

    Germany administrative court mainly include its organization system , the functions and personnel system .

  9. 法国行政法院裁决评价之诉的基本原则及其借鉴

    Basic Principle of Evaluation Litigation of French Administration Court and Reference Meaning in Our Country

  10. 结合基本国情,我国应建立德国式的隶属于司法系统且独立于普通法院的行政法院制度。

    We should combine with our national conditions , and establish the German-style administrative court system .

  11. 试论法国的行政法院

    On the Administrative Court in France

  12. 随后,乌克兰最高行政法院接受了季莫申科撤销诉讼的请求。

    The Higher Administrative Court of Ukraine on Saturday accepted Tymoshenko 's request to withdraw her lawsuit .

  13. 目前在我国设立独立的行政法院既有必要性又有可行性。

    At present , to establish independent administrative courts in our country is not only necessary but also feasible .

  14. 2013年,该地区的行政法院说他们说得对,不能用英语授课。

    And in 2013 , the regional administrative court said they were right . Teaching in English was out .

  15. 各级行政法院只接受上级行政法院的业务指导,完全独立于地方各级人民法院和地方各级权力机关。

    Administrative Court only accepts higher levels of operational guidance , completely independent of the local courts and local authority .

  16. 行政法院制度是历史必然产物,理由在于它独特的时代背景与理论基础。

    Administrative court system is the inevitable product of history , the reason lies in its unique background and theoretical basis .

  17. 埃及实行普通法院与行政法院双轨制法院系统,而南非实行单一的普通法院系统。

    Egypt implements two-track system courts the Common court and the administrative court , but South Africa practices the sole system Common court .

  18. 行政法院制度起源于西方大陆法系国家并在这些国家得到了发展完善,其中以法国行政法院和德国行政法院为代表。

    The administrative court system originated from western country belonged to civil law system and grew well-developed in these countries typed by France and Germany .

  19. 第四部分,从行政法院判例统计情况和具体案例分析两个角度对民国南京政府诉愿制度的推行做出介绍。

    In this part , writer make an introduction of the Nanjing government administrative reconsideration from the statistics of the Administrative Court and four specific cases .

  20. 因此,存在着将这些职责相互分离、设立行政法院或限制授予机关广泛权力的压力。

    Thus there is pressure to separate such functions , to establish an administrative court , or otherwise to limit the delegation of broad authority to the agencies .

  21. 建立行政法院,改革行政审判体制既可弥补行政诉讼专业性的不足,也有利于提升行政审判机关的独立地位;

    The establishment of administrative courts may not only remedy the deficiency in specialty of administrative litigation , but also help to promote judicial independence in administrative litigation .

  22. 独立的行政法院制度最早起源于法国,随后在德国、意大利、比利时、瑞士等大陆法系国家得到了广泛的追捧,也得到了不断的完善。

    The separate administrative court system originated in France , then been widely sought and continuously improved by Germany , Italy , Belgium , Switzerland and other civil law countries .

  23. 但是首尔行政法院裁定林女士无权获得补偿,因为帕克的死亡是由于他吸烟过多造成的,与他的职责无关。

    But the Seoul Administrative Court ruled that Lim is not entitled to the compensation because Park 's death was a result of his chain smoking , not related to his duty .

  24. 建立具有特色的行政法院体系或在普通法院体系中建立相对独立的行政法庭,是未来俄罗斯联邦行政程序制度的发展趋势。

    It will be a developing trend to Russian Federation 's administrative procedure system to set up an administrative court system with distinguished feature or set up relatively independent administrative court in general court system .

  25. 通过深入剖析这一制度的精髓,揭示德国行政法院的理念和发展规律,以探寻德国的行政法治之路,为我国行政法院的建设提供有益之借鉴。

    By in-depth analysing the essence of this system , this paper reveals the concept and the law of administrative court system to explore the road of Germany administrative law and provide us some useful reference .

  26. 建立我国行政法院,在坚持适合我国国情的前提下,应该借鉴外国的先进经验和好的做法。

    Set up the administrative court of our country , on the premise of insisting on the suitable national conditions of our country , the method that should use foreign advanced experience for reference and become reconciled .

  27. 我国只有一套法院系统,没有设立行政法院,诉讼中的附属问题不是一个结构性的问题,而是一个具体法律制度和操作层面上的问题。

    There is only a set of court system in China , where no administrative court is established . The subsidiary issue of proceeding is not a structural one , but a specific legal system and operation issue .

  28. 行政法院制度起源于法国,随后在德国、意大利、比利时、瑞士等其他大陆法系国家得到了广泛推广,为推进这些国家的行政法治建设发挥了重要作用。

    Originated in France and widely populated in the continental lay countries such as Germany , Italy , Belgium and Switzerland , the administrative court institution has been playing an important role in the administrative legislation construction of the countries concerned .

  29. 德国行政法院制度由于形成于强大的封建专制时期,在历次行政制度改革中都非常强调行政与司法的分离,即司法权的独立性。

    The Germany administrative court system was formed in the powerful feudal autocracy period , which makes Germany previous reform of the administrative system place a great emphasis on separation of executive and judicial , namely the independence of the judicature .

  30. 本文旨在对南京国民政府时期的行政法院进行考究,通过对其历史背景、设立过程以及法院运转机制的分析,为我国建立新时期的行政法院制度找寻出路。

    This paper intends to research the Administrative Court of the Nanjing National Government , through the historical background , the setting up process and the operation of court , to find a new way to establish the Administrative Court for our country .