- 网络Administrative jurisdiction

Criminal administrative jurisdiction is the power that administrative office investigates , brings the suit and carries out punishment mainly .
Administrative Region in a specific area as the carrier , based on the principle of territorial jurisdiction , to the management to the administrative level , make the administrative jurisdiction of the government is limited to a specific geographical area .
Reforms in the Crack : Description Taking the Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction as a Perspective The King also administered justice .
Arguments for Withdrawal of Jurisdiction of Administrative Action Cases in First Instance of Grass-roots Courts Legal Reflections aroused by the Judgment of an administrative case
Narrative Research on the Leadership Behavior of a Rural Junior Middle School Principal Reforms in the Crack : Description Taking the Administrative Litigation Jurisdiction as a Perspective
Even when the issue of agency jurisdiction is arguable or unclear , the court is likely to perceive several reasons to let the investigation go forward .
On the Penal Jurisdiction of Special Administrative Regions
When any jurisdictional dispute arises between local copyright administrative departments or the jurisdiction is unspecified , the disputed parties shall negotiate for solution ;
From the simple adjustment of the jurisdiction up to the system architecture by a combination of centralized to decentralized centralization compromise , and to make the transition to decentralized governance point of view , highlights the fact that its significance significant .
The confirmation of the plaintiff qualifications in administrative proceedings affects , even decides , the territory of jurisdiction in administrative proceedings and the legal redressing that the citizens get .