
  • 网络the New Frontier
  1. 在20世纪60年代,美国总统肯尼迪又提出了开发新边疆(NewFrontier),也就是探索太空。

    In the 1960s President Kennedy made an initiative to explore the New Frontier , which meant space .

  2. 还有阿尔伯托•维维安(AlbertoVivian),他的新边疆则是一座几乎不见车辆的小岛。

    Then there 's Alberto Vivian , whose new frontier was a little island with hardly any cars .

  3. 我拍《超时空接触》(Contact,1997年的影片,讲述寻找外星生命的故事)的时候就想:“好吧,这不是在东方,在西方,在我们面前发生的事。你可以抬头看,北方的新边疆在哪儿?”

    Until I made " Contact " [ the 1997 movie about the search for extraterrestrial life ] . That made me actually wonder : " O.K. , it 's not just what 's happening here , east , west , in front of us . You can look up . What 's the new frontier to the north ? "

  4. 我们正在迈向一个无边无际的新边疆。

    We are reaching out for a new and boundless frontier .

  5. 总之,无论如何火星都将是我们的新边疆。

    To sum up , in many ways Mars is our new frontier .

  6. 这就是新边疆向我们提出的问题。

    That is the question of the New Frontier .

  7. 朝向新边疆,朝向未来

    towards the new frontier , the future .

  8. 肯尼迪执政时启动了新边疆号召,约翰逊做总统时发动了反贫困大战。

    Kennedy initiated the program called the New Frontier . Johnson also started a War on Poverty .

  9. 他任职期间通常被称作“新边疆”时期,因为那是一个变革的时代。

    His term in office was often dubbed the new frontier since it was an era of change .

  10. 现在,新边疆的人员从各州政府、各大学、各基金会、各报社蜂拥而来。

    Now the New Frontiersmen swarmed in from state governments , the universities , the foundations and the newspapers .

  11. 因此,无情的事实是,当我们来到这个新边疆,历史正处于一个转折点。

    For the harsh facts of the matter are that we stand on this frontier at a turning-point in history .

  12. 然而我所讲的“新边疆”,不是若干许诺,而是若干挑战。

    But the new frontier of which I speak is not a set of promises & it is a set of challenges .

  13. 这就是一切的意义所在--确保美国是这样的国家,引领世界开拓新边疆。

    That 's what this is about - making sure that America is the nation that leads the world into the next frontier .

  14. 肯尼迪目睹了由“新边疆”[2]和“伟大社会”[3]开启的自由主义清晨让位于保守主义漫长的统治。

    Kennedy saw the liberal dawn that was heralded by the New Frontier and the Great Society give way to a long conservative ascendancy .

  15. 同时作为教会在抗战时期中最有创造性最有建设性的一种新工作,边疆服务运动在中国近代基督教运动史上具有极为重要的历史意义。

    Meanwhile , as the most creative and constructive new church work during the period of Anti-Japan War , the Border Service Movement was an event of extremely great historic significance in the history of the Christian Movement in Modern China .

  16. 如何在新时期对传统边疆治理进行创新,寻求到有效的治理方式是本章主要的问题意识,认为通过渐进式的制度化建设进行边疆治理是正确的途径。

    How to innovate the traditional frontier management in the new time to , and how to seek to effective management way are the main problems to talk about in this chapter .