
  1. 科学发展观视域下行业特色型大学核心竞争力的培育

    The Cultivation of Core Competitiveness of Industry Characteristics Institutions of Higher Learning on the Horizon of the Scientific Outlook on Development

  2. 本文对行业特色型大学继续教育的常见模式:自主培训模式、委托培训模式进行了分析。

    This paper analyze the common mode of continuing education in industry characteristic university : self-training mode , commissioned training mode .

  3. 高水平行业特色型大学是我国高等教育的优质资源,具有鲜明行业背景特色的财经类高校向高水平大学的发展过程中面临着一些突出的问题和矛盾。

    To build a high-quality university out of a university of finance and economics with clear-cut professional characteristics , there are lots of problems and contradiction .

  4. 行业特色型大学在我国高等教育体系中占据重要地位,是促进我国经济发展、社会进步的中坚力量。

    Industry special type of the university in our higher education system occupies an important position ; it is to promote our economic development and social progress of the backbone .

  5. 行业特色型大学的建设与发展状况直接关系着行业的科技进步、高教办学资源及高教强国建设。

    The construction and development status of characteristic of industrial university have a direct relation with the progress of science and technology of industry , resources of higher education and powerful nation by higher education .

  6. 上个世纪五十年代,基于各行各业对专业技术人才的迫切需求,国内行业特色型大学纷纷出现,其中以行业特色工程类院校最具代表性。

    In the fifties of last century , all walks of life on the urgent needs of the professional and technical personnel , universities with industry background have begun to appear , and engineering universities with industry background are the most representative .

  7. 行业特色型大学,作为高等教育体系中的一个与行业有着天然密不可分的联系的特殊群体,在人才培养、促进行业科技进步、服务社会与行业发展等方面发挥着重要的作用。

    As a special part of the higher education which has a natural link with the industry , the characteristic of industrial university plays an important role in personnel training , promoting the progress of science and technology of industry , serving the society and developing the industry .

  8. 具有行业背景的特色型大学,一直以来都为行业的需要做出服务,使得行业和相关大学形成了紧密的联系。

    The Characteristic-oriented University which has the industry background has served for the need of industry for a long time . Because of that , the Characteristic-oriented University has a close relationship with the related industry .

  9. 经过半个多世纪的建设与发展,在服务国家战略和行业发展的过程中,行业特色型大学已形成突出的办学优势和特色,在推动工业现代化进程中发挥了重要作用。

    After half a century of construction and development , In the process of service of national strategies and development of the industry , universities with industry background has formed a prominent educational advantages and features , and it played an important role in the promotion of industrial modernization process .

  10. 20世纪末,在我国高等教育体制改革过程中,对原来归属行业部委管理的高校统一实行了划转与合并,这些高校中的绝大多数现已逐步发展成为多科性的行业特色型大学。

    At the end of 20th century , the process of higher education reform in China , university which Managemented by industry ministries had been transfered and consolidated , the most majority of these universities has gradually developed into a multidisciplinary and industry characteristics .