
xínɡ wéi mó shì
  • behavior pattern
  1. 肺癌患者60例C型行为模式的调查分析

    Analysis of 60 lung cancer patient 's type-C behavior pattern

  2. 在Web使用挖掘中,分析用户的行为模式是一个关键的问题。

    Analyzing a user 's behavior pattern based on his interaction with a Website is a key problem in Web usage mining .

  3. 成年人的行为模式往往是童年经历造成的。

    Adult behaviour is often patterned by childhood experiences .

  4. 其结果是,以前标志着成年开始的承诺现在正在被推迟,对20多岁的人来说,新的行为模式和新的人生阶段正在出现。

    The result is that the commitments that previously characterized the beginning of adulthood are now being delayed , and new patterns of behavior and a new stage of life are emerging for those in their twenties .

  5. 更重要的是,当该研究团队用一组成年猫重新进行实验时,猫咪的行为模式保持一致。

    What 's more , cats ' behavioural patterns remained consistent when the OSU team recreated the experiment with a group of fully5 grown cats .

  6. 如果你知道一些相关的风俗习惯、行为模式、书籍或诗歌,你就会更好地理解和记忆很多英语表达或英语会话情境。

    There are a lot of expressions or situations that can be understood and remembered better if you know a couple of customs , behavioral patterns , books or poems .

  7. Web使用挖掘是将数据挖掘技术应用于Web日志数据,从而发现用户行为模式的过程;

    Web usage mining is the process of applying data mining technique to the discovery of user behavior patterns based on Web log data .

  8. 处于Internet环境中的用户活动易受社会和网络环境影响,从而导致用户行为模式不准确。

    The activities of Internet users are impacted by various factors which caused by society or network . The exactness of user behavior patterns of Internet users are influenced too .

  9. 该方法基于IP包信息挖掘出用户的频繁行为模式,能自动建立正常和异常的用户行为规则库;

    According to this method , user 's behavior patterns are mined from IP packets , and used to build user 's behavior rules base automatically .

  10. 这篇文章(pdf)用了8中进度的行为模式,并且记录了用户不同的操作。

    The study ( pdf ) used eight progress behavior functions , then tracked users ' reactions to each one .

  11. 此外,honeypot操作者还会努力辨别垃圾信息散布者不断变化的行为模式。

    In addition , honeypot operators try to identify changing behavioral patterns of spammers .

  12. 除草剂阿特拉津(Atrazine)溶液中弹琴蛙蝌蚪(Ranaadenopleura)的行为模式

    Behavior pattern of Rana adenopleura tadpoles exposed to the herbicide atrazine

  13. 计算机支持协同工作(computersupportedcooperativework&CSCW)是一种将人类合作行为模式与计算机支持技术融合为一体的新兴技术,即在计算机技术支持的环境下,一个群体协作完成一项共同的任务。

    Computer Supported Cooperative Work ( CSCW ) is a new technology , which syncretizes human 's cooperation behavior mode and computer technology . It makes all members of a team complete a common work based on computer technologies .

  14. 尼尔森营销业务副总裁詹姆斯罗素(jamesrusso)表示,随着消费者信心下降,此类行为模式可能会进一步加强。

    James Russo , vice-president of marketing at Nielsen , said these patterns of behaviour were likely to intensify as consumer confidence declined .

  15. 第三章在详尽分析Android平台主流恶意软件行为模式的基础上,总结了Android平台恶意软件的攻击意图和攻击手段。

    The third chapter summarizes the Android platform malware attacks intentions and means of attack on the basis of a detailed analysis of the mainstream Android platform malware behavior patterns .

  16. 首先深入探讨了作战仿真系统的模型组成以及它们之间的关系,并在此基础上分析了CGFAgent所需的各种功能组件和行为模式。

    First , the constituent models of the warfare simulation and the relation among them are discussed , and the capability modules and the behavior modes CGF Agent needs are analyzed .

  17. 在论文主体部分,作者从MBO目标公司、MBO运作、实施MBO后上市公司行为模式变化情况、MBO信息披露状况等角度对现阶段国内上市公司实施MBO的若干现象进行了研究。

    In the dissertation , I made the study of the features about the target companies , MBO operations , behaviors mode after having accomplished MBO and information disclosure of MBO .

  18. 建立了基于Agent的ATS仿真系统结构,系统中的SCC-Agent的结构模型,并研究了它的形式化定义,行为模式,语义描述,控制流程和内部决策机理。

    System framework of ATS simulation system based on multi-Agent is proposed . The structure model , formalized define , behavior mode , symbol describing , control process and decision-making mechanism of SCC-Agent are studied .

  19. 本文运用人的行为模式理论和需要激励理论结合企业人力资源管理中激励理论和激励过程,引入国际ISO9000质量管理体系相关方法,对运用激励机制促进企业员工全面发展作出了论述。

    Applying the human beings acting model theory , the needing encouragement theory and Maxims , introducing related methods of international ISO9000 quality management system , this paper has a statement of Promoting employees ' all-sided development through stimulant system .

  20. powernowd:这个调控器守护进程根据处理器负载改变基本频率,用户可以选择四种行为模式。

    Powernowd : This governor daemon bases frequency changes off of the processor load and has four different behavioral modes that users can chose .

  21. 文章介绍了在我们设计开发的分布式协同入侵检测系统(DACIDS)中通过对入侵行为模式的匹配而进行告警关联的方法。

    In this paper , we propose to use intrusion action pattern to correlate alerts in our Distributed Active Collaboration Intrusion Detection System ( DACIDS ) .

  22. 我们对消费者购买行为模式的研究已经基本成熟,诸如尼考西亚模式、霍华德&谢斯模式和EBK模式等经典模式的提出和应用。

    The research on consumer buying behavior model has already been mature because of the creation and the application of the several classical models such as Nicosia model , the Howard-Sheth model and the EBK model .

  23. 为了提高挖掘用户频繁行为模式的速度和FP-树空间利用率,从而显著提高安全审计数据分析的效率,本文在FP-growth算法的基础上提出了一种改进的适于安全审计数据分析的挖掘频繁模式算法。

    In order to improve the speed of mining user frequent behavior pattern and FP-tree space utilization , thereby significantly improving the efficiency of security audit data analysis , based on the FP-growth algorithm this paper proposes an improved correlation algorithm suitable for the analysis of the security audit data .

  24. 医患博弈中的行为模式研究

    Study on Behavior Mode in the Game between Hospital and Patient

  25. 建立和完善人的职业安全行为模式

    To establish and complete " behavior mode " in career safety

  26. 因此,使用传统单一的模型预测不同行为模式的每小时电价是非常困难的。

    Therefore , it is difficult to use only one model .

  27. 发达国家地方性银行发展中的政府行为模式比较

    Comparison of Government Behaviors in Local Bank Development in Developed Countries

  28. 影响信息系统成功的个人行为模式研究探讨

    Discussion on Individual Behavior Model Influencing the Success of Information System

  29. 理工科学生外语学习行为模式的探讨

    A Study of a Learning Behavior Model for Science and Engineering Students

  30. 计算两种成本行为模式的等成本产量。

    Compute the equal-cost volume of two cost behavior patterns .