
The producer of MTV works is the copyright owner , who enjoys the copyright including the rights of show .
At the same time , the organization conditions and charging premise prove the feasibility of the charges . The charging subject : only the copyright owners which including songwriters and MTV works producers have the right to permit others to use his works and obtain fees .
Q : Does visiting new cities give you more licence to misbehave ?
If it follows protectionist policies such as the buy American provisions then " it can be seen in Europe as a licence to do the same " , he adds .
" Licensed Patents " mean patent claims licensable by a Contributor which are necessarily infringed by the use or sale of its Contribution alone or when combined with the Program .
Nothing , for the wealthy countries dictated the rules of the game which became a license to misbehave .
The Contractor shall ensure that the said employment of the foreign worker is in accordance with the conditions of the work permit ;
Have become increasingly prominent , trademark infringement and counterfeit trademark license the use of standard , brought some difficulties to the norms of scientific development and the business sector of the trademark supervision .
Following a typical patent abuse behavior : refusal to license , malicious idle patents , patent fees overcharging , tie-ins , malicious litigation , spam warning letter , the use of technology standards patent monopoly .
Three Chinese newspapers have had their publication licenses revoked or had their operations suspended due to legal violations .
The behavior of abusing market domination licensing primarily contain monopoly licenses and standardize to license , refusal to license , discrimination licenses and predatory licenses .
Meantime , the Herald Network has lost its publication license after being accused of allowing its advertising personnel to engage in reporting using illegally obtained media credentials .
The administrative permission acquired through false or deceived action such as the modification of shares in this case , can be remedied by applying for set-ting aside to the administrative organs .
There are four controversial issues for the character of the registration system . And they are civil act , act of administration , administrative licensing , administrative validating .