
  • 网络cloud management
  1. 实时web是云管理标准的草根解决方案吗?

    Is the real time web a grassroots solution to cloud management standards ?

  2. 他们将API函数和他们的云管理控制台集成在一起。

    They have integrated both API functions within their cloud management console .

  3. 云中的事务必须是由云管理的抽象资源,而云和传统web应用程序之间的事务必须是真正可互操作并且透明的。

    Transactions in the cloud must be an abstract resource managed by the cloud and transactions between the cloud and the traditional web applications must be truly interoperable and transparent .

  4. 企业云中的每个云管理系统可以包括一个利用该API来管理Address数据库中条目的Java程序。

    Each cloud management system in the enterprise could include a Java program that uses this API to manage entries in the Address database .

  5. TivoliServiceAutomationManager和WebSphereCloudburst都实现了异常强大的云管理功能,它们并不是相互排斥的解决方案。

    Both Tivoli Service Automation Manager and WebSphere CloudBurst deliver exceptional cloud management capabilities and they are not mutually exclusive solutions .

  6. OCCI为所有类型的云管理任务提供同一种协议和API设计组件。

    The OCCI provides a protocol and API design components for all kinds of cloud management tasks .

  7. 作为进行GET调用的替代方法,可以考虑这样一个场景:您有一个Java™API,它针对云管理器进行身份验证并检索实例细节。

    As alternative to making the GET call , consider a scenario where you have a Java ™ API that handles both authentication against the cloud manager as well as retrieving instance details .

  8. DMTF的OpenCloudStandardsIncubator通过开发云管理用例、架构与交互,重点描述了云环境之间交互的标准化。

    DMTF 's Open Cloud Standards Incubator focuses on standardizing interactions between cloud environments by developing cloud management use cases , architectures , and interactions .

  9. IBM®WorkloadDeployer是一种云管理设备,它提供了一种基于模式的方法,可在云中部署和管理应用程序环境。

    IBM ® Workload Deployer is a cloud management appliance that delivers a patterns-based approach to deploying and managing application environments in the cloud .

  10. WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance是一个云管理设备,它管理在私有云中运行的虚拟化中间件应用程序环境的完整生命周期。

    The WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance is a cloud management device that manages the complete lifecycle of virtualized middleware application environments running in a private cloud .

  11. 所以现在可以通过云管理解决方案来监控部署在类似于AmazonEC2的云上的Rails应用程序。

    So now Rails apps deployed on cloud infrastructures like Amazon EC2 can be monitored from within the cloud management solution the team uses .

  12. 该项目最初由红帽(RedHat)启动,但是他们希望放开该项目的所有权,所以邀请其他公司共同建立一个开放的云管理解决方案。

    The project has been started by Red Hat , but they do not want to own the project , inviting other companies to join forces with them in creating an open cloud management solution .

  13. 我们这个API的第一个大规模应用是RightScale,云管理工具的领导厂商。

    Our first public use of the API was by RightScale , the leading provider of cloud management tools .

  14. CloudKick公司关注于云管理,最近被Rackspace公司收购了。

    The company is focusing on Cloud management and has been recently acquired by Rackspace .

  15. 去年,华为收购了位于剑桥的Neul,该公司提供芯片组、平台、基站和云管理系统。

    Last year it bought Cambridge-based Neul , which provides chip set , platform , base-station and cloud management systems .

  16. IaaS云管理平台作为网络化操作系统的基础,建立在由大量服务器等硬件资源组成的集群之上,利用虚拟化技术对集群中硬件资源统一管理,向外界提供可用的计算机集群。

    As basement of Network-Operating system , Cloud Computing platform is established on a computer cluster which includes a large number of servers , provide unified management of hardware resource in computer cluster by virtualization technology and provide available virtual machine cluster to the outside users .

  17. 基本的“云管理”工具,实现系统和用户帐户管理

    Basic " Cloud Administrator " tools for system management and user accounting

  18. 然而它们在所有的云管理API/协议中神奇的蒸发了。

    And yet they are curiously absent from all the Cloud management APIs / protocols .

  19. 对云管理公司来说,处理好不同供应商提供的不同云解决方案至关重要。

    It is essential for a cloud management company to manage different cloud solutions provided by different providers .

  20. 二是,云管理具有明显的分形结构特征:自组织、自相似和动态变化性。

    On the other hand , " cloud management " has obvious features of fractal structure : self-organization , self-similarity and dynamic variability .

  21. 他接下来继续定义了能够促进实时云管理解决方案的框架特性,并作出了详细的描述。

    He goes on to define the framework of features that will facilitate the real time cloud management solutions and describes them in detail .

  22. 这个云管理设备让多个用户可以在私有云中创建和部署定制的环境。

    Since its release , the cloud management device enabled multiple users to create and deploy their own customized environments to a private cloud .

  23. 相反,您可以将这两个解决方案集成在一起(正如上文所述)来实现一个全面包容的云管理方法。

    Rather , you can integrate the two solutions ( as you 've seen here ) to enable a comprehensive , encompassing cloud management approach .

  24. 支持精益服务管理:通用云管理平台促进轻量级精益服务管理策略、流程和技术。

    Support Lean Service Management : The Common Cloud Management Platform fosters lean and lightweight service management policies , processes , and technologies . (" Lightweightness Principle ")

  25. 通过对云管理概念的阐述,及其高效、快捷的信息化传递特征的介绍,将其从计算机互联网领域引入至工程建设管理领域。

    Explain the concept of cloud management , describes the characteristics of its high performance of efficient information delivery , remove it from the computer field to the project management field .

  26. 月租套餐包括以下几方面:支持远程实施和管理用户的云管理控制台、设备和应用程序、谷歌所谓的“企业级支持”、设备保修和更换。

    The fee includes a cloud management console for remotely administering and managing users , devices and applications , plus what Google calls " enterprise-level support , " device warranties and replacements .

  27. 二是,利用蚁群算法,引入学习系数、遗忘系数和信用系数,对云管理中角色进行任务分工,实现中小企业人才聚集效应中的角色配置。

    On the other hand , using ant algorithm , introducing learning coefficient , forgetting coefficient and the credit coefficient , it conducts task division and realizes role allocation in the effect of talent accumulation .

  28. 对Amazon云的管理和访问只通过Web服务进行,需要两因素身份验证。

    Administration and access to the Amazon cloud is done exclusively through its Web services that require two-factor authentication .

  29. 然后分析了数据管理平台的系统架构,设计开发全过程采用模块化开发方法和Strategy、Observer等设计模式,对云存储管理、云连接管理和容错处理等核心子系统进行了详细设计。

    Then , the system architecture of the data management platform is put forwarded as well . The modularization developing method and the design pattern like Strategy and Observer are used to design the core subsystems , such as cloud storage management , cloud connection management and fault-tolerant processes .

  30. 1997年,尼古拉斯·盖斯奇埃尔(NicolasGhesquière)接管巴黎世家,使之重获新生,2012年,因与开云集团管理层在创意方面的分歧,盖斯奇埃尔离开该品牌,之后王大仁获任该顶级设计职位。

    Mr. Wang was named to the top design post in 2012 after Nicolas Ghesqui è re , who had revitalized the brand since taking over in 1997 , left over creative differences with Kering 's management .