
  • 网络industry attractiveness
  1. 第四章对航运企业投资中国码头的竞争战略进行了分析。本章首先对码头投资产业的行业吸引力进行分析和评价。

    Chapter Four analyzes the competition circumstances of investing on Chinese ports .

  2. 目前,随着行业吸引力加大,医院的发展面临着激烈的市场竞争。

    With the increase in the sector ' attraction nowadays , the development of the hospital is encountering fierce market competition .

  3. 全球最大商品交易商(瑞士)嘉能可国际公司将向人们证实该行业的吸引力有多强:坊间盛传该公司正在考虑投资印度食用油企业“KS食用油品公司”。

    Glencore , the world 's biggest commodity trader , may be about to confirm the industry 's allure : rumours are flying that it is mulling an investment in KS Oils , an Indian edible-oil firm .

  4. 他们必须看得到这些行业有吸引力,且有长期的发展前景。

    They have got to see the industry as attractive and as having a long-term future .

  5. 排名中还评估了各城市对金融服务业各个子行业的吸引力。

    The rankings also rate global cities for their attractiveness to particular subsectors of financial services .

  6. 身穿蓝色西装、翻领上别着一个吉利徽章的李书福解释了汽车行业的吸引力:“我认为汽车是一项高度全面和复杂的业务。人们无法轻易进入这一行并糟蹋整个格局。”

    Mr Li , dressed in a blue suit with a Geely badge on his lapel , explains the attraction : " I believe the auto business is a highly comprehensive and complicated business . It 's not that easy for people simply to enter and ruin the whole thing . "

  7. TD-SCDMA合同将成为该行业最具吸引力的部分,引发了电信设备供应商之间的激烈竞争。

    The TD-SCMA contracts promise to be some of the most lucrative in the sector , sparking fierce competition among equipment suppliers .

  8. 对于酒店这样依赖旅游业的行业来说,吸引力是显而易见的。

    For tourism-dependent businesses like hotels , the appeal is straightforward .

  9. 这对化工、石化、铝和钢铁等能源密集型行业很有吸引力。

    That is luring energy-intensive industries such as chemicals , petrochemicals , aluminium and steel .

  10. 事实证明,管理咨询行业也颇具吸引力,25%的学生拿到了录取通知书。

    Management consultancy has also proved attractive with 25 per cent of students accepting job offers .

  11. 圣地亚哥的生物技术产业较为兴旺,而奥兰治郡的医疗设备行业也有吸引力。

    San Diego has a vibrant biotech industry and Orange County 's medical device sector has also attracted investment .

  12. 竞争战略理论认为战略制定需要面对两个中心问题,一是所选行业要有吸引力,即产业结构。

    This theory deems that two core issues have to be faced for strategy making , one is to choose the attractive industry , also called industrial structure .

  13. 移动多媒体广播,即俗称的手机电视或移动电视,是目前消费电子行业中极具吸引力的一个应用方向。

    Multimedia Broadcasting , also called " Mobilephone TV " or " Mobile TV ", is one of the most attractive applications in the field of consumption electronic product .

  14. 在评估一个国家或行业的长期吸引力时,收益导向型投资者会考虑3个方面:红利支付型公司所涉领域的大小、红利增长的速度以及所支付的价格(例如,当前的收益率)。

    Income-oriented investors are concerned with three aspects when assessing the long-term attractiveness of a country or sector : the scale of the universe of dividend-paying companies , the rate of dividend growth , and the price paid ( ie the current yield ) .

  15. 但由于建筑业所固有的生产特点,安全事故频繁发生,同时建筑安全事故发生数和死亡人数呈现出不断上升趋势,严重的影响了建筑行业声誉和吸引力。

    However , the inherent features in the construction industry production lead to the security accidents occurred frequently , and the quantities of construction accidents and death toll showed a rising trend continuously , which affect badly the report of construction industry and its attraction .

  16. 台湾有线电视行业对投资者的吸引力在于,台湾家庭普遍安装了有线电视。

    Taiwan 's cable TV industry is attractive to investors because cable is pervasive in Taiwanese households .

  17. 然而,没有一口流利的外语很难达到这一水平。并且在这种情况下,其他行业也同样具有吸引力。

    However , it is difficult to reach that level without fluency in a foreign language , in which case other industries may be just as appealing .

  18. 然而,在未来,新兴国家如中国,俄罗斯,巴西,波兰,捷克共和国,沙特阿拉伯及罗马尼亚将会成为婴儿食品行业中最有吸引力的市场。

    However , as for future , emerging countries like China , Russia , Brazil , Poland , Czech Republic , Saudi Arabia and Romania represents the most attractive markets for baby food industry .

  19. 第三部分为行业分析,包括目标行业吸引力分析和目标行业关键成功因素分析;

    In the third part , the focus is industry analysis , introduces methods to evaluate the attraction and analyze the key success factors .

  20. 这一由领英中国联合人力资源资讯公司怡安翰威特发布的白皮书显示,互联网金融行业对于高科技行业人才的吸引力最高,其次是互联网人才、金融人才。

    The paper , jointly issued by the China branch of LinkedIn and human resources firm Aon Hewitt , said the Internet finance industry is the most attractive to professionals in the high-tech industry , followed by those in the industries of Internet and finance .

  21. 投行部联合主管大卫所罗门(DavidSolomon)对记者们坚称,眼下“仍有许多人很想到高盛工作”,尽管随着奖金减少和行业受到丑闻冲击,投行业失去了部分吸引力。

    David Solomon , co-head of investment banking , insisted to journalists that there were " still a lot of people who want to work for Goldman Sachs " even though banking has lost some of its allure as bonuses have fallen and the sector has been hit by scandals .

  22. 本文把物流行业作为一个复杂系统,从系统的自组织角度出发,通过构造吸引力函数,给出了各地区物流行业投资吸引力的计算方法;

    This paper gives a method to compute investment attraction of logistics industry in a given area by constructing attraction function in the viewpoint of logistics industrial self-organization as a complex system .