
  • 网络budget management model
  1. 油藏经营导向区块预算管理模式研究

    Study on Reservoir Management-orient Oilfield Block Budget Management Model

  2. 战略导向企业全面预算管理模式研究

    Research on Strategy-oriented Enterprises Comprehensive Budget Management Model

  3. ISO9000体系平台上全面预算管理模式研究

    The Research of the Comprehensive Budget Management Framework Beyond the ISO9000 System

  4. 基于EVA的全面预算管理模式不可避免地存在一些问题,需要在实践中不断地完善和发展。

    Inevitably there are some problems exist in EVA theory and method . EVA-based comprehensive budget management also needs to improve and development in practice .

  5. 为克服传统预算管理模式上述缺陷,本文提出将战略导向预算管理作为传统预算管理的改进方向,并对比分析了平衡计分卡、作业管理法、EVA等管理工具在战略导向预算管理中的应用。

    In order to overcome the limitation , this article proposed the strategic guidance budget management as improvement direction . We contrast and analyze balance improvement budget and Balanced scorecard ( BSC ), activity-based management ( ABM ), EVA as managed the strategic tool .

  6. 基于学科发展的大学预算管理模式研究

    Research on Budget Management of the Universities Based on Discipline

  7. 其次不同类型企业的战略重点差异而形成企业采用的全面预算管理模式的差异。

    Secondly , different corporations adopt different models of Comprehensive Budget Management .

  8. 试论构建企业集团全新的利润预算管理模式

    On construction of new management pattern of profit budget in enterprises group

  9. 建立以目标利润为导向的高速公路营运预算管理模式

    The Establishment of Commanded - Profit Oriented Budget Management Mode of Expressway Operation

  10. 发电企业预算管理模式探讨

    Generate Electricity the Business Enterprise Budget Management Mode Study

  11. 预算管理模式及其运行过程

    On Budget Management Modes and their Operating Process

  12. 基于作业的全面预算管理模式以市场需求量的预测作为预算编制的起点。

    The start - point of TBM based activity is the forecasting market demand .

  13. 集团公司预算管理模式探析

    Analysis of Budget Management Pattern in Company Group

  14. 大庆油田总医院集团费用预算管理模式创新研究

    Bring Forth New Research for the Budget Management Model of Daqing Oilfield Head Hospital Group

  15. 本文通过理论与实践相结合,提出新的预算管理模式。

    Based on theory and practice , the author discusses the new budget management model .

  16. 中国石油信息系统运行维护预算管理模式探讨

    An Approach to Budget Management Mode of Operation and Maintenance Expenses for PetroChina Information System

  17. 高校绩效预算管理模式研究

    Model of College Performance Budget Management

  18. 网络环境下物流企业实行零基预算管理模式研究

    The Research About Logistics Enterprises Under the Network Environment Carrying Out Management Mode of Zero-base Budgeting

  19. 面向对象的动态预算管理模式

    An Object-oriented Dynamic Budget Management Model

  20. 辽宁省农电企业全面预算管理模式研究

    Study of the Comprehensive Budget Management on the Model of Rural Power Enterprises in Liaoning Province

  21. 我国政府预算管理模式若干问题的探讨

    Government Budgeting Management in China

  22. 提出建立以品牌战略为导向,基于关键作业的预算管理模式。

    Secondly , it points out that the brand strategy-oriented budget management model based on critical activities should be established .

  23. 在绩效预算管理模式中应用零基预算,可以进一步完善零基预算的编制。

    The performance of the budget management model adopts zero-based budget , it can further improve the zero-based budget preparation .

  24. 但是,我国的预算管理模式迄今为止仍然是以投入控制为重点的传统管理模式。

    But , Chinese budget management model is still the conditional management model which is important of revenue and control .

  25. 传统的预算管理模式是由自上而下编制和执行的,但是因为脱离实际而最终失败。

    The traditional budget management model is a top-down budget preparation and implementation , but ultimately fails because of unrealistic standards .

  26. 待相关条件具备后,再选择绩效预算管理模式。

    It isn 't the time to choose the budget management mode of performance budgeting until the relevant conditions are possessed .

  27. 为了合理利用有限的资源,许多企业都在积极探索适合本企业实际情况的预算管理模式,以确保企业战略目标的实现。

    To use the limited resources reasonably , many enterprises grope for the suitable budget management pattern positively to guarantee the strongpoint .

  28. 但非果为和略预算管理模式仍处于实际的探索和研讨阶段,尚未反在钻井行业得到当用和研讨。

    However , because strategic budget management is still in the exploration stage , it was not applied in the drilling industry .

  29. 预算管理模式虽然在我国使用的比较晚,但由于其在企业发展过程中发挥的巨大效用,使得预算管理模式在我国发展迅速。

    Although the use of budget management in China was late , it still has undergone a rapid developing because of its huge effectiveness .

  30. 市场经济条件下,物流企业原有的固定预算管理模式难以发挥控制与评价作用。

    Under the terms of market economy , fixed originally budget management model of Logistics enterprise is difficult to play control and appraisement roles .