
  • 网络Capitalization;market capitalization;market value;stock value
  1. 其他股票市值暴跌26亿英镑。

    The value of other shares nosedived by £ 2.6 billion .

  2. 苹果的股票市值已经飙升至1800亿美元,超过了谷歌(Google),并达到微软(Microsoft)的三分之二。

    Apple 's stock market value has soared to $ 180bn – above Google and two-thirds that of Microsoft .

  3. 花旗集团(citigroup)和美国银行(bankofamerica)的股票市值仅分别为有形账面价值的一半和五分之三,清算花旗将让股东获得100%的收益。

    The stock market capitalisations of Citigroup and Bank of America languish at half and three fifths of tangible book value , respectively liquidating Citi could hand shareholders a gain of 100 per cent .

  4. 据统计,国民经济的证券化率(股票市值占GDP的比重)从1993年的10.2%上升到2001年的50%;

    According to statistics , the stock ratio in GDP ( Proportion of market value of stock in GDP ) has increased from 10.2 % in 1993 to 50 % in 2001 ;

  5. 百度(Baidu)发布了令人失望的季度财报之后,股票市值蒸发120亿美元,随后这家中国搜索引擎启动了10亿美元的股票回购以恢复投资者信心。

    Baidu has moved to restore investor confidence with a $ 1bn share buyback , after $ 12bn was wiped off the Chinese search engine 's stock market capitalisation in the wake of disappointing quarterly earnings .

  6. 2007年,我国股票市值首次超过GDP,这意味着虚拟资本在我国的发展正在提速,在经济生活中占有越来越重要的地位。

    In 2007 , the market value of the stocks exceeded the GDP in China for the first time . This implied that the Fictitious Capital is developing much more fast , and is playing a more and more important role in the economic life .

  7. 英特尔股票市值本月首次被无线芯片制造商高通公司(qualcomm,总部位于美国圣地亚哥)超过,尽管前者的营收是后者的约三倍。

    Its stock market capitalisation was overtaken this month for the first time by leading wireless chipmaker Qualcomm , although it has around three times the revenues of its San Diego-based rival .

  8. 我们的股票市值已经下降了25%。

    Our stock price is trading down twenty-five percent .

  9. 有的股票市值高达其实际价值的50倍

    Some stocks are valued at 50 times what they 're really worth .

  10. 惠普的股票市值增长了一倍以上。

    H.P. 's shares more than doubled in value .

  11. 自周三以来,三家香港上市大公司的股票市值遭遇腰斩。

    Since Wednesday , shares in three huge Hong Kong-listed companies have lost half their value .

  12. 该公司一直十分营利,其股票市值正趋上升。

    Because the company has been making large profits the marker value of its shares is appreciating .

  13. 自2007年10月达到最高点以来,中国内地的股票市值已经蒸发了近四分之三。

    Since peaking in October 2007 , mainland Chinese shares have lost nearly three-quarters of their value .

  14. 根据一项调查,碳排放量增加的公司股票市值会下跌。

    According to a study , companies who report increased carbon emissions see their stock value fall .

  15. 因此在实证过程中,样本企业的股票市值由流通股和非流通股的市值加总得到。

    So in empirical process , by the stock sample enterprise value of non-tradable shares and get up .

  16. 股票市值是我们唯一可以掩盖债务的东西,可是你却疏远我们的大客户。

    That stock price is the only thing covering our debt and you are alienating our biggest client .

  17. 根据目前的资本总额来看,公司的股票市值大约是120亿美元。

    The stock market values the company , according to its current capitalization , at about $ 12 billion .

  18. 韦尔奇的职业生涯为通用电器带来了可以说是前无古人的高额经济利益和股票市值的巨大增长。

    Welch 's career represents an almost unprecedented streak of profits for GE and an enormous increase in stock value .

  19. 较老住宅的价格上涨不输于股票市值(不包括股息),上涨了126倍。

    The price of older houses matched the capital value of shares ( not including dividends ) , rising 127-fold .

  20. 经济衰退导致的恐慌性抛售导致股票市值被抹去了数十亿英镑。

    Billions of pounds have been wiped off the value of shares after recession fears sparked panic selling across the world .

  21. 美国股票市值在雷曼兄弟2008年9月垮台之后的一个月下降了25%。

    American equities lost a quarter of their value in the month after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 .

  22. 美国国债收益率下跌,股票市值上升。但这一情况并未持续。股票市场在八月十号再次出现下挫。

    In America Treasury yields fell and stocks rose & but not for long , as equity markets fell again on August10th .

  23. 然而,在惠普宣布赫德离职之后的几分钟内,该公司股票市值就蒸发了近100亿美元。

    However , within minutes of Hewlett-Packard disclosing the departure of Mr Hurd , nearly $ 10bn was wiped from its stock market value .

  24. 毫不奇怪,这些银行的股票市值较两周前的低点上涨了约50%。

    It is no surprise that stock market capitalisation of the banks has risen about 50 per cent from the lows of two weeks ago .

  25. 暂停营业单位,主要的基金比基金的帐目净值的股票市值将成为网络上产生更大的影响。

    To suspend the stock market value than the net value of the Fund accounts for a major fund unit will be a greater impact on the net .

  26. 股票市值居全国第四的富国银行从中介手中购买了一些物业套现贷款,而没有坚持只接受自己客户的贷款。

    The bank , the nation 's fourth-largest by stock-market value , bought some home-equity loans from brokers instead of sticking only with loans to its own customers .

  27. 1933年1月至3月期间,那些将自身命运与纳粹捆绑在一起的公司(多数是大公司),股票市值迅速飙升。

    There was a surge in the stock market valuation of the ( mostly large ) companies who tied their fortunes to the Nazis between January and March 1933 .

  28. 去年,中国股票市值的增幅超过一倍,而除了日本以外,所有主要股市在年底时都比年初有了很大涨幅。

    Chinese shares more than doubled in value during the year , and all major markets , except Japan , ended the year much higher than they had began it .

  29. 但即便是将所有的800亿美元额度全部用完,外国投资者也只不过持有中国全部股票市值的3%,在债券上这一比例更小。

    But even once all $ 80bn is allotted , foreigners will still hold only about 3 per cent of the market capitalisation of all Chinese equities and a smaller percentage of bonds .

  30. 代价是惨痛的:该公司股票市值一夜之间蒸发了100亿美元,声名扫地的赫德离开了公司,带着用自己痛苦换来的丰厚补偿。

    The price was heavy : shareholders lost $ 10bn overnight in the value of their shares , while the disgraced Mr Hurd left the company with a fat pay-out for his pains .