
ɡōnɡ sī hé bìnɡ
  • Company merger;corporate merger;amalgamation of business
  1. 第二章公司合并中的股东权益保护。

    The protection of shareholders in corporate merger .

  2. 公司合并的基本理论问题。

    Basic theory of corporate merger .

  3. 两家公司合并成一个机构。

    The two companies have been fused into a single organization .

  4. 两家公司合并的建议已于昨日投票通过。

    A proposal to merge the two companies was voted through yesterday .

  5. 这两家公司合并成一家公司。

    The two companies were amalgamated into one .

  6. 有很多公司合并,而分立的却很少。

    Many companies merge and few demerge .

  7. 由于纳税的原因,我们不得不把那家公司合并了。

    We had to incorporate the company for tax reasons .

  8. 股东们将投票表决公司合并问题。

    Shareholders will be voting on the merger of the companies .

  9. 该法规定了公司合并、分立、破产、解散和清算的方式。

    The law stipulates modes for company merger , dismantlement , bankruptcy , dissolution and liquidation .

  10. n.合并员工对两家公司合并感到不悦。

    merger Employees are not happy about the merger of the two companies .

  11. 当必须将一家多资公司合并在一个特定组中时,会用到合并法Z。

    The Z Method for consolidation is used when one part of a multi-owned company must not be consolidated in a specific group .

  12. 这是在争议颇多的康卡斯特和nbc环球公司合并之后4个月后宣布的。

    Just 4 months after approving the highly contentious merger of Comcast with NBC Universal .

  13. 今年早些时候,Driver先生宣布,Teltalk可能会与欧洲的一家公司合并,但最新报道称,他们现在打算加入一家英国公司。

    Earlier in the year Mr Driver announced that Teltalk might merge with a company in Europe , but latest reports are that they now intend to join a British company .

  14. 与此同时,计划和全美航空公司合并的美国航空公司(AmericanAirlines)排名倒数第四,FlightAware网站的数据显示,该公司航班延误率达到19.7%。

    Meanwhile , American Airlines , with which US Airways plans to merge , was the fourth worst , with 19.7 percent of flights arriving late , according to FlightAware .

  15. 就在两家公司合并计划最终敲定前夕,沪港通(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect)机制启动,股价因此被推上新高。

    It was spurred to new heights by the launch of the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme just as the two companies ' merger plans were finalised .

  16. NIT和国际计算机公司合并后将成世界上最大和最好的计算机公司之一。

    NIT and International Computer will become one of the biggest and best computer companies in the world .

  17. IBM成立之初名为Computing-Tabulating-RecordingCo.(C-T-R),1911年由华尔街金融家查尔斯•弗林特收购的三家初级信息公司合并而成。

    IBM began life as computing-tabulating-recording Co. ( C-T-R ) , a rag-tag amalgamation of pseudo-information companies assembled in an acquisition by Wall Street financier Charles flint in 1911 .

  18. 拉金:嗯,是的。我想现在可以告诉你了。你是最先知道NIT和国际计算机公司合并的。

    Larkin : Well , yes . I think I can tell you now . You 're the first to know about the merger between International Computer and NIT .

  19. 两家公司合并后,现任美国银行欧洲、中东、非洲及亚洲区总裁乔纳森•默德(JonathanMoulds)将不再负责亚洲业务,但将负责拉丁美洲和加拿大业务。

    Jonathan Moulds , currently Bank of America 's president of Europe , the Middle East , Africa and Asia , will no longer oversee Asia but will take on regional responsibility for Latin America and Canada when the banks combine .

  20. 菲亚特首席执行官塞尔吉奥马尔基翁内(sergiomarchionne)表示,虽然并未计划将两家公司合并,但菲亚特增持克莱斯勒的股份将是“有益的”,而且可以获得控股权。

    Sergio Marchionne , chief executive , said that while there were no plans to merge the two groups , it would be " advantageous " for Fiat to lift its shareholding and the company could take a controlling stake .

  21. 两家公司合并后,Zillow的股东将占新公司的三分之二。我曾问他为什么最后Zillow变成了“捕食者”,而不是“猎物”。

    I asked him how it came to be that Zillow , whose shareholders will end up with two thirds of the combined company , became the gobbler rather than the gobbled .

  22. 电力集团公司合并会计报表编制研究

    The Practical Research of Consolidated Financial Statements for Electric Power Group

  23. 公司合并中债权人保护制度之法问题

    The legal issues of creditor protection in the company merger

  24. 公司合并中的利益相关者法律保护研究

    Research on the Legal Protection of Stakeholders in the Merger

  25. 我们的商号将与一家日本公司合并。

    Our firm will be amalgamated with a Japanese company .

  26. 我们正在考虑和一家美国化学公司合并。

    We are considering merging with an American chemical firm .

  27. 他们决定将两家公司合并为一家。

    They decided to merge the two companies into one .

  28. 小出版社被迫同更大的公司合并。

    Small publishers were forced to merge with larger companies .

  29. 股份有限公司合并、分立的

    Where a company limited by shares is merged or divided

  30. 这只是个巧合-两公司合并的事?

    David : So this is all just a coincidence ?