
ɡǔ fèn zī běn
  • share capital;equity capital;capital stock
  1. 股份资本:即以支付股东股息的股票为计算基础的公司资本。

    Equity capital : capital of a company in the form of shares which pay dividends to their owners .

  2. 该银行的股份资本有近1亿美元。

    The bank has a share capital of almost 100 million dollars .

  3. 私有银行GordonSch?nellofBankhausLampe宣称豪迈管理者正在做正确的事情。但是对Schuler来说,从家族企业向股份资本企业的转变已是渐行渐远。

    Gordon Sch ? nell of Bankhaus Lampe , a private bank , says that " the managers are doing the right things . " But for Mr Schuler the shift from family firm to shareholder capitalism has gone too far .

  4. 有投票权的股份资本

    Rights carry responsibilities with them . voting share capital

  5. 有表决权的非产权股份资本附条件的股份认购权;附条件股份认购权;附条件认股权

    Voting non-equity share capital qualified stock option

  6. 战后日本的资本主义所有制已从最初分散的私人股份资本所有制的基本形式向法人资本所有制的形态转变。

    After World War II , Japanese capitalist ownership system changes from scattered private share capital ownership system to corporation capital ownership system .

  7. 其次,回顾了马克思有关社会资本和资本社会化理论的主要内容,说明了马克思的资本集中理论、股份资本理论和虚拟资本理论等与资本社会化理论的统一性。

    Second , the chapter reviews Marx 's theory on social capital and capital socialization , and shows the agreement among it and capital concentration theory , stock capital theory and fictitious capital theory .

  8. 对于从19世纪后期到现在股份资本或社会资本占统治地位的一百多年,可以暂且划分为股份资本或社会资本的初级阶段和股份资本或社会资本的发达阶段两小阶段。

    We can divide the second stage into two parts : from late 19 century to 1950s , it is a primary stage of share capital , from 1950s up to now , it is the developed stage of share capital .

  9. 私人股份资本所有制已不再是资本主义股份制的基本形式,法人资本股东化已成为发达资本主义所有制新变化的标志。

    The personal share capital system of ownership no longer was the fundamental capitalism joint stock system mode , and the legal person capital shareholder has become the symbol of new change of the system of ownership in the developed countries .

  10. 本文分析了教育股份制资本收益分配的依据、影响因素、分配原则以及分配构成。

    This thesis analyses the foundations , influencing factors , principles and structures .

  11. 这使得银行业严重受损,因为银行把在其它公司持有的股份算作资本。

    This hurt banks , because they counted part of their equity holdings in other firms as capital .

  12. 本文在对合肥美菱股份公司资本结构的研究中发现,其资本结构的不尽合理,融资渠道单一、负债率较高。

    This text discovers in the research of MeiLing joint-stock company capital structure , the unreasonable capital structure , the margin outlet one , the higher debt ratio .

  13. 同方股份的资本运营注重技术资本与财务资本的结合,将资本市场的财务资金引向高校科研机构,促进科学成果的迅速转化和应用。

    Tongfang Corporation , short for Tongfang , combines technology capital and financial capital in operation , and channels financial capital from capital market to university research institutions , to promote the rapid transformation and application of scientific results .

  14. 你有ABC公司的股份有什么资本增益?

    What kink of accumulation are you getting on the ABC stock ?

  15. 安徽FYSH股份有限公司资本结构优化研究

    The Research of Anhui FYSH Co. , Ltd for Capital Structure Improvement

  16. 上海复星国际公司则以1.85亿欧元购买了葡萄牙最大上市银行MillenniumBCP16.7%的股份,成为资本稀释后的Millennium最大股东。

    Shanghai 's Fosun International paid $ 185 million for a stake in Banco Comercial Portugues , Portugal 's biggest publicly traded lender by assets.After the dilution of BCP 's existing capital Fosun became the largest shareholder with its 16.7 percent stake .

  17. 试论股份公司最优资本结构决策

    Probing into the Best Policy or a Company 's Capital Structure

  18. 企业集团资本运作的财务属性龙涤股份有限公司资本运作

    Financial Attributes of Business Group 's Capital Operation

  19. 在兴办时,它请求成员国认购股份,供给资本金。

    When it was founded , members were required to subscribe to its capitalization .

  20. 但是,通过股份公司的资本集中,转瞬之问就把这件事完成了。

    But the matter is completed by capital centralizing of share-issuing company in a flash .

  21. 我们的基金是由私人股份、险资本、市股份和调控债务资产组成的。

    Our family of funds includes private equity , venture capital , public equity and leveraged debt assets .

  22. 因此,小股东利益的法律保护就是针对股份有限公司资本多数决原则被滥用后采取的法律对策。

    So , in order to protect the interest of minority shareholders , it is necessary to perfect the majority rule .

  23. 对于资本运作方式,大家比较熟悉的是收购、兼并、增发新股等资本扩张型的运作,股份回购等资本收缩型运作并不常见。

    We are familiar with capital-widening operations such as acquisition , merger and issuing new shares , but not with stock repurchase .

  24. 张磊德预计,在未来一年中,还将有一些陷入困境的欧洲金融集团谋求通过出售在中国合资公司中的股份来筹集资本,这些合资公司的价值已经日益攀升。

    Mr Alexander expects several other beleaguered European financial groups will seek to raise capital in the coming year by selling their stakes in Chinese JVs , which have become increasingly valuable .

  25. 我方持有的股份或者借贷资本并未上市或者在其他股票交易场所交易,我方也不会在近期安排或者提议安排该等股份或者资本上市或者获得批准交易。

    No part of our share or loan capital is listed on or dealt in on any other stock exchange and no such listing or permission to deal is being or proposed to be sought in the near future .

  26. 股份有限公司最优资本结构的成本模型

    Cost Model of Limited Company 's Best Capital Structure

  27. 摩纳根于1998年将达美乐批萨的股份卖给贝恩资本,而法院批准的禁令不适用于达美乐比萨。

    The ruling does not cover Domino 's Pizza which Monaghan sold Bain Capital in 1998 .

  28. 然而,股份回购在优化资本结构、国有股减持和推进现代激励机制方面都具有现实意义。

    It has important functions of capital structure optimization , State-owned stock lessening and modern incentive system promotion .

  29. 本文借鉴了国内外有关股份制改组、资本重组和财务评价的理论。

    This paper is developed with reference to new theories of share system reform , capital reorganization and financial evaluation .

  30. 目前,国内对股份制上市公司资本运作模型研究较多,侧重于一般理论,离现实较远,对我国民营企业现状下的财务管理与资本运作研究不够。

    At present , there are numerous book studies the capital model of holding companies more than the model under which private enterprises operate .