
  • 网络ticker symbol;Symbol;Code;Stock Ticker;Ticker
  1. 周四,这家婚恋网站以股票代码DATE在美国纳斯达克申请上市,正式加入越来越多的利用投资者的强劲需求进行上市的中国互联网企业的行列。

    The matchmaker on Thursday applied to list on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol DATE , joining a growing queue of Chinese internet companies eager to cash in on strong investor demand .

  2. 匿名函数的参数是两项市场数据:股票代码和价格。

    The anonymous function takes two market data as arguments : a ticker symbol and a price .

  3. 摘出来的值被绑定到Quantity、Ticker(译注:股票代码)等变量。

    Those values are bound to variables such Quantity or Ticker .

  4. 1991年,万科成为中国第二家上市公司,以00002的股票代码在深圳证券交易所(shenzhenstockexchange)交易。

    In 1991 , it became the second Chinese company to list , trading on the Shenzhen stock exchange with the ticker of 00002 .

  5. applybizrules函数将一个内部函数映射到市场数据中的每一对股票代码/股价。

    The apply_biz_rules function maps an inner function to each ticker / price pair within the market data .

  6. 下面是IBM股票代码请求的CSV返回值

    The following is the CSV return value for the request of the IBM stock symbol

  7. DayTrader允许用户输入一个或更多的股票代码并获取其所代表股票的最新价格信息。

    Day Trader lets the user enter one or more stock symbols and retrieve the latest pricing information for the stocks they represent .

  8. 在此示例中,卡片A将股票代码作为输入并输出该股票的美元报价,而卡片B则输出从美元到日元的兑换比率。

    In this example , the card A takes as input a stock symbol and outputs the stock quote in US dollars , and card B outputs the currency conversion rate from US dollars to Japanese yen .

  9. PPG在纽约证券交易所上市(股票代码:PPG)。

    PPG shares are traded on the New York Stock Exchange ( symbol : PPG ) .

  10. 市场对该公司IPO的期望很高,所以当该股明天在纽约证券交易所(NYSE)以LNKD为股票代码开始交易时,预计其交投会非常旺盛。

    Anticipation is high , so look for heavy trading on this tomorrow when it opens on the NYSE under the ticker LNKD .

  11. 所有对此不明所以的人,都应该琢磨一下香港证交所股票代码为230的公司&五矿建设有限公司(MML)。

    Anyone wondering why should consider Hong Kong stock number 230 : Minmetals Land ( MML ) .

  12. 该公司表示,如果某支ETF基金的股票代码起得好,那么在交易员和机构投资人翻阅基金目录的时候,他们就会优先想到这支基金。

    The company said that cleverly named ETFs will come quicker to traders ' and institutional investors ' minds as they sift through lists of funds .

  13. 如果没有发现一个输出,则将dummy值-999.99F返回给方法使用方,将dummy值解释为对无效股票代码的调用。

    If one is not seen , the dummy value of-999.99F is sent back to the method consumer , which interprets the dummy value as a call for an invalid stock symbol .

  14. 如果用户碰巧将无效股票代码发送到getQuote方法,那么Yahoo股票服务将返回字符串表示发生错误。

    If a user happens to send an invalid stock symbol to the getQuote method , the Yahoo stock service returns a string saying that an error has occurred .

  15. 挪宝计划通过在纽约证券交易所上市最高筹集1.80亿美元,股票代码为NRE。

    Nobao Renewable aims to raise as much as $ 180 million through a listing on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol NRE .

  16. 公司总部位于美国明尼苏达州,在纽约证券交易所上市,股票代码为VAL。纽约证券交易所通过总长达50万公里的电话和电报线路同全国各地的经纪行保持联系。

    It is headquartered in Minneapolis , MN , US and listed in New York Stock Exchange ( VAL ) . Almost half a million kilometers of telephone and telegraph wire link the NYSE with brokerage offices around the nation .

  17. 每个元组代表一对股票代码和股价。

    Each tuple represents a pair of stock tickers and stock prices .

  18. 事件中的股票代码与订阅中的股票代码相匹配。

    The stock symbol in the event matches the stock symbol in the subscription .

  19. 第二个内部函数再将股票代码和股价传递给业务规则函数!

    The second inner function applies the ticker and price to the business rule function !

  20. 第一,它必须获取股票代码列表并检索它们的数据。

    First , it must take a list of stock symbols and retrieve data for each of them .

  21. 如果订阅中的股票代码与历史记录中的股票代码相符合,则产生匹配。

    A match occurs if the stock symbol in the subscription matches a stock symbol in the chronicle .

  22. 对于所有解析器而言,输入总是一样的:股票代码字符串。

    For all of your parsers , the inputs are always the same : strings for the stock symbols .

  23. 芝士蛋糕工厂的一位发言人坦承道,他们的股票代码的确会让新股民们觉得好笑,但它确实会牢牢印在他们的脑子里。

    A Cheesecake Factory spokesperson acknowledged that the ticker may amuse newcomers but said that it does stick in their minds .

  24. 提供一个输入字段,允许用户输入股票代码,仅获取所输入股票的报价。

    Provide an input field for the user to enter stock symbols and fetch the quotes for the entered symbols only .

  25. 在任何情况下,模拟实现肯定都不应该试图处理每个可能的股票代码或访问具有实时数据的数据库。

    In any event , the mock implementation should definitely not try to handle every possible stock symbol or access a database with real-time data .

  26. 成品油零售市场是中国石油股份有限公司(简称中石油)(股票代码601857)多年来的短板。

    The retail market of the product oil has been a shortcoming of PETROCHINA Company Limited ( PETROCHINA ) ( Stock symbol 601857 ) for years .

  27. 历史报价:使用者传入股票代码和日期;提供程序返回指定股票和日期的复杂报价。

    Historical Quote : The consumer passes in a stock symbol and a date ; the provider returns a complex quote for the indicated stock and date .

  28. 太原重工(股票代码:600169)是我国第一家重型机械行业上市公司,其经营业绩和市场形象都很不错。

    Taiyuan Heavy Industry ( 600169 ) is the first heavy machinery listed company in Shanxi Province . At present , it has good results of operations and market image .

  29. 不知道首席执行官的名字,公司的规模,他们的业务,市值,股票代码(上市公司)等等。

    Didn 't know the CEO 's name , the size of the company , their business , the market cap , the tickersymbol ( for public companies ) , etc.

  30. 本文从外部投资者的角度来评价一汽轿车股份有限公司(深市上市公司,股票代码000800)的公司价值,以期达到辅助投资决策的目的。

    ( a listed company in Shenzhen Stock market , 000800 ) to help the investor make the right decision . There are so many methods to estimate the company value .