
  1. 股神巴菲特认为伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)公司的养老金计划每年回报将只有区区7.1%。

    Warren Buffett assumes Berkshire Hathaway 's ( BRKA ) pension plan will earn a modest 7.1 % a year .

  2. 伯克希尔•哈撒威(BerkshireHathaway)董事长、股神巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)曾经将“出生豪门如同中奖”的想法形容为“无耻”。

    Legendary investor Warren Buffett , the billionaire chairman of Berkshire Hathaway , has described'the idea that you win the lottery the moment you 're born'as'outrageous .

  3. 扎克表示:“第一步,超过谷歌;下一步,超过电子商务公司Priceline;终极目标,超过股神巴菲克的伯克希尔•哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)。”

    Says zaky : " first stop , Google , next stop Priceline , final destination , Berkshire Hathaway . "

  4. 结果:①生殖股神经腰大肌穿出点距髂嵴最高点平面上方的垂直距离,左侧(2.93±0.14)cm、右侧(3.61±0.19)cm;

    Results : The perpendicular distance between the exit points of genitofemoral nerves in psoas major and the plane of iliac crest vertex was lower on the left sides ( 2.93 + 0.14 ) cm than that on the right sides ( 3.61 + 0.19 ) cm .

  5. 深圳一家汽车和电池制造商的所有者从人数越来越多的中国百万富翁中脱颖而出,被评为中国大陆首富。美国股神沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)的投资,大幅提振了他的财富。

    The owner of a Shenzhen car and battery maker has emerged from the growing pack of Chinese millionaires to be named the richest person on the mainland after a boost to his wealth driven by an investment by Warren Buffett .

  6. 比亚迪(BYD)在中国内地上市首日股价大涨,最高涨幅达到46%,尽管市场人气疲软,而且这家得到美国股神沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett)支持的中国电动汽车制造商几个月来传出的经营消息不佳。

    Shares in BYD , the Chinese electric carmaker backed by Warren Buffett , the billionaire US investor , rose by as much as 46 per cent in their mainland Chinese debut , in spite of weak market sentiment and months of bad trading news from the company .

  7. 这里引用股神巴菲特的一句话,做进一步说明。

    I invoke the stock deity Buffet 's quotation to make a further explanation .

  8. 对此股神巴菲特亦有同感,指出必须“专注”。

    Warrant Buffet shares the same opinion and has emphasized the importance of concentration .

  9. 如果罗尔邓是股票的话,那么股神巴菲特会全押在他身上。

    If Luol Deng was a stock , Warrant Buffet would be all over him .

  10. 然而,不买“股神”账的也大有人在。

    However , do not buy " shares of God " are also accounts of many people .

  11. 他在股神巴菲特的邀请下,同意每年发表关于基金会状况的年报。

    In his invitation to Warren Buffett , agreed to an annual publication of the situation on the Foundation 's annual report .

  12. 曾以菲利普斯·埃克塞特创业家俱乐部会员身份向股神巴菲特推销过盈利模式的人,请举手

    All those who pitched business models to Warren Buffett as a member of the Phillips Exeter Entrepreneurs Club raise their hands .

  13. 今天我在吉姆约翰餐厅吃中饭,注意到墙上写的股神巴菲特十大致富秘籍。

    Today I had lunch at Jimmy Johns and noticed a sign on the wall that showed Warren Buffets list of 10 Rules .

  14. 由亿万富翁“股神”巴菲特执掌的伯克希尔公司周五公布的第二季度营收轻松地超出了预期。

    Berkshire ( BRKa ) , which is run by billionaire Warren Buffett , handily beat expectations with its second-quarter earnings on Friday .

  15. 熊市让每个人都看起来像傻子,就像牛市里人人都把自己当“股神”一样。

    Bear markets make you feel dumber than you are , the same way bull markets make you feel smarter than you are .

  16. 中国人把沃伦•巴菲特称为股神,每次他到访,中国媒体会追踪他的一言一行。

    In China they call Warren Buffett the " God of stocks , " and whenever he visits , the Chinese media cover his every move and utterance .

  17. 据《福布斯》杂志发布的富豪榜,目前巴菲特是世界首富,他由于擅长投资常被誉为“股神”。

    Buffett , who is the richest man in the world according to Forbes magazine , is often called the " sage of Omaha " for his successful investments .

  18. 北京:亿万富商兼投资大亨股神沃伦巴菲特将以最特别的方式跟广大中国观众见面:他将献唱中国一度一年的网络春节联欢晚会。

    BEIJING - Billionaire investor Warren Buffett will reach out to millions of Chinese in the most curious of ways : singing for the online version of China 's annual Spring Festival gala .

  19. 近来,“股神”巴菲特与微软创始人比尔•盖茨敦促美国亿万富翁们签字承诺,在生前或死后将至少一半的财产捐献出来。

    Investor Warren Buffett and Microsoft founder Bill Gates are urging America 's billionaires to sign a pledge to give away at least half their wealth during their lifetime or upon their death .

  20. 《福布斯》杂志日前发布最新美国富豪榜,微软集团创始人比尔-盖茨取代“股神”沃伦-巴菲特,重夺首富桂冠。

    Microsoft founder Bill Gates has recovered his spot at the top of the US money heap , displacing investor Warren Buffett as America 's richest person , Forbes magazine 's latest list reveals .

  21. 沃伦·巴菲特作为20世纪最成功的投资商,受到众人的膜拜,他被称为“奥马哈股神”,是世界富豪排行榜上的常客。

    Regarded by many as the most successful investor of the 20th century , Warren Buffett , the " Oracle of Omaha , " is regularly ranked among the richest people in the world .

  22. 克莱格还列出了一个“只要他们愿意,就可让他变富”的富人名单,这些富人包括歌星嘎嘎小姐、股神巴菲特、影星加里布塞、棒球明星汤姆西沃尔等等。

    He also listed and asked dozens of wealthy individuals , including Lady Gaga , Warren Buffett , Nelson Mandela , Gary Busey and Tom Seaver , who he claimed could make him rich if they wanted to .

  23. 你得记住,尽管彼得•安德鲁•巴菲特是股神和已故的苏珊•巴菲特(他的母亲逝世于2004年)的第二个儿子,他并不习惯这种巨星待遇。

    You have to remember that while Peter Andrew Buffett may be the second son of the " God of stocks " and the late Susan Buffett his mother died in 2004 he is not used to the star treatment .

  24. 有的时候,人们购买某件东西,看重的不是它的实用性,为这个东西花多少钱才是重点——比如有人花350万美元只为与股神巴菲特吃一顿饭。

    The price is very nearly the object Sometimes , how much you pay for something -- as opposed to its function -- is the point of the exercise , like paying $ 3.5 million for dinner with Warren Buffett .

  25. 该杂志称,这是盖茨自1995年以来第二次失去全球首富桂冠。据《福布斯》估计,斯利姆的净资产总额达到535亿美元,盖茨为530亿美元,“股神”沃伦•巴菲特以470亿美元的身价位列第三。

    It is only the second time since 1995 that Gates has lost the crown , the magazine said , estimating Slim 's net worth at $ 53.5 billion , compared to Gates 's $ 53 billion fortune , while investor Warren Buffett came in at No. 3 with $ 47 billion 。