
  • 网络A clockwork orange;Anthony Burgess
  1. 希斯·莱杰同时也从《发条橙》(1971)里的爱雷克斯和席德·维休斯那里获得了灵感。

    Ledger also took inspiration from A Clockwork Orange ( 1971 ) 's Alex and Sid Vicious .

  2. 第三部分是本论文的主体部分,即对《发条橙》的存在主义解读,作者将从三个方面展开研究。

    The third part is the interpretation of A Clockwork Orange from the perspective of Existentialism . This part is composed of three sections .

  3. 在座各位有谁看过电影《发条橙》

    Has anybody here seen the movie " Clockwork Orange "?

  4. 试论《发条橙》对暴力犯罪的可贵探索

    A Probe into Violence Crime in A Clockwork Orange

  5. 自由的困境&由《发条橙》而引发的追问

    The Dilemma of Freedom

  6. 安东尼·伯吉斯眼中的后现代世界&《发条橙》中的后现代主义因素探析

    The Postmodern World in Anthony Burgess 's Eyes & An Analysis of the Postmodern Factors in Clockwork Orange

  7. 那个时代最有争议的暴力片《发条橙》一共描述了一次谋杀,但谋杀是听到的,而没有表现在屏幕上。

    The most controversial violent film of that era , A Clockwork Orange , depicted a total of one killing , which was heard , but not on-camera .

  8. 本文将以英国反乌托邦小说中《美丽新世界》、《1984》、《蝇王》以及《发条橙》为研究重点,探讨反乌托邦小说中英雄形象的异化以及乌托邦精神的蜕变。

    This article focuses on the analysis of these anti-Utopia novels - Brave New World , Nineteen-Eighty Four , Lord of The Flies and the Clockwork Orange and probes into the alienation of images of hero in anti-Utopia novels and the spallation of Utopia spirits .

  9. 后来他们出版了自己的同好杂志《发条香蕉》(BananeMecanique),其中第一期是把电影《发条橙》(AClockworkOrange)的海报和专辑《地下丝绒乐队与妮可》(TheVelvetUnderground&Nico)的封面糅在了一起。

    Later , they 'd produce their own fanzine , Banane M canique ( Clockwork Banana ) , the first issue of which featured a mash-up of the poster for A Clockwork Orange and the cover of the album The Velvet Underground & Nico .