
chǎnɡ nèi jiāo yì
  • transaction on exchange
  1. 在25年前的金融大改革发生前,伦敦证交所(LSE)在针线街(ThreadneedleStreet)经营着一个场内交易市场。

    Before Big Bang financial reforms a quarter of a century ago , the London Stock Exchange operated on a market floor in Threadneedle Street .

  2. 中国场内交易衍生品市场特点分析与未来发展

    Characteristics and the development of on-exchange derivatives market in China

  3. 证券市场包括场内交易市场和场外交易市场两种类型。

    Securities market includes market in the field and over-the-counter ( OTC ) market .

  4. 不过利奇表示他支持扩大场内交易是出于安全原因。

    But Mr Leach said he supported going further on exchange trading for safety reasons .

  5. 并且该交易规则规定今后矿业的权的交易都要以场内交易的方式进行。

    And the trading rules mining rights trading in the future should be the way of floor trading .

  6. 调查内容包括,特设经纪商涉嫌在买方和卖方之间过度干涉。特设经纪商是场内交易活动的控制者。

    This involves alleged excessive interference between buyers and sellers by the specialist firms that control activity on the floor .

  7. 从1984年上海小街道上的场内交易发展到如今,中国股市的官方市值已高达2.7万亿美元。

    From kerb trading on the back streets of Shanghai in1984 , the market 's official capitalisation is now $ 2,700bn .

  8. 这些天-并且在以后的4年-他接到了很多他以前做场内交易时认识的人的电话。

    These days and in the last 4 years he 's getting a lot of calls from people he knew from the floor .

  9. 自1973年在美国首次进行场内交易以来,期权市场的发展十分迅猛。

    Since 1973 when options on stocks were first traded on an organized exchange , there has been a dramatic growth in options markets .

  10. 由于证券市场存在的失灵现象以及不同于场内交易市场的系统性和非系统性风险因素,它要求必须对场外交易市场进行监管。

    Supervision gets essential in the over-the-counter market . because of the existence of the securities market failures and the systematic and non-systemic risk factors different from those of floor trading market .

  11. 在监管范围上,多数国家是以场内交易产品为主,对于场外的远期和互换交易是否涉嫌为受监管的期货交易,各国都有不同的判断标准。

    In the scope of regulation , the majority of countries base on the exchange products , as to the forwards and swap transactions are suspected to be regulated or not , different countries have different criteria for judging .

  12. 然后,芝加哥商业交易所于1986年引入了电子交易,使得让两家交易所声名远扬的场内交易黯然失色,并推动芝加哥商业交易所的合约交易量首次超过芝加哥期货交易所。

    Then came the Merc 's embrace of electronic trading in 1986 , which has come to eclipse the pit trading for which both exchanges had been known . It also helped propel the Merc past the CBOT for the first time in volume of contracts traded .

  13. DMO证实,由于届时进入场内坐在交易台前打开电脑屏幕交易的国债交易员可能寥寥无几,该办公室已被迫采取非常规举措,对拍卖日程做出调整。

    The DMO confirmed that the prospect of so few gilts traders being at their desks with trading screens switched on had caused it to take the unusual step of rescheduling auctions .

  14. 麦格理估计,受贷款收紧影响,中国保税仓库中大约将有29万吨铜被转移,大部分将流入LME仓库,不论是通过场内还是场外交易。

    Macquarie estimates that , due to the lending squeeze , about 290,000 tonnes of copper in Chinese bonded warehouses will be moved , mostly to LME warehouses , either on or off-exchange .

  15. 1982年股指期货在美国诞生,此后世界范围内出现了股指期货上市和交易的热潮,如今股指衍生品已成为全球场内金融衍生品交易的主导。

    1982 witnessed the birth of stock index futures in U.S. , the world then saw the mushrooming of launching and trading stock index futures in a row . Nowadays , the stock index derivatives have been the dominant financial derivatives exchange-traded globally .