
  • 网络Planning company;Scheming Companies
  1. 他们在同一家婚礼策划公司工作。

    They work together in a wedding planning company .

  2. 东京一家婚礼策划公司近日宣布,将实行“睡眠报酬制度”以鼓励员工获得更多睡眠。

    A Tokyo-based wedding planning company recently announced the implementation of a " sleep remuneration system " to encourage its workforce to get more sleep .

  3. 她一头金发,美丽迷人,并且依靠自己在诺丁汉经营的派对策划公司EloquentEvents每年可以赚得30万英镑。

    Shes blonde , glamorous and earns 300,000 a year running her own party planning business , Eloquent Events , in Nottingham .

  4. 他们,均来自于国际、国内4A公司,以及本土著名策划公司。

    They , come from internationally , domestic4A Corporation , as well as native place famous plan company .

  5. Kinek是该计划的策划公司,公司老板加雷斯•苏杜(GarethSudul)说,商家喜欢这种简单的“Kinek网点”服务。

    Gareth Sudul , head of Kinek , the firm behind the scheme , says that businesses like the simplicity of providing a " KinekPoint " service .

  6. 康斯成立于1995年,是一家国际性的专业医药战略、营销咨询和广告策划公司。

    Consultech , established in1995 , is a China-based healthcare consulting and marketing communications company .

  7. 他们的做法:在2008年经济危机期间创办一家活动策划公司诚然是件担风险的事。

    What they did : launching a liveevents agency during the 2008 slump was kind of risky .

  8. 最后,论文以一家房地产策划公司为对象进行了实证研究,以该公司的数据对所选取的因素及其权重进行了检验,结果证明论文所选取的因素及其权重具有一定的适用性。

    Finally , a case of a real estate engineering company has been studied in order to verify the factors and their weights .

  9. 冠状病毒危机开始时,堪萨斯城一家活动策划公司开始出售写有“我握手”的贴纸。

    When the coronavirus crisis first began , an event planning business in Kansas City began selling " I Shake Hands " stickers .

  10. 即使市场营销策划公司有了很好的创意方案,为了防止个别不良企业以招标之名行剽夺之实也不会轻易拿出来的。

    Even if marketing companies planning a good creative scheme , in order to prevent adverse individual enterprises to invite tender is not out of easily .

  11. 多年来,在北京红竹影视的大力支持下,索迪影视已逐渐成长为山东半岛比较有影响力的影视策划公司之一。

    Over the years , under the strong support of Red Bamboo in Beijing , Surode have gradually grown more influential one of film and television companies in Shandong Province .

  12. 广西太阳黑子企业策划公司作为目前广西区内最大型媒体运营公司之一,在激烈的市场竞争条件下也面临各种竞争对手的竞争以及不可预计的媒体政策变化的情况。

    As one of the largest media operators in Guangxi , the Guangxi Sunspot Business Consulting Co , Ltd. is facing more and more intense competition and unexpected government policy changes .

  13. 传统上夏季是婚礼的旺季,成本因此也很高。对于婚礼场地、烘焙店、酒席承办方、鲜花店和婚礼策划公司而言,它们的服务在旺季的时候会供不应求,费用自然也会收得更高。

    Traditionally , the demand is high for summer weddings , as are the costs . Venues , bakers , caterers , florists and planners may all charge more during the peak season because their time and services are so stretched .

  14. 指出房地产营销策划公司应通过人力资源管理构筑企业的核心竞争力;以现代营销理论为指导,改进业务模式,满足消费者个性化需求,提高自身服务的附加值。

    It is suggested that real estate marketing planning agencies should enhance their core competitiveness through human resource management , modify their business models based on modern marketing theory , and satisfy individualized needs of their customers to increase the added value of their service .

  15. 他拒绝与霍华德休斯合作,并拒绝为美国政府策划汽车公司americanmotors的援助方案就是一个例子。

    He declined to work for Howard Hughes , for example , and refused to help the American government devise a scheme to bail out American Motors , a car company .

  16. 根据公司的组织结构,策划设计公司局域网的方案;

    According to company organizational structure , to design the company local area network ;

  17. ·策划组织公司广告投放和推广活动。

    Coordinate company advertising and promotional activities .

  18. 上海造欣文化传播有限公司是影视制作服务及活动策划执行公司。

    Shanghai Zaoxin Culture Media Co ' . LTD is a movie making and event planning and execution company .

  19. 尚艺企业形象策划有限公司拥有多年的品牌建立、策划设计的专业经验。

    Savvy Marketing Strategy Ltd. , We have over the years evolved into marketing strategy , design , package produce , printing organization .

  20. 南宁歌海音乐影视策划有限公司,一家专业艺术文化策划制作公司,质量和信誉是其存在的基石。

    Nanning music video song sea planning Limited , a professional arts and cultural planning production companies , the quality and reputation are the cornerstones of its existence .

  21. 广州炫色企业形象策划有限公司培训部专业为化妆造型、摄影、影视等行业提供专业化妆造型师!

    Hyun-color fashion vocational training is a set of make-up styling , photography , digital design , beauty make-up , advertising design as one of the major training institutions !

  22. 参加我们的活动意味着你同意活动的组织者&开功咨询策划有限公司,以电子邮件的形式告知你其组织的其他音乐活动。

    Entrance into this promotion means you allow the organisers of the Splition , Spli-t Works , to contact you via email about other related music events that they organise .

  23. 负责策划和建立公司计量体系与流程。

    To develop and build gage control system and process .

  24. 这个管理策划方案是公司管理发展系统化、有远见的证明?

    The management planning program bears witness to the fact that the company has organized management development in systematic , far-sighted way .

  25. 负责策划、组织公司各类宣传教育、庆典联谊及综合性文艺、体育和各类竞赛活动。

    Take charge of planning and planning various company activities such as publicity and education , festive celebrations , entertainment sessions , sports and competitions .

  26. Hackbright和DevBootcamp的毕业生约有90%在三个月内都收到了工作邀请,目前都在Facebook和在线活动策划平台Eventbrite等公司担任工程师。

    Almost 90 % of hackbright and dev bootcamp graduates receive offers within three months and now work as engineers at companies like Facebook and eventbrite .

  27. 阿里·米尔斯顿是“自动停车系统开发有限公司”的策划总监,该公司位于美国是一家德国公司的分公司。

    the director of planning for Automation Parking Systems , which is the U.S. subsidiary of a German company .

  28. 活动策划&从计划公司活动到计划成人仪式,活动策划虽然工作量很大但是它提供的报酬也很丰厚。

    Event planning & From planning corporate events to bar mitzvahs , an event planning business can require plenty of work and offer plenty of pay .

  29. 是一架致力于连线礼品机,圆盘机,投币游戏机的研发于生产,大型娱乐场地合作策划为一体的公司。

    A plane is dedicated to attachment gift machines , slot machines , the disc in production , r & d console large-scale entertainment venues cooperation planning into a company .

  30. 笔者在中小型机电产品出口企业任职数年,先后从事过销售工作和营销策划工作,与公司高层和客户有较多的沟通。

    I held a post in the medium and small-scale electromechanical export-oriented enterprise for several years , was successively engaged in sale and marketing plan and work , have more communication with top management of the company and customer .