
zū jiè
  • lease;rent;hire;lend-lease;let;rent out;let out
租借 [zū jiè]
  • (1) [rent;hire]∶租用

  • (2) [rent out;let out;lease]∶出租

  • (3) [lend-lease]∶美国在第二次世界大战中向盟国提供战争物资(如飞机、坦克、卡车等)以及其他补给(包括食品和劳务)的方法

租借[zū jiè]
  1. 立法机关废除了不得人心的租借法案。

    The legislature repealed the unpopular Rent Act .

  2. 虽然能在Fire上租借高清视频,但它本身只支持标清视频播放。

    Though you can rent HD content on it , the Fire only supports standard definition video .

  3. 房产注册簿上也会说明房产是终身保有的还是租借的。

    The property register will also say whether the property is freehold or leasehold .

  4. 如果你对租借的车明显不满意,可随时另换一辆。

    If the car you have leased is clearly unsatisfactory , you can always exchange it for another .

  5. 一部戏剧连演结束后,很多服装都会租借给业余剧团和学校。

    When a play finishes its run , many of the costumes are hired out to amateur dramatics companies and schools .

  6. 波士顿美术博物馆已经签订合同,将其部分藏品租借给日本一家博物馆。

    The Boston Museum of Fine Arts has already contracted to lease part of its collection to a museum in Japan .

  7. 大象是他们从动物园租借的,警察也是他们请来开罚单的!本的朋友还把一切都拍了下来。

    They had rented the elephant from a zoo and asked the policeman to write the ticket ! Ben 's friends also made a film of everything .

  8. 所有的车辆信息来自公司车辆系统(CorporateVehicleSystem),它为所有的租借地点提供集中的车辆信息维护。

    All vehicle information comes from the Corporate Vehicle System that maintains centralized vehicle information for all rental locations .

  9. 父亲把Näs租借出去,像之前他父亲那样,而现在他的儿子也是这样做。

    He leased N ä s , like his father , and now his son does the same .

  10. 这位英格兰中场在他与AC米兰的租借期满后,按照预先安排将在下个月返回洛杉矶银河队。

    The English midfielder will return to the MLS team next month as scheduled after his loan agreement with AC Milan ends .

  11. 有声书曾经是一种静态、小众的东西,供发烧友们租借笨重的磁带或CD在上下班通勤时听。现在它已经变得大众化。

    Once a static niche for aficionados renting clunky cassettes or CDs for their commutes , audio books have gone mass-market .

  12. 随后,他加盟美国职业大联盟足球联赛的洛杉矶银河俱乐部,接着租借到意大利豪门AC米兰俱乐部。

    A move to Major League Soccer in the United States with LA Galaxy followed and also two loan periods at Italian giants AC Milan .

  13. 例如,Netflix使用先前的租借行为来推荐附加的电影节目选择。

    For example , Netflix uses prior renting behaviors to recommend additional selections .

  14. 但是据《Interview》杂志的时尚总监安娜贝尔托乐曼(音译)称,小明星们通常从设计师和珠宝商那里租借行头。

    But less famous stars more typically get their pieces on loan from designers and jewelers , according to Annabel Tollman , fashion director at Interview Magazine .

  15. ADR的实质是一程序群,主要类型包括有协商、调解、调停、裁决、小型审理和租借法官等。

    ADR is a group of procedures , which includes negotiation , meditation , conciliation , Mini-trial and so on .

  16. 2003年以来通过租借投资银行qfii额度在华进行投资的封闭式基金专业机构cityoflondoninvestmentgroup于今年6月获得了自己的1亿美元额度。

    City of London investment group , a closed-end fund specialist that has invested in China since 2003 by renting QFII quota from investment banks , received its own $ 100m quota in June .

  17. 你可以在T3的YogaRoom瑜伽室(免费使用)活动一下,那里免费租借垫子和清洁巾。

    Get your om on in the Yoga Room , which offers free loaner mats and cleansing wipes , also in 3 ( access is free ) .

  18. 在美国职业联赛无赛期间,他还被租借到AC米兰,以此来保持他的体形,为他能继续为英格兰国家队效力养精蓄锐。

    He has been loaned to AC Milan during the American closed season to keep up his fitness and form so that he can continue to play for his country : England .

  19. 不过视频点播的创收要高得多&为电影公司带来每部电影0.65美元,而DVD租借为0.25美元。

    Yet video-on-demand generates significantly better returns – about $ 0.65 per film for the studio against $ 0.25 from a DVD rental .

  20. 时装设计师亚历山大麦奎恩(alexandermcqueen)曾在几年前向特纳租借了一些鸟类填充标本。

    Alexander McQueen , the fashion designer , leased stuffed birds from Turner a few years ago .

  21. 最常被提及的改变与娱乐相关,32%的受访者指出,他们已经停止或接近停止租借或购买DVD。

    The most frequently cited change relates to entertainment , with 32 percent indicating they had stopped or almost stopped renting or buying DVDs .

  22. 动物园园长丹尼斯W凯利上周来到中国协商新的熊猫租借方案来代替在12月6号到期的一千万租借大熊猫十年的租约。

    Zoo Director Dennis W. Kelly was in China last week seeking to negotiate a new panda arrangement to replace the 10-year , $ 10 million lease that expired Dec. 6 .

  23. 贝壳正在和LA银河讨论一个暂时租借到到欧洲俱乐部的方案,以帮助贝壳在MLS赛季再开前保持良好的状态。

    Beckham is having discussions with LA Galaxy about a temporary switch to Europe to boost his fitness levels before the MLS season resumes .

  24. 好莱坞电影公司正考虑对电影租借方式进行重大改革。华纳兄弟(WarnerBrothers)在欧洲多个国家发起视频点播推广活动。

    Hollywood studios are eyeing a significant shift in the way they make their films available to rent after Warner Brothers launched a Europe-wide video-on-demand push .

  25. 一旦它拥有了某个DVD,该公司就有权按自己希望的价格,将之租借给任何想看这张DVD的人。

    Once Netflix owns a DVD , it has the rights to rent it to whomever it wants , at whatever price it wants to charge .

  26. Hobson经常把马租借该剑桥大学的学生。

    Mister Hobson often rented horses to the students at Cambridge University .

  27. 在从Amazon租借服务器之后,可以像对待物理服务器一样使用一般的SSH工具设置连接和维护服务器。

    After you have rented the servers from Amazon , you can use normal SSH tools to set up connection and manipulate your servers just like physical ones .

  28. 这预示着第二产业中劳动收入份额前期受FDI的技术租借效应影响较长,其工资竞争效应开始占有优势的时间点晚于第一、三产业。

    This indicates that the labor income share of the secondary sector is pre-leased by the Effect of FDI Technical and their wages competitive effects begin later than the first and the third industries .

  29. 该协议灵活运用HMAC,确保代理每次租借时客户总是激活的,从而尽量避免恶意攻击。

    The protocol uses HMAC to guarantee the client being active , then protects leasing from attacks .

  30. 今年3月,贝克汉姆作为租借球员在AC米兰队效力期间由于跟腱受伤,没能参加之后的世界杯。但这位洛杉矶银河队的中场球员一直希望在伤愈后能重返英格兰国家队。

    Beckham was unable to play in the World Cup due to an Achilles injury suffered while on loan at AC Milan in March , but the LA Galaxy midfielder had hoped to return to England duty when he was fully fit .