
Of course , rental fees for such housing are much below the market prices .
I pay a higher rent than the other tenants because my room is bigger .
M : In my opinion , the rent is far more expensive than that in other areas .
The rent is less than what I used to pay in New York City for taxi fare every month .
They never fell to the levels consistent with long-term price-to-rent and price-to-income ratios , which are reliable metrics of the property markets ' relative under - or over-valuation .
When looking at house prices , just look at price-to-rent and the Price-to-income ratios , sales volumes and credit statistics , and you know everything you need to know .
This paper puts emphasis on House price-Rental ratio , which is often used as a measurement index of real estate bubble ; It is an effective supplement for the bubble study .
Brickfields was built with the help of a state subsidy and 30 per cent of flats are set aside for poor tenants who pay rents 20 per cent below the market rate .
In his view , we might not yet have witnessed a full correction of some of the imbalance that the 1997-2007 housing bubble created , such as decreasing affordability or surging price-to-rent ratios .
House price-Rental ratio is significantly high in most cities in China in recent years . The argue about whether there is bubble in the real estate market or not is on debate without end .
Based on measures such as the ratio of prices to rents , housing was somewhere close to fair value , MS Bhide said , but it was more important to look at the overall health of the recovery .
The final rent that the landlord has offered is already below the market rate .
Years of price rises have made office rents in Beijing more expensive than in midtown Manhattan .
Zegna estimates that the rental cost was just 15 per cent more than that of a long-term let .
The rent-price ratio is international criteria in evaluating a city 's property market , and a ratio between 1:200 and 1:100 would signal a healthy market .
The excessively low rent-price ratio affects the development of the rental market , said Zhang Dawei , chief market analyst of Centaline , a real estate company .
While costs elsewhere in China are lower , the trend has been similar . From the financial centre of Shanghai to cities such as Chengdu in the west , office rents have been soaring .
A slightly more expensive area where rented apartments , for example , probably command at least a $ 500-a-month premium over the buildings along Massachusetts Avenue it is even closer to the National Mall , a plethora of free museums and the Shakespeare Theatre Company .
Over the past few decades , rental affordability has become a widespread problem in the U.S.as rent levels grew faster than renter income .
The analysis shows that losses in rents would be much less than is commonly expected , as high production costs eat up much of the potential benefit from preferential access to the high-price markets .
If , in the west , people are unable to buy a property because of the need for a big deposit , many may be forced to rent , paying as much as , if not more , than on a mortgage .
A new Tenancy shall only be created by a fresh tenancy agreement in writing signed by the Landlord and the Tenant . For existing tenancies , rents are still regulated , and renewals must stay at a level comparable with those for similar dwellings in the locality .