
hánɡ xínɡ zì yóu
  • freedom of navigation
  1. 它回敬了驻日美军司令博尔顿菲尔德(burtonfield)将军在记者招待会上呼吁中国“尊重航行自由”的说法。

    It was responding to a press conference by general Burton field , the commander of American forces in Japan , at which he called on China to respect the freedom of navigation .

  2. 美国海军作战部长约翰•理查森上将(AdmiralJohnRichardson)在上周访问北京时称,美国军舰也将继续在争议岛屿附近进行定期的“航行自由”行动。

    Admiral John Richardson , the head of the US navy , said on a visit to Beijing last week that his ships would also continue their periodic " freedom of navigation " exercises near contested islands .

  3. 菲律宾总统BenignoAquino高度评价周二美国在该地区的作用,称它确保了航行自由。

    The Philippine President Benigno Aquino spoke highly of the US role in the region on Tuesday , saying it ensures the freedom of navigation .

  4. 中国还应重申对航行自由原则的承诺。

    It should reiterate its commitment to freedom of navigation .

  5. (五)关于南海航行自由和安全

    v. On freedom and safety of navigation in the South China Sea

  6. 安理会还会确认需要保证国际水道的航行自由。

    The Council also affirmed the need to guarantee free navigation through international waterways .

  7. 南海问题的关注点有两个:一是航行自由。

    There are two points of focus .

  8. 美国表示,国际水域的航行自由是美国的国家利益。

    The United States says it has a national interest in freedom of navigation in international waters .

  9. 最后我想补充讲在南海的航行自由、安全是有保证的。

    And I want to add also that the freedom and safety of navigation in the South China Sea is assured .

  10. 推进海上安全合作,维护海洋和平与稳定、海上航行自由与安全。

    It advances maritime security cooperation , and maintains maritime peace and stability , as well as free and safe navigation .

  11. 今后,中国将一如既往与各国一道共同维护南海航行自由与安全。

    China will continue to work with other countries to safeguard the freedom of navigation and safety in the South China Sea .

  12. 中国与其邻国的紧张局势不断升级,有一天可能威胁到欧洲贸易所依赖的航行自由。

    And growing tensions between China and its neighbours could one day menace the freedom of navigation on which European trade depends .

  13. 应该说,本地区各国和域外国家都是南海航行自由与安全的受益者。

    It is fair to say that countries in and outside the region all benefit from freedom of navigation and safety in the South China Sea .

  14. 南海的航行自由从来就没有问题,将来也不会成为问题。

    One is the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea , which has never seen any problems and will never see any in the future .

  15. 中国支持南海地区航行自由与安全,并与有关各方一道,共同推进海上安全合作。

    We support the freedom and security of navigation in the South China Sea , and have worked with the relevant parties to promote maritime security cooperation .

  16. 这也激起了美国的愤怒,美国声称其军事建造威胁该重要国际航道的航行自由。

    It has also earned the ire of the United States , whichsays a military buildup in the area will threaten the free transit ofstrategically important international waterways .

  17. 因此,航行自由、畅通无阻的合法商贸、尊重国际法和国际准则以及和平解决领土争端,符合各方的利益。

    So its in everyones interest that there be freedom of navigation , unimpeded lawful commerce , respect for international laws and norms , and peaceful resolution of territorial disputes .

  18. 每年有10多万艘各国船只安全通过南海。中国与东盟国家已达成共识,将保证南海的航行自由与安全。

    Each year , over 100,000 ships from various countries sail safely through these waters , and China and ASEAN have agreed to ensure navigation freedom and safety in the South China Sea .

  19. 美国声称,在该海域的航行自由关系到它的“国家利益”;而且它也和东南亚声索国一样,把中国视为威胁。

    America asserts its own " national interest " in the freedom of navigation in the sea , and , like the South-East Asian claimants to the sea , sees China as the threat .

  20. 准则既要尊重沿海国管理资源的规定,对专属经济区内海上和空中的军事活动进行管理,又要保障航行自由。

    The agreements should , while respecting the resource regulations of coastal states , guarantee freedom of navigation and regulate the behavior of naval activities in the air and on the sea in the EEZs .

  21. 我们帮助日本和韩国重建、在亚洲的海上航道巡逻以维护航行自由、促进了全球商品运输、并支持中国加入世界贸易组织。

    Of course , we helped Japan and South Korea rebuild , patrolled Asia 's sea lanes to preserve freedom of navigation , promoted global shipping , and supported China 's membership in the WTO .

  22. 毕竟亚洲航行自由面临的最大威胁之一,就是中国在南中国海(中国称南海)的领土主张以及在跟日本的多起岛屿争端方面态度日益强硬。

    After all , one of the biggest threats to free navigation in Asia is China 's growing assertiveness in pursuing unreasonable territorial claims in the South China Sea and in various island disputes with Japan .

  23. 航行自由和依法开采海上资源等问题往往牵涉一大片地区,在僵硬的双边基础上解决这些问题,很可能会导致混乱甚至对抗,希拉里在柬埔寨举行的一个地区峰会上表示。

    Issues such as freedom of navigation and lawful exploitation of maritime resources often involve a wide region , and approaching them strictly bilaterally could be a recipe for confusion and even confrontation , she told a regional summit in Cambodia .

  24. 其蕴涵的国际法思想主要有:航行自由和捕鱼自由、贸易自由、无害通过权、人类共同财产及和平论与和平解决国际争端等。

    The thoughts of international law embodied in his writings consist mainly of freedom of navigation on the seas , freedom of fishing , freedom of trade , innocent passage , common human property , ideas on peace and peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  25. 因而,中方对南海航行自由高度重视,对其安全保障十分关心,实事求是地看,南海存在的领土争议对国际航路没有构成什么影响。

    Therefore , China places high importance on the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea and cares deeply about ensuring the safety of navigation there . The truth is , the territorial disputes in the South China Sea have not affected the international shipping lane .

  26. 水下航行体自由面兴波时域分析

    The time-domain analysis of wave making by the moving submerged body

  27. 威尼斯得以繁荣,是因为它利用海上势力来推行海上航行的自由。

    Venice prospered because it used its maritime power to enforce freedom of navigation .

  28. 作为国际航道,南海的航行是自由的,航道是安全的。

    Navigation in the South China Sea is free and the international shipping lanes are safe .

  29. 最后,他又要回到太平洋中来,他的诺第留斯号在太平洋中航行方便自由吗?

    Finally , would he return to the seas of the Pacific , where his Nautilus could navigate freely and easily ?

  30. 海洋解释是关于美国的海上中立权利益(自由航行、自由贸易、船只被扣与海员的强行征用);

    The former is about American maritime neutral interests , such as free sailing , free trade , seizure of ships and impressments of seamen ;