
  • 网络tenancy
  1. 十六世纪以来,太湖流域以南广大农村地区租佃制兴盛不衰,一度成为主流的生产关系。

    The soil tenancy system was kept prospering in those country lying in the southern of the Tai Lake since the 16th century and it had been becoming a mainstream among the production connection .

  2. 从制度学派的角度看租佃制

    The tenancy system as seen as from the institutional school

  3. 以及阐明封建租佃制取代农奴生产制的历史必然。

    And clarify the feudal rent system replacing the historical necessity of serf-production .

  4. 井田制与租佃制的比较分析

    Comparative Analysis on Well Field System and Tenancy System

  5. 山地长期租佃制&湖南省新晃县山地制度改革的实践与思考

    The long term tenancy system of hill land

  6. 这些都导致了农场经营的困难和租佃制大行其道。

    These had all led to the difficulties and popularity of the tenancy system .

  7. 从租佃制形式看宋代租佃契约的订立

    Signature of the Rent Contract Seen from Kinds of the Rent System in the Song Dynasty

  8. 以往学者们从传统理论上分析,总是认为租佃制是无效率的。

    Former scholars analyzed it on the basis of traditional theories and concluded with the inefficiency of the tenancy system .

  9. 当时的社会不公与社会危机另有原因,与租佃制关系不大。

    The inequality and crisis of the then society has other reasons , and less concerns with the system of land-renting .

  10. 因此,租佃制的大发展是以金融为主的垄断力量共同作用的结果。

    Therefore , the tenancy system was based on large-scale development of financial-based results of the joint effect of monopoly power .

  11. 由于实施两税法、代役制和租佃制等新的经济制度,激发了广大农民的生产积极性。

    The new economic policies such as the " two-taxes " system and the tenancy system greatly motivated the peasants to work .

  12. 所以西部租佃制的大发展,主要是垄断金融集团作用的结果。

    Therefore , the great development of the western tenancy system , was mainly the result of the monopoly financial groups ' control .

  13. 业佃关系与官民关系&传统社会与租佃制再认识之二

    The relationship of " Landlord and Tenant " and the Relationship of Official and Gvilian : Re-Cognition to Traditional Society and Renting System , Part Two

  14. 劳役的消失,租佃制的繁盛以及养羊业的发展,引起经营方式的转变;

    Secondly , the abolishment of penal servitude , the prosperous tenancy of demesne lands and development of sheep-farming contributed to the change in the management styles ;

  15. 清代农业中的合伙制存在着多种类型:与租佃制等有关的合伙制、资本与资本的合伙、由共买共有关系转化来的合伙制等。

    The system of agricultural partnership had such types as the partnership system concerning tenancy system , partnership between funds and funds , and the partnership from mutual purchase .

  16. 清朝中叶以后出现旗地向民地转化的趋势,经营方式则由传统的农奴制向租佃制转变。

    After middle period of Qing Dynasty , the proprietorship of soil was changed from patrician to fresh landholder , and management method was changed from slavery to tenancy .

  17. 之所以如此,一要归之于租佃制在土地权属关系上的优势,其次是由于它在经济绩效方面的优势。

    It can be explained by two causes : one is that the soil tenancy system has the predominance in the connection of soil right , the other is it 's predominance in economy performance .

  18. 这个部分首先分析处于唐宋变革下国家职能是如何转变的,以及这些转变的外在表现,即不抑兼并和契约租佃制。

    To start with , this part will analyze how functions and powers of the state changed under reformation in Tang and Song Dynasty , and analyze the outward manifestations of those changes , which refer to " Non-control of Merger " and " Tenancy Contract " .

  19. 玄烨鉴于此,渐次降低逃人法的处罚力度,逐渐缓解了社会矛盾和民族对立,更深层次的原因是经济社会的发展促使封建租佃制取代了农奴生产制,对逃人产生无异于釜底抽薪。

    Xuan ye in view of this , gradually reduced to escape penalties of the law , gradually easing social conflicts and national opposition , deeper reason is economic and social development of the feudal rent system replaced the SERF system , appear to escape was tantamount to the Cauldron .