
zhǒnɡ zú ɡé lí
  • apartheid;racial segregation
  1. 无论老少都看出他是种族隔离制度的坚决反对者。

    Young and old saw in him an implacable opponent of apartheid .

  2. 他称赞了她在反种族隔离制的斗争中发挥的重要作用。

    He praised her role in the struggle against apartheid .

  3. 曼德拉成为反种族隔离斗争的象征。

    Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid struggle .

  4. 约翰在巴尔的摩长大,当时该市还在实行种族隔离制度。

    John grew up in Baltimore when that city was segregated .

  5. 废除了种族隔离政策后痼疾依然存在。

    When apartheid is over the maladies will linger on .

  6. 联邦最高法院一致裁定学校实行的种族隔离措施违反宪法。

    The Supreme Court unanimously ruled that racial segregation in schools was unconstitutional

  7. 他们加入了一系列当地的反核和反种族隔离团体。

    They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups

  8. 他认为应该实施种族隔离。

    He believes in the separation of the races .

  9. 教育体系本身并没有完全废除种族隔离。

    The school system itself is not totally desegregated .

  10. 他公开抨击种族隔离制度。

    He was an outspoken critic of apartheid .

  11. 鼓励教师调动本身不会消弭教学队伍中的种族隔离。

    Encouraging teacher transfer would not , by itself , integrate the teaching corps .

  12. 南非种族隔离制将部落制度作为其对国土“分而治之”的政策基础。

    Apartheid used tribalism as the basis of its ' divide-and-rule ' homeland policies .

  13. 种族隔离是更大的祸害。

    Apartheid is even a greater evil

  14. 巴西恢复了与南非的外交关系,以示对其采取措施结束种族隔离的正式认可。

    Brazil normalised its diplomatic relations with South Africa in recognition of the steps taken to end apartheid

  15. 纳尔逊·曼德拉先生的释放标志着南非种族隔离政策一去不复返。

    The release of Mr Nelson Mandela marked the point of no return in South Africa 's movement away from apartheid .

  16. 他的演说是对种族隔离政策强有力的尖锐的抨击。

    His speech was a powerful and trenchant attack against 〔 on 〕 apartheid .

  17. 哈佛大学经济学家拉吉·切蒂认为可能的因素包括:经济和种族隔离、社区密度、社区中产阶级规模、学校质量、社区宗教信仰和家庭结构。他认为家庭结构是影响"向上流动"的最有力因素。

    Harvard economist Raj Chetty has pointed to economic and racial segregation , community density , the size of a community 's middle class , the quality of schools , community religiosity , and family structure , which he calls the " single strongest correlate of upward mobility . "

  18. 他们十分厌恶种族隔离和总是被人踢来踢去。

    They were tired to death of segregation and of being kicked around .

  19. 命令解除公立学校中的种族隔离

    Mandated desegregation of public schools .

  20. 没错,过去也有使用阻挠立法手段的——尤其是种族隔离分子阻止民权法案使用过

    Yes , there were filibusters in the past-most notably by segregationists trying to block civil rights legislation .

  21. 令人惊奇的是,南非自己居然变得比种族隔离时期更加不平等,根据世界银行(WorldBank)的数据,该国2009年基尼系数升到了0.63。

    Amazingly , South Africa itself has become less equal since apartheid : by 2009 the country 's Gini had risen to 0.63 , says the World Bank .

  22. 这些结果是1954年最高法庭Brown与取消美国学校种族隔离的教育委员会案件的中心。

    Those results were at the center of the 1954 Supreme Court case Brown vs. the Board of Education that desegregated American schools .

  23. 正是这个问题的严重性,使马西把她的注意从阻止学校的种族隔离和平权措施(AffirmativeAction)转移到了环境问题。

    It was the enormity of the problem that led Ms. Massie to shift her focus away from school desegregation and affirmative action and toward the environment .

  24. 许多非国大(ANC)成员不满他与施行种族隔离的统治者谈判,担心他的立场软化。

    Many in the African National Congress were outraged he had been negotiating with the apartheid rulers and feared he had gone soft .

  25. 这场运动旨在反对,亚拉巴马州,蒙哥马利市对于公共交通系统的,种族隔离政策。它的导火索是,一位叫RosaParks的女士,拒绝为一位白人让座。

    This was a protest campaign against Montgomery , Alabama 's segregation on their public transit system , and it began when a woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white person .

  26. 种族隔离制度的灭亡告诉我,政治是重要的,个别政治家可能扭转乾坤(白人政权信任纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)执掌国家),以及历史永远不按照你预期的道路发展。

    Apartheid 's demise taught me that politics matter , that individual politicians matter ( the white regime trusted Nelson Mandela with the country ) and that history never happens the way you expect .

  27. 他的母亲制作过一部关于民权运动时期取消学校种族隔离的电影,并因此获得“皮博迪”奖(peabodyaward);他的父亲是电视电影制作人,一度曾效力于派拉蒙。

    His mother won a Peabody Award for a film she produced about school integration during the civil rights era while his father made television movies and worked , for a time , at Paramount .

  28. FIFA过去有禁止国家参赛的先例,包括执行种族隔离的南非,以及因战争分裂的南斯拉夫。去年俄罗斯打算将乌克兰宣称拥有主权的克里米亚纳入其国内联赛,最后在欧盟足球组织欧洲足联(UEFA)施压下放弃了。

    FIFA has suspended members in the past , including apartheid-era South Africa and war-torn Yugoslavia , and last year UEFA , the European Union 's soccer organization , forced Russia to drop plans to incorporate Crimean teams claimed by Ukraine .

  29. 南非总统祖马在反种族隔离积极分子AlbertinaSisulu的葬礼上发表悼词,称她是一位“国民英雄”。

    South Africa 's President Jacob Zuma has delivered a eulogy at the funeral of the anti-apartheid activist , Albertina Sisulu , calling her a " national heroine " .

  30. 本杰明·胡克斯(BenjaminHooks):“所以,当我退伍之后,我已经决定,我要打破种族隔离。就因为我感到种族隔离必须被打破,一定会被打破。所以,我自觉地将我的一生致力于推进种族平等的事业。”

    BENJAMIN HOOKS : " So when I came out of the Army , I had already decided I wanted to be part of segregation . Because I felt it had to be broken down . I felt it would be broken . So I consciously devoted my life to that . "