
  1. 农民喜欢用堆肥来种植蔬菜。

    Farmers like to use compost to grow vegetables .

  2. 他种植蔬菜、果树,甚至养蜂采蜜。

    He planted vegetables , fruit trees and even kept bees for honey .

  3. B:我们学会了饲养动物和种植蔬菜。

    B : We learned to feed animals and plant vegetables .

  4. 如果你有一个大花园,自己种植蔬菜就会很容易。

    If you have a large garden , growing your own is easy .

  5. 该学会研究主任MarkTeffeau表示,这种花盆在种植蔬菜,小型花卉,例如天竺葵和凤仙花方面效果显著。

    The institute 's research director , Mark Teffeau , says the flowerpot works well for vegetables and small flowering plants like geraniums and impatiens .

  6. JoshBrill和MeadowSquire在东北佛蒙特州小镇Tinmouth种植蔬菜和稻米。

    Josh Brill and Meadow Squire grow vegetables and rice in Tinmouth , a town in the northeastern state of Vermont .

  7. 为了看生活垃圾转换成肥料后怎样处理,我们参观了一个温室,那里农民LiYuanhu正在种植蔬菜和水果。

    In order to see what happens next to fertilizer transformed from household rubbish , we went to visit a green house , where farmer Li Yuanhu is planting vegetables and fruit .

  8. AndersWilhelmson表示,通过将肥料用于种植蔬菜,人们的收益将是花费的十倍。

    Anders Wilhelmson says people can ten times what they paid by using the resulting fertilizer to grow vegetable gardens .

  9. 本试验通过模拟酸雨对北方偏碱性土壤种植蔬菜中叶绿素、可溶性糖,IAA等的影响,说明北方也存在酸雨的危害。

    In this paper it is shown by the influence of imitative acidic rain on the chlorophyll , soluble saccharide , IAA and so on in the vegetables planted in the north basic soil that there is the harm of acidic rain also in the north .

  10. 例如,在肯尼亚的内罗毕,Nierenberg发现,Kibera定居点外的女性农民只在他们的门台外面种植蔬菜。

    In Nairobi , Kenya , for example , Ms. Nierenberg found women farmers growing vegetables just outside their doorsteps in the Kibera settlement .

  11. 他们开始大规模地种植蔬菜了。

    They started growing their own vegetables in a big way .

  12. 温室是用来在寒冷的天气里种植蔬菜的。

    Greenhouses are used to grow plants in the cold weather .

  13. 在汤加王国种植蔬菜的尝试及技术体会

    Experience and Attempt of Growing Vegetable in the Kingdom of Tonga

  14. 上周,我们讨论了怎样在部分阳光下种植蔬菜。

    Last week we discussed how to grow vegetables in sun .

  15. 比如种植蔬菜和鲜花?对的。

    Uh , like to grow vegetables and flowers ? Right .

  16. 利用最新技术,中国科学家已能在温室种植蔬菜。

    Using the latest technologies , Chinese scientists grow vegetables in greenhouses .

  17. 镉污染的碱性土壤可种植蔬菜品种的选择

    Selection of Plantable Vegetable Species on the Alkaline Cadmium - Polluted Soil

  18. 我在我们花园的最后种植蔬菜。

    We grow vegetables at the bottom of our garden .

  19. 他可以说是一位种植蔬菜的专家。

    He is something of an expert on growing vegetables .

  20. 他们需要大量的水来种植蔬菜。

    They need plenty of water to grow vegetables .

  21. 种植蔬菜的土壤长期施用高浓度复合肥的情况调查

    Investigation on status of vegetables-growing soil for long-term application of high-analysis compound fertilizer

  22. 什么时候是种植蔬菜的最好时节?

    When is the best time to plant vegetables ?

  23. 我们不能在土地还封冻时种植蔬菜。

    We can 't plant the vegetables while the erath is still frostbound .

  24. 他们在哪里种植蔬菜呢?

    Where do they grow the vegetable soup ?

  25. 他在他的后院里种植蔬菜。

    He grows vegetables in his backyard .

  26. 一个种植蔬菜水果的小园子。

    A small garden where vegetables are grown . Wherein all pleasant fruits do flow .

  27. 通过在花园里种植蔬菜,我们不但可以削减我们的食品开销,还能吃得更健康。

    By planting a vegetable garden , we can slash our food bill while eating healthier .

  28. 村民收入以农为主,主要种植蔬菜、大蒜和水稻。

    Incomes of the villagers rely on farming , mainly planting vegetables , garlic and rice .

  29. 有证据表明消费者对于自己种植蔬菜越来越感兴趣。

    There is evidence that consumers are becoming more and more interested ingrowing their own vegetables .

  30. 专家称,如果采取安全措施,这并不会妨碍菜农种植蔬菜。

    But experts say this should not stop gardeners from growing food if they take safety measures .