- underworld;criminal syndicate;gangland

[gangland] 指社会中包括盗贼、骗子、流氓、娼妓等在内的社会阶层
LA Confidential focuses on the LA mob scene after Siegel9 , but takes in LAPD corruption19 , institutional racism20 , high-class prostitution and more .
The idea for the coffee lid came from the Association of British Detectives and undercover police as many covert recording devices are commonly known in the criminal underworld .
Just like the Crips and the Bloods .
but it reminded me of the gangland massacre in Chicago .
According to NSA , Garcia 's a reputed underworld talent scout .
Or this is gonna blow up into an allout mob war .
you were in trouble with the mob or something ,
The city 's gangs decide to try and catch the killer themselves .
I wouldn 't be surprised if their clients were people with underworld connections .
Booze fuels a criminal underworld .
and spending the last 15 years fighting gang violence and getting dangerous criminals off of our streets .
He was in a gang , so he 's been followed , marked , had his ass whupped more times ...
Tattooed diners will also be turned away , body art in Japan is often considered a link with underworld groups .
In Asia , this business draws everyone from powerful underworld organizations with ties to politics and the military to husband-and-wife teams who brew fake Coca-Cola in bathtubs .
A warrant issued at that time detailed Liu Wei 's involvement in a 2009 gangland-style triple killing at a teahouse in the brothers ' hometown of Guanghan in Sichuan province .
US Attorney Preet Bharara , " It became the bank of choice for the criminal underworld . " Authorities in the US , Spain and Costa Rica have seized bank accounts and arrested five people .
But for most of that history they were stigmatized , associated with prisoners , vagrants and the criminal underworld.Thanks in part to the influence of celebrities and sports stars , tattoos have become much more socially accepted in the past decade .
Fear of capture or pre-emptive destruction of their nuclear defences seems to be one reason why they are determined to develop a third leg , after air - and land-based delivery systems , to Pakistan 's nuclear " triad " : nuclear-armed ships and submarines .
A Chinese mining tycoon who went missing a year ago will go on trial in central China along with 35 other people on charges of " organising , leading and participating in Mafia-like groups , " after his brother was accused of gunning down three people in their home town .
Movement for Social Development of Black Africa
There are over 20,000 videos online teaching users how to hack social media profiles , email , smartphones and PayPal accounts .
However , in this area some local people deliberately chew betel nut in order to achieve the social prestige of darkly stained teeth , so the ad was understandably less than effective .
In this thesis , the writer intends to apply Freud 's theory of personality to the analysis of the protagonist Joe Christmas 's tragedy , chiefly from Joe 's inner conflict " invisible blackness " and external social background " visible darkness " .
There has been mounting concern over the past several years that people and in particular , teenagers are using sunbeds excessively to acquire tans which are seen as socially desirable .
The Base of Anti-underworld Power : to Construct the Harmonious Society and Eliminate the Social Relations Capital of the Underworld Power