
zhǒnɡ zú miè jué
  • genocide
  1. 他是美国的忍无可忍项目(EnoughProject)主任,该组织致力于主要在非洲的大湖区消除种族灭绝和反人道等罪行。

    S.group that works to eliminate genocide and crimes against humanity , primarily in Africa 's Great Lakes region .

  2. 虽然皮特对政治的投入程度远不及朱莉•皮特,但他是NotonOurWatch的联合创始人,该非政府组织致力于防止种族灭绝罪行,他还是MakeItRight的创办者,该组织旨在为有需要者建造住房以及其他建筑物。

    While he wears his political commitments more lightly than Ms Jolie Pitt , Mr Pitt is a co-founder of Not on Our Watch , a nongovernmental organization devoted to preventing genocide , and the founder of Make It Right , which builds homes and other structures for people in need .

  3. H:我认为作为一个犹太人,对因为种族、信仰和国家的原因而成为民族歧视的受害者、种族灭绝的被谋杀者或受害者,我们都应该捍卫他们。

    H : I believe that as a Jew , anyone who 's the victim of racism or who has been murdered or fell victim to genocide because of his race or religion or nationality , should be defended .

  4. 他的观点基于这样一个假设:控制伊朗政府的是一群具有种族灭绝倾向的疯子,他们会热烈欢迎末日战争(armageddon)的到来。

    His argument is based on the assumption that the Iranian government is run by genocidal maniacs , who would actively welcome Armageddon .

  5. AndrewSniderman是种族灭绝干预网络的合办者,他最近在《纽约时代》杂志上发表文章,称无人机可用来收集如叙利亚之类的冲突地区的重大消息。

    Andrew Sniderman is a co-founder of the Genocide Intervention Network . He wrote recently in the New York Times that drones could be used to collect important information in conflict areas , like Syria .

  6. 达尔富尔的种族灭绝使我们所有的良知蒙羞。

    The genocide in Darfur shames the conscience of us all .

  7. 对许多人来说,种族灭绝后的卢旺达司法太过偏袒;

    For many , justice has been too partial in post-genocide Rwanda ;

  8. 当我们购买石油的时候,你们说是剥削和种族灭绝。

    When we buy oil , you call it exploitation and genocide .

  9. 保罗·鲁塞萨巴吉纳在1994年种族灭绝中拯救了图西族人。

    Paul Rusesabagina saved ethnic Tutsis during the 1994 genocide .

  10. 他之后着手于用于化学战争和种族灭绝的致死毒气的制造中。

    He went on to make lethal gas for chemical warfare and genocide .

  11. 本文论述新式武器对生态安全的巨大破坏,提出完善21世纪战争法规则,追究主要战犯的战争罪、种族灭绝罪、破坏生态安全罪。作者对修改战争法规则提出八点建议和构想。

    The author raises eight suggestions to revise the rules of War laws .

  12. 布什政府说,达尔富尔正在发生的行为是种族灭绝。

    The Bush administration says what is taking place in Darfur is genocide .

  13. 在卢旺达人的种族灭绝15年后,

    And on this job site , 15 years after the Rwandan genocide ,

  14. 乌克兰人认为这是种族灭绝的行为。

    Ukrainians consider it an act of genocide .

  15. 贫穷,战争,疾病,种族灭绝在游戏里就失去了效果

    poverty , war , disease and genocide -- lack the levity they should .

  16. 但这不过又是一个谎言。真实的历史更为残酷血腥,甚至近似于种族灭绝。

    The real story is a touch more cruel , murderous , and genocidal .

  17. 你们说那是殖民和种族灭绝;

    You call that exploitation and genocide .

  18. 那部落正面临种族灭绝的厄运。

    That tribe is facing ethnic cleansing .

  19. 还是等待不可避免的种族灭绝呢?

    Or wait for the inevitable genocide ?

  20. 许多乌克兰人憎恨这种说法,认为这具有贬低意义。种族灭绝事件

    Many Ukrainians resent it as demeaning .

  21. 如果你给你的孩子起了一个种族灭绝疯子的名字,你会怎么做?

    What do you do if you 've named your baby after a genocidal maniac ?

  22. 去东欧,你会看到种族灭绝和宗教迫害;

    If eastern Europe , you may see the effects of genocide and religious persecution .

  23. 指控条目里面包括种族灭绝。

    The charge sheet included genocide .

  24. 种族灭绝是一种战争罪行。

    Genocide is a war crime .

  25. 照片的介绍文字说,战争期间教皇派厄斯对纳粹的种族灭绝行动熟视无睹。

    The photo caption said wartime Pope Pius turned a blind eye to the Nazi genocide .

  26. 而不是种族灭绝或是核子武器激增,或是贫穷和其它一样严重的议题

    and not about genocide or nuclear proliferation or poverty or any other hugely consequential issue .

  27. 从排犹主义逐渐发展到种族灭绝,纳粹排犹政策先后经历了三个不同阶段。

    The policy underwent three stages .

  28. 另一位种族灭绝的幸存者爱德华·凯伊胡拉称有件事情一直让他揪心。

    Edouard Kayihura , another genocide survivor , said there is one thing that haunts him .

  29. 柬埔寨种族灭绝据说是精心策划的暗示,美国在接受电视采访的

    The Cambodian genocide is said to be orchestrated by the US implied in a televised interview of

  30. 博物馆防止种族灭绝中心政策主任卡梅隆?哈德逊说道。

    Cameron Hudson , the policy director for the museum 's Center for the Prevention of Genocide .