
  • 网络Seed bank
  1. 该试验站中收藏有一些其他任何种子银行都没有的植物,还有欧洲最大的水果和浆果农田银行。

    The experimental station includes plants that are not found in seed bank . It also has Europe 's largest field bank for fruits and berries .

  2. 南亚区域合作联盟表示,自去年起,已经将粮食储备增加了一倍,同时计划开设一个地区种子银行。

    And the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation says it has doubled its food reserves since last year and plans to open a regional seed bank .

  3. 巨大的拨弄广东的空间保存着来自其他种子银行的备份。

    The huge , icy space holds extra copies of seeds from other seed banks .

  4. 该基金会希望在圣彼得堡附近这片土地上建造房屋。现在,这片土地由种子银行占据。

    The foundation wants to build housing on the land near Saint Petersburg that the collection now occupies .

  5. 许多观察人士如今警告,今年上半年可能已经播下了新一茬不良贷款的种子银行放贷较去年同期增长了两倍。

    Many observers are now warning that the seeds for a whole new crop of bad loans may have been sown in the first half of this year , when bank lending tripled from the same period a year earlier .

  6. 这些种子来自英国皇家植物园于2000年发起的一个“千年种子银行”国际环保项目。

    The UK pavilion hopes to raise awareness for the Millennium Seed Bank Project , an international conservation project launched by the Royal Botanic Gardens in2000 .