
bái lán dì
  • brandy;eau-de-vie;jack
白兰地 [bái lán dì]
  • [brandy] 酒精含量较高的一种果酒,可兼作兴奋剂

白兰地[bái lán dì]
  1. 我不喝威士忌和白兰地,也不喝其他烈性酒。

    I don 't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits .

  2. 他说他存放着一瓶白兰地只是为了药用。

    He claims he keeps a bottle of brandy only for medicinal purposes .

  3. 干邑白兰地也用于浸渍食材,给砂锅炖菜提味。

    Cognac is also used to macerate and flavour ingredients and casseroles

  4. 虽说白兰地呛了他一下,却让他恢复了勇气。

    The brandy made him choke , but it restored his nerve

  5. 我给他喝了些白兰地以减轻疼痛。

    I gave him some brandy to ease the pain .

  6. 和葡萄酒不同的是,白兰地只能在木制容器而非玻璃容器里酿制。

    Unlike wine , brandy matures only in wood , not glass .

  7. 有一点白兰地溢出了玻璃杯。

    A little cognac slopped over the edge of the glass

  8. 把水果和坚果放进罐子里,用白兰地酒浸泡。

    Pack the fruits and nuts into the jars and cover with brandy

  9. 所有的雪利酒都是在葡萄酒中加入白兰地勾兑成的。

    All sherry is made from wine fortified with brandy .

  10. 他走过去为德娜倒了一杯白兰地,端到她跟前。

    He went and poured a brandy for Dena and brought it to her

  11. 他给自己倒了一杯白兰地,没兑水就一饮而尽。

    He poured himself a brandy and swallowed it neat

  12. 埃里克咬紧牙关,又给他们倒了些白兰地。

    Eric gritted his teeth and vouchsafed them a few more drops of brandy

  13. 喝了两杯白兰地后,迈克尔开始向我讲述他的生平。

    After a couple of brandies Michael started telling me his life story .

  14. 白兰地让她脑子昏昏沉沉的,记不清楚晚上发生的事了。

    Fuddled by brandy , her brain fumbled over the events of the night .

  15. 去给我拿一大杯白兰地来。

    Go and get me a large brandy

  16. 她的视线突然落到阿塔纳斯掉在地上的白兰地酒瓶上。

    Her eyes lit on the brandy bottle that Atanas had dropped on the floor .

  17. 克里斯注视着他品尝白兰地。

    Chris watched him sipping his brandy

  18. 我本打算请你到家里喝杯白兰地,但如果你想改天,那也可以。

    I was planning to ask you in for a brandy , but if you want to take a rain check , that 's fine

  19. 白兰地酒是用葡萄酿的。

    Brandy is made from grapes .

  20. 喝白兰地酒容易醉。

    It is easy to get drunk on brandy .

  21. 他在咖啡里加白兰地改变其香味。

    He qualified his coffee with cognac .

  22. 白兰地通常是在饭后喝的。

    Brandy is usually drunk after dinner .

  23. 白兰地是由葡萄酒蒸馏制成的。

    Brandy is distilled from wine .

  24. 酒吧招待员用一个小银制量器量白兰地。

    The barman uses a small silver measure for brandy .

  25. 采用浸泡发酵工艺,加入葡萄白兰地终止发酵

    Controlled fermentation with extended maceration , stopped by grape brandy addition .

  26. 当别人继续兴高采烈地喝着白兰地的时候,我随手为那位朋友端去了一杯热茶。

    I gave him a cup of tea while the rest exultingly drinking aquavit .

  27. 这时一个男人大声喊:“再来一瓶白兰地!”

    A man shouts out at the news , " Give me another bottle of Brandy . "

  28. 另外两个人听了他的故事都显得很不安,壁炉炉膛里传出噼噼啪啪的木柴燃烧的声音,他们都拿起身边的白兰地,大大地吞了一口。

    His two companions seemed quite unsettled by this story , and as the flames crackled in the hearth23 they each took a copious24 mouthful of the brandy that was readily available nearby .

  29. 中国白酒与白兰地、威士忌、伏特加、朗姆酒和金酒一起并称为世界六大蒸馏酒。

    Chinese distilled spirit , a clear liquor made from sorghum and other grains , is one of the six major distilled spirits in the world , in addition to Brandy , Whisky , Vodka , Rum and Gin .

  30. 特级(XO)白兰地的紫外光谱特性

    Study on the Properties of XO Brandy by Ultraviolet Spectrometer