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  • 网络Leave management;Service Management
  1. 企业核心员工离职管理,是企业管理的薄弱环节。

    Core staff leave management is the weak link in enterprise management .

  2. 为H园具体推行离职管理工作提供了方法,也为整个养老行业解决人员离职管理问题提供了可借鉴的实际案例。

    This article offers some specific methods for pursuing the demission management and also provides the whole industry of the old people actual cases to solve the problem of staffs ' demission management .

  3. 企业应针对不同的群体制订相应的员工离职管理计划。

    Organization should design plans of employer turnover to help group management .

  4. 中国企业员工离职管理研究

    The Study of Employee Turnover Management in the Chinese Enterprise

  5. 离职管理是人力资源管理领域中一个重要的课题。

    Turnover study is an important problem in HRM .

  6. 进行知识员工离职管理,开发离职知识员工价值。

    Carry out exit management to exploit the value of the lost knowledge worker .

  7. 组织员工的离职管理日益成为人力资源管理中一个非常重要的问题。

    Quit management has become a very important issue in the field of human resource management .

  8. 因而,离职管理在整个人力资源管理中具有非常重要的地位。

    As a result , dismissal plays a key role in the management of human resources .

  9. 最后依据实证研究结果给出基于组织社会化对新员工离职管理的几点建议。

    Finally , we given some suggestions based on organizational socialization on management of the new employee turnover .

  10. 每个大模块又分成了几个小的模块,如员工基本信息模块又分成了员工列表,扩展信息,离职管理等小的模块。

    Every section can be further divided , e.g.staff basic information is divided into staff list , extensive information , dismissing administration and so on .

  11. 在人力资源管理的各个方面:有效招聘、职位设计、人才培训、薪酬福利、绩效管理、激励组合、离职管理及其它相关方面,都提出了有益的对策。

    This paper put forward some profitable countermeasures in the following aspects : efficient recruitment , position design , talents training , welfare and salary , performance management , encouragement combination , after-management of talents , and so forth .

  12. 第三十一条公司应当加强对投资管理人员离职的管理,对投资管理人员解聘、辞职的程序、工作交接、离任审查等作出明确规定。

    Article31a company shall enhance the management concerning the dismissal of fund managers , and prescribe specific provisions concerning the procedure of the dismissal and resignation of investment managers , hand over and take over of work and post leaving examination .

  13. 从人才数量、学历和工龄结构、人员离职率、管理培训生、竞聘人员晋升情况等多方面,对XB物流人才质量进行分析盘点,提供人才规划的原始支撑数据资料。

    Original supporting data from the number of personnel qualifications and seniority structure , staff turnover rate , management trainee , competition for promotion and other aspects , XB logistics talents quality inventory to provide personnel planning . 4 .

  14. 分阶段控制员工离职成本的管理对策

    Study on the Management Strategies to Dimission Cost Control by Stages

  15. 过高的离职率给管理者带来了很大的困惑。

    High turnover rate so that managers are confused .

  16. 而近几年大学生新员工频频离职,企业管理者要尽可能的吸引和留住大学生人才。

    The new employees graduated form university frequently leave In recent years , enterprise managers should attract and retain talent students as much as possible .

  17. 结合本文实证研究的结果和职业探索期大学毕业生的特征,从人力资源管理角度提出了减少离职意图的管理对策与建议。

    Combing the empirical results and the characteristics of university graduates during the occupation exploration stage , kinds of managerial countermeasures to ease the turnover willingness are proposed from the standpoint of human resources management .

  18. 在公司的快速发展过程中,现有薪酬体系的缺陷日益突出,很多员工对薪酬不满,技术骨干纷纷离职,部门管理绩效下降。

    During the rapid development of the company , the flaws of the existing compensation system are increasingly prominent . Many employees are unsatisfied with their salaries , technical backbones are leaving their jobs in succession , and the management performance of departments is declining .

  19. 二级医院聘用护士离职原因调查及管理对策医院非在编职工聘用的管理实践与探索

    Investigation on Contract Nurses ' Turnover and the Management Countermeasure Practice and exploration on out-of-manning personnel management in hospitals

  20. 开放式管理精神病患者擅自离院原因分析及对策二级医院聘用护士离职原因调查及管理对策

    Causes of Unapproved Discharge from Hospital of Inpatients with Psychopathy Subject to Open Management and Countermeasures Investigation on Contract Nurses ' Turnover and the Management Countermeasure

  21. 本文将为组织在管理员工离职行为和个人管理职业生涯转变时提供有价值的参考,并为未来相关职业生涯相关研究奠定基础。

    This study will provide an valuable reference in the management of employee turnover behavior and personal career change , as well as lay the foundation for future relative research .

  22. 驻苏丹维和部队二级医院眼病诊疗分析二级医院聘用护士离职原因调查及管理对策

    Analysis on diagnosis and treatment of eye disease in level ⅱ hospital of United Nation peacekeepers in Sudan ( Wau ) Investigation on Contract Nurses ' Turnover and the Management Countermeasure

  23. 工作倦怠是工作本身与离职倾向的完全中介变量,是职业发展与离职倾向、组织管理与离职倾向的部分中介变量。

    Burnout is the mediator of work-related pressure and turnover intention , as well as the semi-mediator of career development and turnover intention , organizational management and turnover intention , respectively .

  24. 就目前研究而言,大部分的研究都是集中在离职意向的影响因素方面,而对实际离职行为调节因素方面的研究相对要少些,专门、系统的离职管理研究理论更少。

    Up to now , most turnover study focuses on antecedent variables of turnover intention , but few on accommodating variables of actual turnover behavior , study for expert and systemic turnover management is much fewer .