
lí hé qì tà bǎn
  • clutch pedal
  1. 踩离合器踏板

    to depress the clutch pedal .

  2. 不要踏下离合器踏板空档滑行。

    Do not coast with your foot on the clutch pedal .

  3. 把你的脚放在离合器踏板上。

    Put your foot on the clutch .

  4. 劳拉松开离合器踏板,沿车道慢慢驶离。

    Laura let out the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive .

  5. 汽车离合器踏板沉重是目前国产汽车普遍存在的问题之一。

    Heaviness of vehicle clutch pedal is a common problem of domestic vehicle .

  6. 必须用手引导离合器踏板。

    The clutch pedal must be guided by hand .

  7. 慢慢地踩下离合器踏板五次。

    Activate the clutch pedal slowly , five times .

  8. 在发动机运行中操作离合器踏板约10次就足够了。

    Actuating the clutch pedal approx.10 times while the engine is running will suffice .

  9. 慢慢踩放离合器踏板,否则汽车就会猛烈向前跳动。

    Let in the clutch slowly and quietly or it would jump forward sharply .

  10. 离合器踏板处的总泵衬套。

    Master cylinder bushing at the clutch pedal .

  11. 接合离合器踏板时有噪音。

    Noises when engaging the clutch pedal .

  12. 如果已经拆除了从动油缸,则不得踩下离合器踏板。

    The clutch pedal must not be pressed if the slave cylinder has been removed .

  13. 在离合器踏板上安装推杆。

    Fit push rod at clutch pedal .

  14. 用一个变速杆和一个离合器踏板手工操作的传送。

    A transmission that is operated manually with a gear lever and a clutch pedal .

  15. 离合器踏板销超声波探伤及分析

    Ultrasonic Inspection of Clutch Pedal Pin

  16. 如果离合器踏板中有噪音,则应使用列出的润滑脂。

    If there are noises in the clutch pedals , the grease listed is to be used .

  17. 离合器踏板自由间隙

    Clutch pedal free travel

  18. 司机踩下离合器踏板,发动机是立刻重新启动,以选择一个齿轮。

    The engine is restarted as soon as the driver depresses the clutch pedal to select a gear .

  19. 如果发现泄漏,则更换总泵,拆卸和安装离合器踏板。

    If you find a leak , replace the master cylinder , removing and installing the clutch pedal .

  20. 起步时,踩离合器踏板要一脚到底,使离合器彻底分离。

    Start when the clutch pedal to kick in the end , so that complete separation of the clutch .

  21. 起步时离合器踏板的操纵要领是:一快、二慢、三联动。

    Manipulation of the clutch pedal when starting essentials are : a fast , two slow , three linkage .

  22. 停车时应当摘空挡,松开离合器踏板,这样可以避免增加离合器的负担。

    Should take off for nothing to block while parking the car , unbind clutch pedal , can avoid raising the scot of cluth so .

  23. 即使没有离合器踏板,驾驶员仍然可以通过翘板开关、按钮或换挡杆“告诉”计算机何时采取动作。

    The most prominent advantage is that the dual-clutch transmission allows the driver shift control of their own free choice or by the computer to complete .

  24. 在汽车的行车中,除低速制动泊车需要踩下离合器踏板外,其他情况下的制动都尽量不要踩下离合器踏板。

    Driving in the car , in addition to low-speed parking brake clutch pedal needs , the other cases as much as possible not to brake clutch pedal .

  25. 低速行车中制动泊车的操作方法是先踩下制动踏板,然后再踩下离合器踏板,使汽车平稳地停下来。

    Low-speed driving in the method of operation of parking brake is to brake pedal , and then the clutch pedal , making the car a smooth stop .

  26. 不要在行驶中把脚始终停留在离合器踏板上或在上坡等待时使用离合器踏板来保持你的车辆处于停止状态。

    Do not drive with your foot resting on the clutch pedal or use the clutch pedal to hold your vehicle at a standstill while waiting on a hill .

  27. 在离合器踏板抬起的同时,根据发念头阻力大小逐渐踩下油门踏板,使汽车平稳起步。

    While the clutch pedal raised , according to the size of the resistance made the idea of gradually depresses the accelerator pedal , making the car a smooth start .

  28. 抬起离合器踏板时,开始要快抬,当感觉到离合器压盘逐渐结合至半联动后,开始放慢速度。

    Lift the clutch pedal , start to lift soon , when the feeling gradually with the clutch pressure plate linked to a half , it begins to slow down .

  29. 在行车中换挡时,操作离合器踏板应迅速踩下并抬起,不要泛起半联动现象,否则,会加速电磁离合器的磨损。

    In driving the shift , the operator depresses the clutch pedal and promptly lifted , half-linkage phenomenon not thrown , otherwise , it will speed up the electromagnetic clutch wear .

  30. 你要肯定排档杆在空档,手闸要煞住;然后,拔出阻气门,开动发动机。然后踩下离合器踏板。

    You make sure the gear-lever 's in neutral and the hand-Brake 's on ; then you pull out the choke and switch on the engine . Then you push down the clutch pedal .