
yuán ɡōnɡ fú lì
  • employee welfare
  1. 新加坡企业增加对员工福利投资以提高生产力

    Singapore Corporations Increase Investment in Employee Welfare to Raise Productivity

  2. 第二部分是对企业年金制度与企业员工福利制度关系研究。

    The second part is the research of the relationship of enterprise annuity and employee welfare .

  3. 比如:据人力资源管理协会(SocietyforHumanResourcesManagement)2014年的员工福利调查发现,为寻找老人看护资源的员工提供转介服务的雇主仅有5%。

    Consider : a scant 5 % offers a referral service to employees looking for eldercare resources , according to the 2014 Employee Benefits Survey from the Society for Human Resources Management .

  4. 人力资源管理协会(SocietyforHumanResourceManagement)对600家美国公司进行的员工福利调查显示,2011年,6%的公司在工作场所设置了休息室,与去年的5%相比,有小幅增长。

    According to an employee benefits survey of 600 American companies conducted by the society for human resource management , 6 % of workplaces had nap rooms in 2011 , a slight increase from 5 % the previous year .

  5. 华盛顿智库员工福利研究所(EmployeeBenefitResearchInstitute)说,处于工作年龄的美国人仅有42%曾经尝试过计算退休后需要多少钱。

    Just 42 % of working-age Americans have even tried to calculate what they will need in retirement , according to the Employee Benefit Research Institute , a Washington , D.C. - based think tank .

  6. Workday:不管你信不信,人力资本管理工具(即人事部门用于管理员工福利、设定员工预算和对新员工进行追踪管理的软件)是一个竞争激烈的市场。

    Workday : believe it or not , human capital management tools ( industry-speak for the kind of software HR professionals use to manage employee benefits , set staffing budgets and track new hires ) is a hotly-contested market .

  7. 谷歌创始人谢尔盖•布林(SergeyBrin)和拉里•佩奇(Larrypage)曾在2004年公司上市时写道,如果员工福利能够节省员工大量时间并改善他们的健康状况和生产率,那么削减福利就可能因小失大。

    Cutting back perks can be penny wise and pound foolish when they save employees considerable time and improve their health and productivity , Sergey Brin and Larry Page , Google 's founders , wrote at the time of the company 's initial public offering in 2004 .

  8. 致力于员工福利的WageWorks公司压缩了价格范围,使其本周上市的希望更加渺茫。

    Wageworks , an employee-benefits provider , had to slash its price range to make an initial offering this week even remotely plausible .

  9. 员工福利在集体议商制定时,公司的福利专业人员应积极涉入参与。

    Collective bargaining of employee benefits should involve corporate benefit professionals .

  10. 纳德利此前削减了员工福利,专注于扩张和收购。

    Nardelli had slashed employee benefits and focused on expansion and acquisitions .

  11. 要向老板要求好一点的员工福利。

    We are going to ask our boss for better employee benefits .

  12. 中国企业员工福利状况分析

    The Analysis of Employees ' Welfare in Chinese Companies

  13. 由公司补贴的职工食堂是员工福利之一。

    E.g.Subsidised canteen is one of staff benefits .

  14. 酒店管理层尤其重视员工福利和社会保障。

    Hotel management has paid more attention to all staff benefits and social insurance .

  15. 发达国家弹性员工福利计划及其启示

    Flexible Staff Welfare in Industrialized Countries and Revelation

  16. 浅谈企业员工福利设计的几个问题

    Discussion on Several Problems of Welfare Design

  17. 是的。萨丽,你听说过关于员工福利计划的事吗?

    Yes . Sally , did you hear anything about the staff 's welfare plan ?

  18. 了解员工福利满意度对离职倾向影响,目的是留住人才。

    Understand the satisfaction of the turnover of employee benefits , aims to retain talent .

  19. 我的员工福利待遇是什么样的?

    Where is my employee benefits package ?

  20. 赠送衣服也是一种员工福利。

    Freebie couture is the staff perk .

  21. 本企业以人为本,重视人才培育,注重员工福利及教育训练。

    People-oriented , the company attaches great importance on employee training , welfare and education .

  22. 我希望能在一家既注重客户需求,又照顾员工福利的公司内尽献所能。

    In recent years , the company places great emphasis on customer needs and market feedback .

  23. 员工福利包括:具竞争力的薪金待遇、免费食宿、有薪年假、奖金。

    Benefit include : competitive salary , housing , meals , paid annual leave and bonus .

  24. 我们是否确定了影响员工福利、满意度,以及动力的关键因素?

    Do we determine the key factors that affect employee well-being , satisfaction , and motivation ?

  25. 文具及相关员工福利管理。

    Manage stationeries and staff welfare .

  26. 最吸引他们的因素包括更高的工资、更好的就业机会和员工福利等。

    The top factors attracting them were higher salaries , improved career opportunities and employee benefits .

  27. 第三部分是企业员工福利消费方式选择的影响因素。

    The third part is about the factors influencing the way of consumption selections of staff welfare .

  28. 第二部分是企业员工福利的内容及其消费现状。

    The second part is about the content and the current consumption situation of the welfare of employees .

  29. 活动还包括你的方法来管理员工福利和补偿,员工记录和人事政策。

    Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation , employee records and personnel policies .

  30. 我们还提供附加的员工福利,如健康保险、奖金、带薪假日。

    We have all the fringe benefits , too , such as health insurance , bonus , paid vacation .