
  • 网络Zen Tea
  1. 禅茶是采用严格的融于佛法的生产加工工艺,经过特殊的茶艺表演,从而启迪佛性,昭示佛理的佛门用茶。

    Zen tea is adopting stringent financial Buddhism in the production and processing technology , After a special art performances , Thus inspired Buddha , Buddhism shows the Buddhism with tea .

  2. 在学术研究和商品经济的推动下,禅茶成为一个不可忽视的概念,但内涵显得模糊,它跨越了禅学思想和饮茶文化,以及物质与精神的双重传播。

    In the academic research and commodity economy driven , " Zen tea " becomes a noticeable concept , but its connotation is fuzzy . It crossed the Zen Idea and Tea Culture , and showing dual communication in material and spirit .