
  1. 论佛教对日本物语文学思维图式的影响

    Influence of Buddhism on Japanese mode of thinking of legendary literature

  2. 日本古代物语文学中的作品,有不少都是涉及到李杨故事的。

    In Japanese ancient works of literature , many are involved in the story of Li Yang .

  3. 本文主要选取了日本物语文学中的几部代表作品,通过对这几部作品相关内容的分析,我们可以了解到中日两国对同一故事题材的不同反映情况。

    Chapter III of this thesis mainly selected a few representative works from the Japanese ancient literature . By analysing these works , we can know different manifestations of the same subject matter between China and Japan .

  4. 与西方文学名著相比,《源氏物语》作为世界文学名著,且又出自与中国有着深厚的文化渊源的日本,中国的读者、研究者理应对其有着深刻的认识。

    Compared with famous Western literary works , The Tale of Genji , a world literary master-piece from Japan , a country with profound cultural sources from China , should have enjoyed a deep understanding among Chinese readers and researchers .

  5. 《源氏物语》是世界首部长篇小说,也是日本文学史上第一部现实主义风格的小说,其出现对日本的小说创作特别是物语文学产生了深远的影响。

    " The Tale of Genji " is the first realistic fiction in the history of Japanese literature . Its appearance has produced a far-reaching effect to the Japanese novels , especially to the Monogatari literature .