
  • 网络buddhist anas
  1. 禅宗语录是近代汉语研究最重要的资料之一,本文选取南宋时的禅宗语录总集《五灯会元》,全面考察书中程度副词的使用情况。

    Buddhist anas are one kind of the most important materials for the research on the Old Mandarin Chinese .

  2. 五种禅宗语录中的虚词研究

    Study on the Function Word in Five Books about the Analects of Chan

  3. 唐宋禅宗语录特指问句研究

    A Study of Definite Questions in Zen Quotations in Tang and Song Dynasty

  4. 禅宗语录数量多,口语程度高,被认为是这一时期口语语音、语法和词汇现象的忠实记录。

    Because of the amount and high level of quotation it was considered as the authentic record of oral speech 、 grammar and vocabulary during that time .

  5. 同时,副语言呈现了人物的情绪和心理状态,有效地辅助了语言,使得禅宗语录中的人物形象鲜活生动,千载之下,犹如直面。

    At the same time , paralanguage implied feeling and psychological states in communication , which helps to make language in Zen ′ s collection alive even thousands years later .

  6. 宋代禅宗语录《碧岩录》成书于宣和七年(1125年)至建炎二年(1128年),正是北宋末南宋初年。

    Biyan Lu , a Buddhism Scripture in the Song dynasty , was accomplished from 1125 to 1128 , which were the early years of south Song dynasty and the last years of north Song dynasty .

  7. 涉及宋代语言的有关宋代文献,宋代卷包括宋儒语录、使臣出使谈判的实录、戏曲小说及三篇禅宗语录,对研究宋代时期的方言白话同样有重要的意义。

    Song involved in the literature about the Song Dynasty , Song Dynasty volume includes quotations Record envoys envoy talks , drama and the novel three Zen quotation , the study of vernacular dialect during the Song Dynasty equally important .