
chán wén huà
  • Buddhist culture
  1. 日本的美与禅文化

    Japanese Beauty and Buddhist Culture

  2. 少林寺与禅文化

    Shaolin Temple and Buddhist Culture

  3. 独特的人生关注&论佛禅文化思想对废名小说创作的影响

    Unique Concern About Life & On the Influence of Zen Culture on Fei Ming 's Fiction Writing

  4. 本文主要通过具体诗例,分析禅文化与文学的关系和彼此的影响。

    This paper analyses the relation between deep meditation culture and literature , and mutual influence from the example of the concrete poem .

  5. 禅文化:中日文化交流的一种载体&从中日茶道的渊源、特点谈起

    Zen : A Carrier of Culture Exchange between China and Japan & Analyzing from the origin and characteristics of tea ceremony in China and Japan

  6. 云在青天水在瓶&浅析禅宗及禅文化对文学的影响

    Cloud is blue and green in the sky and water is being in bottle & Brief analysis of the Zen Buddhism and influence on literature

  7. 本文通过分析不同时期禅寺中法堂的变化,来阐述禅文化在禅寺建筑上的体现。

    This paper analyzes the embodiment of Zen culture on Zen Buddhist temple architecture through analyzing the changes of the planned temple in different periods .

  8. 作为一个对庄禅文化真诚持久体悟的诗人,庄禅对废名的影响和启示是全面而深刻的。

    As a poet , who had truthfully worked on the theories of Buddhism and Zen , Fei Ming was completely and profoundly affected by Buddhism and Zen .

  9. 从作家内在文化心理特点来看:第一,庄禅文化是新时期作家内在心灵的安慰;

    With regard to the writers'psychological features , firstly , the spirits of Zhuangzi and Zen constitute a kind of intellectual consolation for writers in the new period .

  10. 气韵生动说深得古典艺术家心许和首肯,乃在于这一学说深深植根于中国士大夫倾心向往和接纳的道禅文化哲学;

    The reason why classical artists approve and commend the theory is that it roots from Taoist school and Chan sect philosophy which Chinese scholars yearn for and accept .

  11. 通过对中日茶道渊源和特点的分析来考察禅文化在中日茶道交流中的影响和作用,可以为我们研究文化交流现象提供一定的新视野。

    This paper studys the different characteristics of tea ceremony in China and Japan together with their intersecting influences , and provides us new vision to study culture exchange phenomenon .

  12. 杭州正在着力打造东方休闲之都的形象,并在2006年举办了世界休闲博览会。描述了杭州作为休闲之都的文化背景,在于禅文化和茶文化。

    Hangzhou is making great effort to build up the image of " Oriental Leisure City " and holding the World Leisure Expo 2006.This paper tries to explore the cultural background of Hangzhou as a city of leisure , suggesting that the foundation of leisure is Zen Buddhism and tea .

  13. 再次本研究是以毕业设计为契机,通过对中国传统文化的学习、对潇湘八景文化、道禅文化、当代设计理论的研究及实践来使毕业设计创作具有一定的文化内涵。

    Again is the graduation design this research as an opportunity , based on the study of Chinese traditional culture , the " xiaoxiang eight sights " culture , tao and zen culture , contemporary design theory research and practice to make graduation design creation has a certain cultural connotation .

  14. 先唐禅让文化与文学

    " Shanrang " Culture and Literature before Tang Dynasty

  15. 行家酒店式公寓成立于2005年,是上海第一座以中西方“禅”文化打造的主题服务公寓。

    Hankar service apartment starts in2005 , boasted as the first apartment themed of Zen of Western and eastern culture in shanghai .

  16. 如今,少林寺武术馆已成为我国唯一的功夫训练和禅武文化旅游中心。

    Today , the Shaolin Temple martialarts school has become the one and only tourist center for Zen Martial Culture and martial arts training .

  17. 在中国现代诗坛,废名以诗风晦涩、诗情朦胧而成为一道独特的风景,形成这种晦涩又迷人风格的是其诗歌深层所包孕的庄禅传统文化。

    In the realm of modern Chinese poetry , Fei Ming has become a unique landscape because of his obscure and intricate poems which were deeply influenced by the traditional culture of Buddhism and Zen .

  18. 它的兴起给这一时期的文化带来了巨大的影响,这种影响又和中国禅对中国文化的影响模式相类似。

    This kind of influence is similar with the influence pattern of Chinese Zen to the Chinese culture .

  19. 禅作为中国文化史上的一种思想现象,在艺术表现内容和艺术表现形式方面给文人画带来了深刻的影响。

    As a kind of thought phenomenon in Chinese cultural history , Zen Buddhism has brought deep impact on arts in the part of ex - pression content and expression form , especially on scholar painting .

  20. 郁郁黄花无非般若,青青翠竹尽是法身试论许地山、林清玄散文的佛理禅韵跨文化个案研究垮掉的一代与佛禅

    Yellow Flowers are Prajnas ? Or Green Bamboos Embody Buddhas ? & A Probe into the Buddhist Doctrine in Essays Written by Xu Di-shan and Lin Qin-xuan A Cross-cultural Study : the Beat Generation and Zen Buddhism

  21. 毕竟禅承载着文化再加上语言思想的巨大差异致使诗歌翻译尤其是禅诗英译尤为复杂困难。

    After all , Chan is a culture-loaded word and even due to great differences between the two languages , thoughts and cultures , the difficulty in poetry translation , especially the English translation of Chan poetry becomes a most complicated task .

  22. 禅宗与宋代禅画艺术的文化探索

    A Cultural Exploration of Chan Sect and the Art of Chan Paintings in Song Dynasty

  23. 禅在中国传统文化中占有重要的地位,而禅宗的化出,加强了中国文化的形上性格。

    Zen occupies an important position in traditional Chinese culture and the introduction of dhyana has reinforced its metaphysical features .

  24. 试析中晚唐禅僧草书的文化背景

    A Trial Analysis of the Cultural Background of Cursive Hand of Zen Monks of the Middle and Late Tang Dynasty

  25. 禅作为一种文化现象对中国文学理论产生过重要影响,尤其是“诗话”这种类似语录体的诗评形式就是直接习自禅家的一个成果。

    Chan , as a cultural phenomenon , has important influence on literary theory of China , especially Peotry Talks similar to form of quotation comes directly from Chan sect .

  26. 因此,嵩山少林武术文化是禅武合一的文化形态,其包含两个方面的内容,一部分是禅文化,一部分是武文化,这两部分不是对立的而是紧密结合的。

    It contains two aspects , one is the Zen culture , and the other is the Wushu culture . These two parts are not the oppositions , but close .

  27. 两千年来,庄禅思想作为民族传统文化根性之一从来不曾在中国文人思想意识中泯灭,在新时期文学作家身上庄禅文化思潮又一次勃然兴发。

    For two thousands years , as an ultimate constituent of the Chinese traditional culture , the spirits of Zhuangzi and Zen have never really died out in the mentality of Chinese men of letters .

  28. 所以禅宗的世俗化,普及的不仅是宗教的禅、哲学的禅,而且是文化的禅、文学的禅。

    So the secularization of the Zen sect , the one that was popularized is not only the Zen of the religion , the Zen of philosophy , but also the Zen of the culture and the Zen of literature .

  29. 所以在某种程度上,禅是以审美的态度对待人生和世界的,这就成为禅文化与中国园林艺术发生联系的契机所在。

    So in some distance , this atitude is the connective point of Chinese gardens art and zen culture .