
  • 网络Minghe;MEIWA;mhg;maxwide;MINNH
  1. RP-HPLC法测定人血浆中那可汀、甲氧那明和茶碱

    RP-HPLC Determination of Noscapine , Methoxyphenamine and Theophylline in Human Plasma

  2. 鞘内注射新斯的明和吗啡对大鼠脊髓背角c-fos表达的影响

    Effects of intrathecal neostigmine and morphine on c - fos expression in the dorsal horn of spinal cord in rats

  3. 古明和菲菲在谈论一些活动。

    Gu Ming and Feifei are talking about some activities .

  4. 使用溴化吡啶斯的明和泼尼松可防止危象再发生。

    Applying pyridostigmine bromide and prednisone could prevent the recurrence of the crisis .

  5. 美加明和六烃季铵在交感神经元烟碱受体上作用位点的差异

    Difference in action sites between mecamylamine and hexamethonium on nicotinic receptors of sympathetic neurons

  6. 这些通常是明和可能是最简单的方法,以雌激素。

    These are usually prescribed and are probably the simplest way of taking HRT .

  7. 她在美中徜徉她在美中穿行;象深邃的苍穹缀满繁星,象皎洁的夜空万里无云。明和暗多么协调,

    She walks in beauty , like the night Of cloudless climes and starry skies ;

  8. 从此断除了无明和苦难之因,并摆脱了业力。

    Thence come cessation of ignorance , the cause of suffering , and freedom from the power of karma .

  9. 所有小鼠在12小时明和12小时暗的循环光环境饲养10天,充分暗适应16小时后,建立小鼠低氧预适应模型和光损伤模型。

    All mice were raised in cyclic light environment for 10 days and then kept in darkness for 16 hours before experiment .

  10. 采用毛细管区带电泳-安培检测法测定了气喘合剂中氨茶碱、那可汀、盐酸甲氧那明和盐酸麻黄碱的含量。

    A capillary zone electrophoresis method with ampere detector was established for determination of aminophylline , narcotine , methoxyphenamine hydrochloride and ephedrine hydrochloride in asthma-mixture .

  11. 以小鼠为实验对象,观察胃必欢颗粒对正常小鼠胃排空和小肠推进作用的影响以及对新斯的明和阿托品所致的胃排空和小肠推进功能亢进和抑制的影响。

    To observe the role of WG in stomach emptied , small intestine movement of normal mouse and the inhibit role about Atropine and Neostigmine influence gastro .

  12. 其后是汉、隋、唐、五代、宋、辽、金、元、明和清等各朝代。

    This was followed By the Han , Sui , Tang , the Five Dynasties , Song , Liao , Kin , Yuan , Ming and Qing dynasties .

  13. 中国不应该把明和清时期的保守派儒教和充满活力的汉、唐、南宋时期的儒教相混淆。

    China should not confuse the arch conservative Confucianism of the Ming and Qing period with the dynamism of the Confucianism that produced the Han , Tang and Southern Song periods .

  14. 结果高度近视组在明和暗环境中不同对比度时视力均较其它3组差,与正视组比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。

    Results Visual acuity of high myopes in difference contrast level in bright and dark background were worst among four groups , and the difference in high myopes and emmetropes was statistically significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 公告送达,应当在案卷中记明原因和经过。

    The reasons for service by public announcement and the process gone through shall be recorded in the case files .

  16. 分类之所以重要,主要是因为MSCI明晟和摩根大通(JPMorgan)等指数提供商对国际证券投资者配置资金的方式有重大影响。

    The classification matters primarily because of index providers such as MSCI and JPMorgan that have a major influence over how international portfolio investors allocate their money .

  17. 用电子显微镜研究了家蝇(Muscadomestica)复眼小网膜的一般结构,特殊结构和小网膜细胞的对称性排列,并比较了在暗适应、明适应和强光适应状态下小网膜细胞的结构。

    The common , particular structure and the arrangement pattern of the retinula in the compound eye of the housefly Musca domestica have been investigated , and the structures of the retinula cells here been compared with an electron microscope under dark , bright and high intensity light adaptation condition .

  18. 明场和暗场光学对准比较研究

    Comparison of bright - field alignment with dark - field alignment

  19. 明奈利和格雷分别凭借其在《酒店》里的角色获奖。

    Minelli and Grey won theirs for their respective turns in Cabaret .

  20. 明十三陵和颐和园都能去吗?

    To go to both the Ming Tombs and the summer palace ?

  21. 明“和”净“是明亮、干净的意思。

    " Ming " and " Jing " means bright and clean .

  22. 我们是仅有的几个署明姓名和地址的。

    We are the only persons whose names and addresses are subscribed .

  23. 在多年的地铁建设实践中,对于地下水的处理先后使用了堵水法、明排法和降水法等多种方法。

    Groundwater treatment is a difficult problem occurring during the construction of subway .

  24. 酚苄明预防和治疗产后尿潴留的临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Postpartum Urinary Retention of Prevention and Treatment with Phenoxybenzamine

  25. 出眠初期肝脏有明细胞和暗细胞区分。

    There are bright cells and dark cells in hepatocyte during initial post-hibernation period .

  26. 实验研究了条纹放电的明条纹和暗条纹中汞原子的谱线强度。

    The spectrum radiance in bright and dark region of striation discharge is studied experimentally .

  27. 自然金可分为明金和微细粒金。

    The native Au can be divided into two kinds of grain and micro-grain gold .

  28. 从用典的方式上看,引用典故有明引和暗引;

    From the style we use the quotations , they are overtly use and covertly use ;

  29. 乘出租车往明十三陵和颐和园贵吗?

    Is it expensive to take a taxi to the Ming Tombs and the Summer Palace ?

  30. 有些应用试图把明钥和秘钥密码术结合起来,以获得安全性和高性能。

    Some applications try to combine public - and secret-key cryptography to achieve security and performance .