
  • 网络The smoking ban;a ban on smoking
  1. 酒吧业几乎没人怀疑禁烟令吸引了成千上万不吸烟的爱尔兰音乐迷们来到他们之前不去的酒吧。

    Few in the pub trade doubt that the smoking ban has coaxed thousands of nonsmoking Irish music fans into pubs they had previously avoided .

  2. 然而这项禁烟令在饭店、医院、学校和机场还仍然有效。

    The smoking ban remains in force for restaurants , hospitals , schools and airports .

  3. 他废除了禁烟令;废除了一项禁运法令。

    He revoked the ban on smoking ; lift an embargo .

  4. 全美许多工作场合都已经执行了禁烟令。

    Many work places across the US have smoking bans in effect .

  5. 反对者称,禁烟令导致餐馆和酒吧就业机会的减少。

    argue that smoking bans cause job losses in restaurants and bars .

  6. 西班牙开始实行严厉的禁烟令。

    A tough anti-smoking law has taken effect in Spain .

  7. 但医生称禁烟令有助于人们戒烟。

    but doctors argue the new legislation will help smokers give up .

  8. 她担心这个禁烟令,也害怕不得不执行禁烟令。

    She dreads the ban and having to enforce it .

  9. 威斯康辛州通过了广泛性禁烟令,将于明年7月份开始生效。

    Wisconsin passed a comprehensive ban that will in July of next year .

  10. 我不同意这些禁烟令。

    I don 't agree with the no-smoking laws .

  11. 这里有一个禁烟令。

    There is a ban on smoking .

  12. 威斯康辛州和北卡罗莱纳州本月同一天同时通过禁烟令。

    Wisconsin and North Carolina both approved smoking bans on the same day this month .

  13. 相反,英国这项禁烟令的理由,乃是听上去很有道理的关于吸烟外部性的经济学论据。

    The smoking ban is justified instead using fancy-sounding economic arguments about the externalities of smoking .

  14. 最后一个例子是公共场所的禁烟令我是作为一个从不吸烟的人来谈论此事的。

    A final example is the smoking ban in public places and I speak as lifelong non-smoker .

  15. 爱尔兰的禁烟令不仅改变了酒吧,而且给酒店带来了新生命。

    The Irish smoking ban not only transformed pubs , but also breathed new life into hotels .

  16. 问题2谁更有可能对禁烟令持反对态度?

    Question 2.According to the news , who are more likely to react negatively to the new law ?

  17. 禁烟令通常是禁止在“密闭公共场所”吸烟。

    The smoking ban is usually phrased as a ban on smoking in " enclosed public spaces " .

  18. 她说,这是第一个比较不同禁烟令的经济影响的研究。

    She says the study was the first to compare the economic effects of different kinds of smoking bans .

  19. 研究人员发现在普韦布洛附近未实施禁烟令的地区,心脏病的发病数量没有多大变化。

    The researchers found no considerable change in the number of heart attacks in areas near Pueblo without smoking bans .

  20. “不管你相信与否,禁烟令其实可以帮助我们,因为它实际上驱使人们从吸烟转到喝酒。”

    " Believe it or not , it may be helping us because it 's driving people to drink . "

  21. 西班牙是最大的独立出口市场,然而最近实施的禁烟令打击了该地的卷烟消费。

    Spain is the single biggest export market , where the recent introduction of a smoking ban has hit consumption .

  22. 就充分遵守禁烟令而言,土耳其目前排在世界第五位,排在欧洲国家的第三位。

    Turkey currently ranks fifth in the world and third among European countries in terms of full compliance with smoking bans .

  23. 在禁烟令生效之前,办公室可能会在不同的楼层、或者针对不同部门设置吸烟室。

    In the pre-ban days , offices might have had smoking rooms located on different floors or to serve various departments .

  24. 研究所和配发中心将遵守禁烟令,但公司仍未决定是否将其列入无烟区。

    Those operations will comply with the state ban , but the automaker has not decided whether to make them tobacco-free .

  25. 在今天,抓起你们的水烟!苏格兰依旧红火的水烟生意蔑视了实行了五年的苏格兰禁烟令。

    After flouting Scotland 's smoking ban for five years Glasgow 's thriving shisha bars were today told to sling their hookahs .

  26. 最近,在所谓的无烟生活联盟里,几个非政府组织和公民联手反对保加利亚公民欧洲发展党提出的推迟实施禁烟令的提案。

    Recently several NGOs and citizens joined their effort against the GERB proposal in the so-called Coalition for Life without Cigarette Smoke .

  27. 2006年,美国卫生局局长签署公共场所禁烟令后,“禁止吸烟”牌子频频涌现。

    No Smoking signs started cropping up more frequently after the surgeon general endorsed bans on smoking in public places back in2006 .

  28. 他们还认为,电子烟是逃避禁烟令的特洛伊木马,使更多人对尼古丁上瘾,从而会导致出现更多的吸烟者。

    They also argue e-cigarettes are a Trojan horse to avoid smoking bans and addict more people to nicotine , spawning more smokers .

  29. 最新研究发现,禁烟令可以大大减少烟草的最大影响——心脏病。

    A new study has found the strongest evidence yet that smoke-free laws can reduce a major effect of tobacco -- heart disease .

  30. 有最严格禁烟令地区的群体与有部分禁烟令或没有吸烟限制地区的群体相比较,在每一万个雇员中少九个雇员。

    Communities with the strongest policies had nine fewer employees per ten thousand community members than those with partial bans or none at all .