
  • 网络Prohibitive Import;Prohibited importation;import prohibition
  1. 中国将压缩《中国禁止进口限制进口技术目录》,为技术要素跨境自由流动创造良好环境。

    China will shorten its catalog of technologies prohibited or restricted from import to create a favorable environment for the free flow of technologies across borders .

  2. 事实上,反补贴关税、反倾销条例、以及以健康、安全或环境为名禁止进口所有这些都符合wto法律。

    Indeed , anti-subsidy duties , anti-dumping rules , imports banned in the name of health , safety or the environment all these are wto-legal .

  3. 中国今年发生幼儿三聚氰胺中毒案之后,欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)已经禁止进口中国乳制品。三聚氰胺会引发肾衰竭。

    The European Commission has already banned the import of Chinese milk products after children were infected with melamine – which can cause kidney failure – in China this year .

  4. 美国食品和药品管理局(fda)上月禁止进口一些种类的中国海鲜,直至供应商能够提供安全证明为止。

    The US Food and Drug Administration last month banned imports of some Chinese seafood until suppliers could prove they were safe .

  5. 欧盟(EU)执行机构将禁止进口含有豆粕的中国儿童食品,因担心中国供应的大豆中含有危险化学物质三聚氰胺。

    The European Union executive is to ban Chinese imports of children 's food containing soyabean meal over fears that China 's soya supplies could contain the dangerous chemical melamine .

  6. 此前,奥巴马政府上周六否决了国际贸易委员会做出的禁止进口和销售部分苹果iPhone和iPad产品的裁决。

    They follow the Obama administration 's veto last Saturday of an ITC order banning the import and sale of some Apple iPhones and iPads .

  7. 中国还禁止进口依云(evian)矿泉水,称其细菌超标。

    It also banned imports of Evian water , claiming that it had too much bacteria .

  8. 俄罗斯吞并克里米亚和入侵乌克兰,招致欧盟的制裁。俄罗斯则采取报复行动,禁止进口欧盟(EU)食品,这已导致牛奶价格崩盘,危及英国奶农的生计。

    The Russian ban on EU food imports , in retaliation for EU sanctions against Ukraine imposed after the invasion of Crimea , has caused a collapse in the price of milk , which is threatening the livelihoods of farmers in the UK .

  9. 一年后,随着西方国家的制裁,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔渠京(VladimirPutin)宣布禁止进口来自美国和欧洲的大多数食品,包括奶酪、牛肉和海鲜。

    One year later , in the wake of western sanctions , Vladimir Putin announced Russia would ban an array of American and European food products , including cheese , beef and seafood .

  10. 两周前,htc表示,美国海关禁止进口其部分型号的手机,以确保他们没有侵犯苹果的一项专利,美国一贸易委员会去年裁定,htc侵犯了这一专利。

    Two weeks ago , HTC said customs authorities had stopped imports of some of its models to ensure they did not infringe an Apple patent that a US Trade Commission last year said HTC had violated .

  11. 美国几个州已禁止进口中国鲶鱼,同时美国监管部门也就进口中国安康鱼(monkfish)发出了警告。

    Several US states have banned imports of catfish from China , while US regulators have warned about imports of Chinese monkfish .

  12. 美国国际贸易委员会(ITC)在上周五作出的初步裁定中称,宏达电子侵犯了苹果持有的两项专利。ITC是一个美国法庭,有权禁止进口和销售侵权的商品。

    The International Trade Commission , a US court that has the power to ban import and sales of infringing goods , ruled in an early judgment on Friday that HTC had breached two patents held by Apple .

  13. 欧盟禁止进口中国蜂蜜的应对策略及启示

    EU 's Banning of Honey Import from China : Response Strategy and Inspiration

  14. 这里禁止进口这种商品。

    The import of this article is prohibited here .

  15. 他坚持通过立法来禁止进口蝎子。

    He insisted that a law be passed banning the importing of scorpions .

  16. 当地的渔民发起禁止进口鳕鱼的运动。

    There 's been a campaign by local fishermen to ban imported cod .

  17. 第九条属于禁止进口的货物,不得进口。

    Article 9 No goods that are prohibited from importation may be imported .

  18. 很多欧洲国家还没有宣布禁止进口日本食品。

    Many European countries have yet to announce bans on Japanese food imports .

  19. 这导致接下来的一年禁止进口丁香烟。

    That resulted in a ban of imports of kretek the following year .

  20. 这是一条禁止进口的法律。

    This is a law forbidding the import .

  21. 不合格的药品禁止进口。

    Disqualified pharmaceutical is prohibited to be imported .

  22. 糖被禁止进口滞留在仓库,买方拒绝了收取单据。

    The sugar was not allows to be imported and was placed in a warehouse .

  23. 这可能是由于严格禁止进口患病动物的政策。

    This was probably because of careful efforts to prevent the import of sick animals .

  24. 中国禁止进口许多疫苗。

    Importation of many vaccines is banned .

  25. 海关(禁止进口品)条例

    Customs ( Prohibited Imports ) Regulations

  26. 贸易禁令,比如禁止进口墨西哥肉类,也是没有意义的。

    Trade embargoes , such as stopping the import of Mexican meat , are pointless too .

  27. 他还禁止进口任何来自叙利亚的石油或石油产品。

    He also banned the import of any petroleum or petroleum products that come from Syria .

  28. 制药公司也不断向政府施加压力,要求他们禁止进口同类仿制药。

    The corporations have been pressuring governments not to import drugs from countries producing generic versions .

  29. 欧盟成员国的农业部长们今天参加了一个会议,考虑通过一个全欧盟范围的禁令,禁止进口野生鸟类。

    European Union agriculture ministers are meeting today to consider an EU-wide ban on importing wild birds .

  30. 国际社会已试图通过禁止进口铀黄饼来阻止伊朗发展核项目。

    The international community has sought to shut down Iran 's nuclear program by blocking yellowcake imports .