
jìn dú
  • ban drugs;suppress drugs
  • drug ban;drug prohibition;drug suppression;suppression of drugs
  1. 关于禁毒专业课程建设的思考

    The Consideration about the Construction of Drug Prohibition Curriculum

  2. 此类源头之一是禁毒报告对此进行了精彩的辩论。

    One such source is drug prohibition , on which the report contains an excellent debate .

  3. 美国禁毒署称被捕的4个人都是分量十足的大鱼。

    The four men arrested were described as really big fish by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency .

  4. 温斯洛的这部小说按时间顺序讲述了美国“禁毒之战”前30年的征程。

    Winslow 's novel chronicles the first 30 years of the US 's " war on drugs " .

  5. (第X次)各国禁毒执法机构负责人区域间会议

    Interregional Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies

  6. 票务员:好的,朱先生??整个飞机都是禁烟区的。(第X次)各国禁毒执法机构负责人区域间会议

    Ticket Agent : OK , Mr. Drew ... The whole flight is nonsmoking . Interregional Meeting of Heads of National Drug Law Enforcement Agencies

  7. 大竹县禁毒教育研究耐药标志物TOPO和MT在宫颈鳞癌中的表达及意义

    Research on drug - resistant marker TOPO ⅱ and MT in cervical squamous cell carcinoma

  8. 除了假药所引发的知识产权问题以外,fda和美国禁毒署(dea)还对非法药品威胁公众健康表示不满,因为网上销售的无处方药物,在美国导致了一些消费者死亡的案例。

    In addition to the intellectual property problems raised by the fakes , the FDA and the drug enforcement administration complained about a public health threat , because some US consumers have died from drugs bought online without a prescription .

  9. 《独立报》(Independent)前记者约翰•哈里(JohannHari)最近讲述了他服用抗嗜睡药物Provigil的经历;在承认剽窃后,他离开了该报,后来撰写了一本有关禁毒战争的书。

    Johann Hari , a former Independent journalist who left the newspaper after admitting plagiarism and then wrote a book about the war on drugs , recently told of his use of the anti-narcolepsy drug Provigil .

  10. 于是我回到家乡,我问那些参与禁毒工作的人,他们却说,你知道吗,Ethan,你无法真正切断需求。

    So then I go back home and I talk to people involved in anti-drug efforts there , and they 'd say , You know , Ethan , you can 't really cut off the demand .

  11. 全面实施综合、均衡的国际禁毒战略;

    Comprehensively implementing an overall and balanced international drug control strategy ;

  12. 禁毒刑事立法逐步完善。

    Criminal legislation for drug control has improved step by step .

  13. 论禁毒情报分析控制论与信息情报

    About Analyzing Information of Fighting Drugs Cybernetics & Information and Intelligence

  14. 禁毒青年志愿工作项目评估研究

    Study on the Project Evaluation of Narcotics Control Youth Volunteers Works

  15. 三是云南禁毒三大战场的成果及结论。

    Yunnan achievements and conclusion drawn from " Three Battlefield " .

  16. 有无数的禁毒局的人在机场里。

    There were a zillion DEA guys hanging around the terminal .

  17. 但不妨想想,可能导致的类似禁毒战争一样的噩梦。

    But just imagine the drug war nightmare that would result .

  18. 粤港澳发表禁毒联合宣言

    Guangdong , Hong Kong and Macau Announced a Joint Anti-drug Declaration

  19. 禁毒经费紧缺,力量薄弱;

    Shortness of drug enforcement outlay , and weak drug enforcement force .

  20. 加强禁毒工作的对策之我见

    Reciprocal Suggestion on the Work of Strengthening the Drug Prohibition

  21. 清朝至民国新疆禁毒研究

    Study on Prohibiting Drugs from Manchu Dynasty to the Republic of China

  22. 试论禁毒法对艾滋病防治的积极作用

    Positive effect of Anti-drug Law on HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment

  23. 中国参与国际禁毒合作初探

    The Research of China Taking Part in International Cooperation in Drug Control

  24. 21世纪禁毒战略新构想

    New Design for Drug Control Strategy in the 21st Century

  25. 云南省禁毒工作现状分析

    An Analysis to Narcotics - Control Present Situation of Yunnan

  26. 禁毒跟踪各种预设的节拍,邦戈鼓鼓循环;

    Beat tracking with various preset beats , bongos and drum loops ;

  27. 这是我的禁毒教育口头禅:安全第一。

    That 's my drug education mantra : Safety first .

  28. 今天是国际禁毒日。

    Today is the international day against drug abuse and illicit trafficing .

  29. 长短期协同禁毒行动计划

    Plan for Concerted Short-term and Long-term Action Against Drug Abuse

  30. 还是禁毒署,我是个律师

    D.E.A. ? ! No , I 'm a lawyer .