- 网络fishing effort;FMSY

An Approach to the Standardization of Fishing Effort of Bottom Trawl
Fisheries Subsidies , Fishing Effort and the Total Cost of Fisheries
Compared with SELECT model , this model was found to be more general than the SELECT model because of the usage of selection equation and the separation of fishing power and catch effort .
The sustainable development of fishery resources will be realized if the given optimum economical fishing effort is kept .
In addition , this paper also analyses the fluctuation of the fishery biomass , recapture weight and capital with five different fishing efforts .
It treat fish population or resource stock as a study unit , analyze the relationship between sustainable yield , optimum fishing effort and population size .
Such inefficiency attributes to the fact that every player only considers the positive influence to his yield and ignores the negative influence to his counterpart and the society .
Seeks the maximum volume of sales with the minimum cost . The sustainable development of fishery resources will be realized if the given optimum economical fishing effort is kept .
The monitoring survey indicated that Chondrichthyes in the Nansha Islands waters could be captured all the year round , and the yield was mainly related with the fishing effort .
Experiments were made by changing environment temperature and fishing effort . The population distribution , biomass , age structure and body length of anchovy under these conditions are studied .
A Thousand Marbles The production model produced a maximum sustainable yield ( MSY ) of 99.6 Kilo-MT and an optimum fishing effort ( f_opt ) of 114.76 Kilo-fishing days .
Distribution of Fishing effort amount had certain changes with time extending in different voyage in the same year , but the changes tend to disaccord in spring of 2006 ~ 2009.3 .
Stock assessment is not only to forecast the static optimum fishing effort and sustainable yield , but also to assess the reactions of fish and fishermen to management choices and other changes .
In addition , the maximum sustainable yield ( MSY ) and the optimum fishing effort ( FMSY ) were estimated on the basis of fishery statistics data by Schaefer model and Fox model .
By using methods of cluster and correlation analysis , the correlation of the catch per unit effort ( CPUE ) to the sea surface salinity and the seawater temperatures of different depths were studied .
Rate of stocking fisheries increasing , time of embargo and sloping fishing extend , breeding protect area enlarge , fishing rate decreasing , submerged plant comeback are the main policy control small-scale fisheries development .
Catch of total fishing effort
Researches on fisheries resources need a detailed understanding of fisheries about features and changes in the production and distribution , including statistical data such as spatial and temporal characteristics , fishing operations as well as catch and fishing effort .
The catch per unit effort ( CPUE ) decreased in recent years due to over-exploitation with the increasing fishing boats .
Compared with one player case , when there are two players , the fishing effort of each player will increase or be invariant , but the maximum sustainable profit that unit fishing effort can get will decrease .
Under the assumption that there are two fishing players , this paper studies the problem that how each of them determines his fishing effort in Cournot model and Stackelberg model respectively , with an objective of maximizing his sustainable profit .