
  • 网络inhibit line
  1. 他例行公事地把车停在禁止停车线以内。

    He routinely parked in a no-parking zone .

  2. 禁止京义线铁路的开通。

    Forbid the opening of the kyungui railway .

  3. 许多人看准了阿巴拉契亚山脉以西的新土地,但出于保护印第安人领地的考虑,英国禁止在公告线以西建立新的定居点,数以百计的人被从拓荒前线上的家中驱逐。

    Many have their eyes set on new land west of the Appalachians . But to protect Native American lands , England has banned settlements , along a boundary called the Proclamation Line .

  4. 从清早起,虽然禁止人们走近散兵线,可是首长们没法赶走那些好奇的人。

    Since early morning , though it was forbidden to go up to the line , the commanding officers could not keep the inquisitive soldiers back .