
  • 网络Community change;community evolution
  1. 社区变迁、信任与城市社区卫生服务的发展

    Community Change , Trust and Development of Urban Community Health Services

  2. 居住区分期开发中的居住社区变迁&社会发展对居住社区物质环境的影响

    Community Transition in Different Developing Phases of Residence Area & social development 's impact on physical environment of community

  3. 论朝鲜族农村空壳化的生态隐患&生态人类学视野下的现代社区变迁

    On the Ecological Hidden Trouble of Korean Shell Country : the Modern Community Changes as Viewed from Ecological Anthropology

  4. 本次对村民的访谈主要采用了海洋环境与渔村社区变迁情况的访谈提纲。

    The villagers of interviews to mainly adopts " the Marine environment and fishing village community change case " interview outline .

  5. 由于社区变迁的影响,社区记忆变得模糊甚至断裂,因而社区中宗族活动不强烈;

    In the process of social transition , the memory of community becomes vague , thus lineage activities are no very common .

  6. 本文立足于西北民族地区城市社区变迁的实际情况,从微观和宏观两个层面来探讨城市社区整合机制的构建问题。

    Based on the actual situation of community change in northwestern regions , the article discusses the construction of community combined mechanism from the microcosmic and macroscopic aspects .

  7. 第五章主要总结了南关民族社区变迁的原因,笔者认为主要是由经济政策、国家政策、技术革新、城市规划建设对社区变迁施加了重要影响。

    Chapter V mainly summarizes the reasons of the ethnic community changes . The author thought that the economic policy , the national policy , the technological innovation , the urban planning construction are the reasons of the community changes .

  8. 武夷山社区文化变迁探析

    Investigations of Reasons of Community Culture Changes in the Area of Wuyi Mountain

  9. 战后美国华人人口与华人社区的变迁

    The Chinese American Population and the Changes of Chinese Communities after World War ⅱ

  10. 转型期西部城市社区功能变迁与社区制度创新

    The Communities ' Functional Change and Their System Innovation in Western Cities during the Transformation Period

  11. 作者探讨了社区结构性变迁以及本地居民日常生活重构的可能性和实践问题。

    The author penetrates into the community structural change as well as the possibility and practice of reconstruction of daily life .

  12. 本文试图从经济变迁、人口变迁、教育变迁、宗教变迁、族群关系变迁和交往方式变迁等六个方面描述社区的变迁。

    This paper attempts to describe the changes of the community from the population changes , economic changes , education changes , religious change , ethnic relations changes and the way of communication changes and other aspects .

  13. 第二、三和四部分分别从经济、政治领域和文化心理取向层面的变化来探究华人社区的变迁及其与主流社会的互动。

    The second , third and forth chapters are devoted to making research in the transformation of Chinese Community and the interactions between Chinese Community and the American mainstream society from the economical , political and cultural psychology perspectives .

  14. 乡村回族社区人情文化变迁研究

    The " favors " Cultural Change Research in Hui tribe Community

  15. 农村社区治理方式变迁刍议

    The Change of the Mode of the Rural Community Governance

  16. 当代中国城市社区社会结构变迁论

    On the contemporary structural change of Chinese urban communities

  17. 一个兵团社区的文化变迁

    Culture Change of the Corps Community

  18. 住宅区功能化与中国城市社区治理模式变迁研究

    Research of the Relation between on Functionalization of Residential District and Management of Urban Community in China

  19. 社区结构的变迁带来了社区整合的潜在危机,然而,危机并没有真正发生。

    The change of community social structure brought about potential crisis of community integration . However , the crisis did not occur .

  20. 回族文化模式转型论&基于对大城市回族社区文化模式变迁的思考

    Transition of the Hui 's Cultural Pattern : A Study on the Cultural Pattern of the Hui Communities in Mega-cities of China

  21. 城市化的快速发展带来了城市社区的急剧变迁,单位人逐步转变为社区人。

    The rapid development of urbanization has brought rapid changes of urban communities ," unit " is gradually turning into the " community " .

  22. 首先,通过历史考量,明晰我国未成年犯社区矫正制度变迁的导向;其次,通过分析,揭示我国未成年犯社区矫正制度的现状、存在的问题与制度根源。

    Firstly , in consideration of history , community correction-oriented institutional change is cleared ; secondly , current situation , problem and system root are analyzed .

  23. 村制变革引起乡村社区政治的变迁:基层建制的调整、社区权力结构的变化和人事嬗递。

    Reforms in rural political system brought about such changes in rural community politics as adjustment in grassroots organizational system , changes in power structure and replacement in personnel .

  24. 因此,都市地区的新农村建设是与村镇布局调整密切相关的复合过程,村镇空间变动是影响社区经济组织变迁的因素之一。

    The new rural construction in metropolis areas combine with the adjustment of village layout , and the space change in village is one of the factors affecting the change of community economic organization .

  25. 城市社区妇女组织角色变迁之解读

    An investigation into the role change of women 's organizations in city communities

  26. 业主维权和社区权力结构的变迁&基于社区纠纷的一项研究

    Safeguard the rights of property owners and the change of community power structure : A case study of community dispute

  27. 从邻里单位到新城市主义社区&美国社区规划模式变迁探究

    From the neighbourhood unit to the community of new urbanism : research on the evolution of the community planning model in USA

  28. 正确处理城市化进程中的社区建设问题,并从城市社区变迁的角度反思城市化进程中的问题,形成更合适的城市发展视域和社区建设理念。

    Correctly handle the process of urbanization in the community building , and from the community the angle of reflection in the process of urbanization , the formation of a more appropriate urban development , as the domain and the concept of community building .

  29. 明清时期国家与社会关系转型境遇下的回族社区&以历史上西安回族社区文化变迁为视点

    The Muslim Community against a Background of the Transition of Relationship between State and Society in Ming and Qing Dynasty & Taking the Cultural Change of the Muslim Community in Xi'an as a Case

  30. 第二章概述了目标研究社区一金台里地区拆迁前后社区环境的变迁,包括空间环境、商业环境和人文环境三个方面。

    Chapter 2 represents the community profiles and the changes in the community environment before and after the demolition reconstruction in Jin Taili region , including the space environment , business environment and cultural environment .