
  • 网络Postpartum services;service after the production process
  1. 增进获得优质产前和产后服务的机会;

    Improving access to high quality pre-and post-natal services ;

  2. 这些人得到了基本的医药治疗,利用了基本药品以及产前、产后服务和免疫服务。

    The people received basic curative care , using essential drugs , as well as antenatal and postnatal care and immunization services .

  3. 它减少了对卫生系统的不信任,因此调动了人们前来就诊,接受产前产后服务和治疗的积极性。

    It reduced mistrust of the health system , thereby motivating people to come for consultation , antenatal and postnatal care and treat .

  4. 农户要求系列农业服务,包括产前、产中、产后服务及市场信息与体制统筹服务。

    Cotton farmers are in need of a series of services throughout cotton production , including pre-production service , production service and post-production service .

  5. 农户对各种服务的需求程度由强到弱依次是农业科技服务、农业信息服务、农业生产资料供应服务、农业信贷服务、农机作业服务、农业基础设施建设服务、农业产后服务、农业保险服务。

    Various service farmers need with the degree from strong to weak lies as below : agricultural technology services , agricultural information services , agricultural production materials supply services , agricultural credit , agricultural machinery operation services , agricultural infrastructure construction , agricultural post-natal services and agricultural insurance services .

  6. 健全产后销售服务体系,促进果品流通。

    To improve the sales service system , to promote the circulation .

  7. 产后延伸服务的尝试

    Stretch Service after childbirth

  8. 例如,重庆市正在进行医疗消费券试点,让妇女得到更好的产后护理服务和儿童营养补充品。

    In Health , coupon programs are being piloted in Chongqing , allowing mothers to better access post-natal care services and child nutritional supplements .

  9. 声明指出,要努力改善产前和产后护理服务,发展普惠托育服务体系,并减少家庭的教育支出。

    Efforts are being urged to improve prenatal and postnatal care services , develop a universal childcare services system and reduce family spending on education .

  10. 我想知道如何建立一种可持续模式,向贫困妇女提供高质量的产前、产中和产后医疗服务。

    I want to determine how to establish a sustainable model to provide quality health services to poor women , before , during and after labour .

  11. 产后家庭保健服务对产妇产后康复及新生儿健康状况的影响

    Effect of Postpartum Family Health Care in Puerperal Rehabilitation and Newborn Health a prenatal checkup

  12. 观察健康教育在产后新的服务模式中的作用。

    The study aims at observing the effect of health education in the new postnatal service mode .

  13. 产后家庭保健服务方式对产妇住院日和住院费用的影响

    Study on the effect of time and cost of hospitalization for pregnant women by different home health services after delivery

  14. 提供上门理发与化妆预约服务的网站stylebookings.com每周都要派出五位造型师为产后的母亲服务。

    Stylebookings.com , a website offering to-go hair and makeup appointments , has been sending about five stylists a week on maternity calls .

  15. 现代农业推广的职能是为农民提供产前、产中和产后全程技术服务,其实质就是信息的传递和反馈的沟通过程。

    The function of modern agriculture expansion is defined as providing with the complete technique serves in prep-production in-production and post-production for the farmers , the essential meaning is a communication process of information deliver with the feedback .

  16. 产妇产后两小时护理服务需求调查

    Need of two hours nursing service after delivery for lying-in woman

  17. 她说,目前中国妇女获得产后避孕咨询和服务的机会有限,因为当前的计划生育任务都集中在新生儿健康上。

    She said that Chinese women now have limited access to postpartum contraception counseling and services , as current family planning tasks are focused on newborn health .

  18. 为了探讨健康教育渗透在围产期护理中的作用,通过产前健康教育、分娩期健康教育,强化自我护理能力训练、产后社区护理延续服务进行针对性补课,使健康教育贯穿围产期始终。

    In order to study the function of health education in perinatal nursing , by labor health education , parturition education and ability training of oneself-nursing and postpartum community nursing , health education is carried out all perinatal period .

  19. 结论:产后性健康问题非常普遍,但产后保健服务中性健康未得到应有重视,缺乏专业人员提供咨询与治疗。提示对产后性问题的咨询与治疗的潜在需求极大,值得重视。

    Conclusions : Sexual health problems after childbirth were very common , suggesting potentially high levels of unmet need which postnatal care services do not currently address .

  20. 目的:了解分娩对妇女盆底肌肉强度的影响,以及妇女产后耻骨尾骨肌(PC肌)强度的影响因素,及产后生殖保健服务中盆肌锻炼情况。

    Objective : To investigate the impact of childbirth on pubococcygeal muscle of primiparous women in China , understand factors associated with pubococcygeal muscle , and investigate the muscular training in postpartum health care .

  21. 产后保健具有较好的成本效果,产后保健包括针对产妇和新生儿的健康评估和健康教育与促进,产后保健服务并不涉及复杂的技术。

    Postpartum care was also a cost-effective and cost-benefit program without intricate technologies , which including health assessment and health education for mother and baby .