
  • 网络social development model;Social developmental model
  1. 而现在世界正面临着社会发展模式的另一次社会变革,即工业文明向绿色文明转变。

    Nowadays , the world is facing another change of social development model . It is that industrial civilization is changing to the green civilization .

  2. 欧洲国家的经济社会发展模式可以细分为北欧模式、莱茵模式、盎格鲁一撒克逊模式和地中海模式四种。

    The economic and social development model for European countries can be divided into four types : the Nordic model , the Rhine model , the Anglo-Saxon model and the Mediterranean model .

  3. 论日本的循环型经济社会发展模式

    On the Recycling Economy Type of Social Development Mode of Japan

  4. 广州经济社会发展模式转型的实践内涵

    Guangzhou economy social development mode transferring 's practice connotation

  5. 西部地区农村社会发展模式

    On social development models in rural areas in the western region of China

  6. 社会发展模式中所体现的科学精神与人文精神的统一。

    The unification of scientific spirit and humanity spirit in the social developing pattern .

  7. 全面、协调、可持续的发展作为科学发展观的基本内容,是对社会发展模式的新探索和人类社会发展规律的新认识。

    It is a new mode of human social development and a new cognition for the developmental rule of human social history .

  8. 本文从古代文化、现代政治思潮、当代社会发展模式,多角度地阐述了这一特征。

    This paper from the perspective of ancient culture , modern political thoughts and the model of contemporary social development illustrates this feature .

  9. 杭州和谐创业模式是我国继苏南模式和温州模式之后形成的又一个典型的区域经济社会发展模式;

    The harmonious enterprising mode of Hangzhou is another typical mode of regional social economic development after South Suzhou mode and Wenzhou mode in China .

  10. 杭州模式的价值在于,它是以人为本的社会发展模式,也是统筹城乡发展的城市驱动模式,还是生态现代化的模式。

    Besides , the Hangzhou model is one of social development , which puts people first , balances urban and rural development and highlights ecological modernization .

  11. 城市住宅的生产和消费既是国民经济的重要组成,也是社会发展模式的动态缩影。

    Production and consumption of urban housing is not only an important part of the national economy , but also a dynamic miniature of social development mode .

  12. 究其归因,人类的生存困境主要是人类自身不合理的生产方式、生活方式和社会发展模式所导致的。

    Study of its attribution , the plight of human survival is caused by mankind itself irrational ways of production , lifestyles and the model of social development .

  13. 中印政府官员对于未来有着相互抵触的愿景。双方都认为,只有本国施行的政治与社会发展模式才更为持久。

    Officials in Beijing and Delhi hold to rival visions of the future , each seeing itself as pursuing the more durable political and social model of development .

  14. 前言:“可持续发展”是当代人在对以往人类社会发展模式深刻反思的基础上所作出的明智决择。

    People in the present age is showing a sensible attitude on sustainable development on the basis of penetrating introspection for the developing model in human society in the past .

  15. 杭州模式是由政府总结和倡导的经济社会发展模式,是构建社会主义和谐社会的有益探索。

    The Hangzhou model , a paradigm of social and economic development initiated by the government , is now making a valuable contribution to the undertaking of constructing a harmonious society .

  16. 在反对新自由主义的浪潮中必将诞生能够代表大多数人民利益的新的社会发展模式。

    In the struggle of anti-neoliberalism , a new social mode of development which can be on behalf of the interests of most people , will surly be given to birth .

  17. 两种社会发展模式在比较中互相吸收和借鉴,双方互相尊重各自的历史发展和现实发展成就,不能随意转换和替代。

    The two models of social developments absorb and learn from each other , and they make mutual respect for the historical developments and current achievements , respectively , which can not be arbitrarily changed and replaced .

  18. 文章从社会发展模式、社会发展动力、社会发展阶段、社会发展指导思想、社会发展目标等几个方面进行了分析和比较。

    The article is from the social development model , several respects , such as social development motives force , society developing stage , social development guidelines , social development goal , etc. have been analyzed and comared .

  19. 就此而言,人类历史尤其人类社会发展模式的更替就是要更好地解决主体意识的实现问题。

    In view of this , the purpose of the reform in the human history , particularly the change of the human society development pattern is to just to better solve the problems that hinder the subject consciousness realization .

  20. 欧洲主权债务危机不仅仅是债务危机、货币危机、银行业危机和产业结构危机,就其根本原因而言,更是南欧国家的经济社会发展模式危机。

    European sovereign debt crisis is not just debt crisis , currency crisis , banking crisis and industrial structure crisis , in terms of the root cause , it is the economic and social development model crisis in southern European countries .

  21. 这种新的社会发展模式应包括六个方面,即:在发展理念上,把社会发展看作是人与自然、人与社会的和谐发展;

    It is an important and practical model to enhance all-round development of human beings that should include the following six aspects . Theoretically , the social development is regarded as the harmonic relationship between man and nature , man and society .

  22. 黄河上游的自然环境随着千百年的地壳运动以及人类繁衍,孕育出了独特的生态及资源结构,从而也形成了具有区域特色的黄河上游典型地区经济和社会发展模式。

    With thousands years of diastrophism and human society 's development , the natural environment of the upper-part of the Yellow River has conceived its distinguished zoology and resource structure , therefore forms its special geographic upper-part-yellow river region 's economy and society development model .

  23. 自17世纪兴起的科学技术、工业文明和市场经济相结合的社会发展模式在给人类生活带来巨大福利的同时,又以生态环境的破坏为代价。

    With the development of science and technology , the industrial civilization , and the market economy , the social developing mode has been bringing about great wealth to the human kind . But the cost of the quick development of the society is the destruction to the ecological environment .

  24. 杭州模式:构建和谐社会的发展模式

    Hangzhou Model : A Development Paradigm of Constructing a Harmonious Society

  25. 论马克思制度变迁与社会发展理论模式

    On Marx 's Theory of Institution Change and Society Development

  26. 祁连山自然保护区社会经济发展模式研究

    Research on Development Model of Qilian National Nature Reserve to Explore the Surrounding Economic

  27. 加快地区农业结构调整,创造湖区富有地域特色和民族特点的社会经济发展模式;

    Adjusting the regional agricultural structure and creating the regional-featured , ethical socio-economic developing models ;

  28. 任何一个社会的发展模式背后都有一定体系的伦理价值观作支撑。

    There exists a certain system of ethical values behind the development pattern of any society .

  29. 循环经济是21世纪国际社会经济发展模式的发展趋势。

    Recycling economy is the current trend in the international economic development in the 21st century .

  30. 在这一全新的发展观与发展战略的指导下,科技进步应该具有不同于传统工业化社会的发展模式。

    Under sustainable development , the traditional mode of science and technology progress should be changed .