
  • 网络social community;social collectivities
  1. 人的个性与社会共同体。

    People 's personalities and the social community .

  2. 在社会共同体的多元结构中,主体间的我就是一种我们。

    In the multi-structure of the social community an inter-subjective I is also a We .

  3. J村的这种都市村社共同体模式的经验和实践值得某些农村地区借鉴,但不能成为中国农村社会共同体构建的普遍选择。

    The experience and practice of this model of urban village community is worth learning by some rural areas , but this model can not become a a popular choice to build community in rural society of China .

  4. 儒家传统关注社会共同体利益和价值的实现。

    Confucianist tradition attention society community benefit and value realization .

  5. 丧葬方式是一个社会共同体精神文化内涵的外在体现。

    Funeral ways are the external reflection of a social community 's spirit and culture .

  6. 1990-2000年建设自由与平等基础上相互关联的社会共同体;

    From 1990 to 2000 , it was constructing a community based on freedom and equality .

  7. 培育社区意识和地域社会共同体的主要手段,因此研究社区制以及社区治理模式的选择显得意义重大,富有价值。

    Therefore , research on community system and mode-selection of community governance is meaningful and valuable .

  8. 这可能是一个寻找自己的实物,创造一个可爱的社会共同体的时候。

    This can be a lovely time for finding your own kind and creating a lovely social community .

  9. 这一社会共同体虽然寄生于封建体系之内,但它始终游离于封建的主体体制之外,具有自己的内在品格。

    Although a part of the feudal system , this social community was always divorced from the main system .

  10. 宪法是人为了自己的生存与发展有意识地组织社会共同体的规则,以及由该规则所构建的社会秩序。

    As culture has a close relationship with community , its maintenance is an important representation of community self-organization .

  11. 本文探讨义乌市构建新社会共同体的实践与社会整合的关系。

    This paper explores the relationship between building an imagined community and social integration in the city of Yiwu .

  12. 听任道德虚无主义的流行将使社会共同体面临解体或分裂的危险。

    If its spread is let alone , the social community will be in a danger of disintegration or disruption .

  13. 保障社会共同体成员对软法创制和实施过程的广泛和直接参与;

    Safeguard community members ' abroad and direct participation in the process of the enactment and the implementation of soft law ;

  14. 城市社区是由聚居在一定范围内的城市居民所组成的社会共同体,是城市社会的组成部分。

    Community , as a major part of a city , is a general public that residents live in a certain area .

  15. 在社会共同体中,伦理关系只存在于人与人之间,人遵循的是社会法则;

    In the social community , there only exists the ethical relationship between human beings and what they follow is only the social law .

  16. 作为物品,公共物品和私人物品一样对社会共同体是必不可少的,有一个生产、经营、管理、消费的问题;

    Like private goods , public goods are absolutely necessary for human community , and they have to be produced , operated , managed and consumed .

  17. 封建宪政思想是中世纪西方关于政治共同体的基本观念,主要涉及统治者、法律和社会共同体三方面之间的关系。

    Feudal constitutional thought is the basic concept about political community in the medieval West , which deals with the interaction among ruler , law and community .

  18. 和观念作为古代中国礼乐文化核心的精神原则,起源于古代的原始宗教,是早期中国社会共同体根本的精神取向。

    Harmony as the core principle of ancient Chinese culture , developed from the ancient primitive religion , was the prime taste of social community at that time .

  19. 作为同一社会共同体共有生活方式的物化遗存,每一个考古文化都有一套可以与其他考古文化相区别的独特内涵。

    Since any social community has had its own ways of life and has left its own material remains , every archaeological culture differs from another archaeological culture in its unique connotation .

  20. 假定他人会表达善意,自己也就会尽力展现善的一面,由此建立的社会共同体,才会是一个和谐有致的格局。

    In contrast , if one assumes that all others are good-intended , he will also show his side of goodness , the society community formed there out will become more harmonious .

  21. 原始初民在与自然抗争过程中所产生的恐惧感,并在此基础上所产生的对社会共同体的归属感和敬畏感乃是人类道德需要得以发生的心理动因。

    The psychology grounds of occurrence of the moral needs is the feeling of affiliation and awe resulting from the derivation of fear produced in their fear struggles in nature when our ancestors lived in original society .

  22. 作为地域社会共同体的社区,其发展的根本目的在于改善居民的生活环境、生活方式,并提高居民的生活质量与社会生活的价值。

    As a community of the social community in a region , the basic goal of its development lies in improving residents ' living environment and life style , improving residents ' life quality and the value of social life .

  23. 当代文学在创建这种政治社会共同体的过程中起到了关键作用,并使自己超越了作为国民文学的五四新文艺传统。

    " Contemporary literature ", having played a key part in the process of establishing the " political society " community , has transcended the tradition of " national literature " represented by new literature and art of the May Fourth Movement .

  24. 作者认为,民族国家的危机不是产生于文化和民族的多样性这一无数社会共同体的常态,而是产生于民族国家这一导源于欧洲帝国及其崩溃的政治模式本身。

    The author believes the nation-state crisis arises from the very nation-state political model which resulted in the European empires and led to their collapse , rather than arising from the culture and nationality diversity which is the common characteristic of numerous communities .

  25. 中国传统政治社会共同体之建立与宗教、理性之诞生相伴而生,而这与皇权与孝道相应,皆与血缘性的纵贯轴密切相关。

    The establishment of the Chinese traditional political society goes together with the birth of religion and rationality in China . This corresponds with " imperial power " and " filial duty ", which are both closely connected with " the major axle of consanguinity " .

  26. 公共利益是社会共同体中全体成员或不特定多数人的利益。其具有公众性、普遍性、客观性、非排他性等特点。个人利益是个人生存和发展的各种需要的总和。

    The public interests are for all members or the majority of the social community with the features of publicity , universality , objectivity , non-excludability and so on , while the private interests are the sum of all kinds of needs for individual survival and development .

  27. 现阶段农村社区建设所走的服务之路,实质上是以服务为中介,将分散的人们重新联系和组织起来,增强农民对于整个国家和社会共同体的认同,建立起个人社区国家之间的联系。

    The method of the rural community construction in the present stage is virtually one which takes services as intermediary , and by reuniting and reorganizing the dispersed manpower , it will strengthen the farmers ' identification with the whole nation and social communities and establish the relation of individual-community-state .

  28. 青铜时代的夏文化、商文化和周文化是华夏文明与华夏族文化的物化载体,这些考古学文化所属的社会共同体,对当时中国古代历史的发展发挥着主导作用,处于主导地位。

    Such society common bodies ' belonging to archaeological culture were playing leading ' parts in the development of ancient Chinese history The Xia dynasty culture , Shang dynasty culture and Zhou dynasty culture in the bronze period were the materialized carrier of Cathay civilization ' and Cathay culture ' .

  29. 论人文社会科学共同体的基本特征

    On the Character of the Community of Human and Social Science

  30. 因墓葬与建造它的社会文化共同体,在逻辑上具有内在的一致性,在组织结构上也具有一致性。

    Because the tombs and its social and cultural community have logical inherent consistency .