
  • 网络Social Network Analysis;sna
  1. 通过概念检索、网页信息抽取技术以及社会网络分析方法等,实现了原型系统的基本功能,并以检索半导体相关领域专利文献作为实证研究,对原型系统运行效果进行了验证。

    The basic functions of the protosystem are realized by virtue of concept retrieval , web page information extraction technology , SNA and so on . The paper selects the retrieval of patents literatures related to semiconductor as an empirical research , which validate the operating effects of the protosystem .

  2. 基于社会网络分析方法的Web资源挖掘研究

    Research on Web Mining Based on Social Network Analysis Methods

  3. 设计并实现了一种基于社会网络分析的P2P僵尸网络反制策略。

    P2P botnet control strategy based on social network analysis was designed .

  4. 在bug评论的基础上构建的社会网络分析,生成开发者优先级。

    By conducting social network analysis in comments of bug reports , developer prioritization is generated to rank developers .

  5. Wiki社群的社会网络分析

    The Social Network Analysis of Wiki Community

  6. 社会网络分析(SNA)方法是一种注重社会结构和社会关系研究的方法。

    Social Network Analysis ( SNA ) is the approach that focuses on social structure and social relation .

  7. 目前虚拟社区方面的社会网络分析主要以非盈利社区为主,如音乐论坛社区,BLOG社区等等,对以盈利为目的的交易型社区的研究比较少。

    At present social network analysis of the online community is mainly on nonprofit community , such as music BBS community , BLOG community . Research on transactional community aimed at profit is less .

  8. 社会网络分析方法是由社会学家根据数学法、图论等发展起来的计量分析方法,近年来该方法在Internet、职业流动、世界政治和经济体系等领域广泛应用,并发挥重要作用。

    The method of Social Network Analysis is developed by sociologist based on mathematical method and graph theory . Recently , the method are widely used and importance in the fields that includes Internet Technology , Occupational mobility , World political and economic systems and so on .

  9. 社会网络分析(SNA)是适应研究社会结构和社会关系的需要而逐渐发展起来的一种分析方法,适用于研究群体的人际关系与结构。

    Social network analysis ( SNA ) is an analytical method of gradually developed which is the adaptation of social structures and social relations .

  10. 基于企业网络的城市网络研究也成为国际学术界的前沿议题,其中影响力最大的两种取向分别是行动者网络理论(ANT)和社会网络分析(SNA)。

    The research on urban network based on the firm network has also become the forefront of the international academic community . The most important research approaches are actor-network theory ( ANT ) and social network analysis ( SNA ) .

  11. 为了营造健康和谐的BBS舆论氛围,减少有害信息的传播,本文提出了基于社会网络分析的BBS内容安全动态监测模型。

    In order to build a healthy and harmonious BBS public opinion atmosphere and reduce the spread of harmful information , this paper proposes a dynamic monitoring model for BBS content security based on social network analysis .

  12. 通过新浪微博最新、最典型的隐私属性业务LBS应用,获取研究数据,利用社会网络分析方法,发现隐私业务采纳规律受隐私相关突发事件的影响。

    We gain data from the latest and the most classic LBS application which featured in privacy attribute through Sina Weibo . Through analysis method in social network , we find out privacy-related emergencies will affect the privacy business adoption rules .

  13. 随机图是社会网络分析的重要工具,在Newman等对传统随机图模型的研究基础上,研究了具有群集性的随机图这一与现实社会网络更为接近的随机图模型中的波及效应。

    Random graph is one of the most important tools in social network analysis . Following Newman 's work on traditional random graph , clustering random graph is analyzed , which is a version more close to the reality than other random graph models .

  14. 在同类研究论文中首次使用社会网络分析与可视化工具UCINET对研究对象进行了可视化处理,深度揭示了其相应的隐藏关系。

    The paper firstly used the social network analysis and visualization tool UCINET to conduct on the visual processing , revealed the depth of relations between their corresponding hidden .

  15. 产业集群组织间关系密集性的社会网络分析

    Social Network Analysis on Denseness of Inter-organizational Networks in Industrial Clusters

  16. 社会网络分析;专利;专利权人;共引;文献耦合;关联网络;

    Social network analysis Patent Assignee Co-citation Bibliographic coupling Correlation network ;

  17. 社会网络分析在网络课程评价中的应用研究

    Social Network Analyses in the Network of Curriculum Evaluation of Research

  18. 结构&行动:流动农民的社会网络分析

    Structure-Action : An Analysis on the Social Networks of Migrant Peasants

  19. 社会网络分析与建设工程绩效目标设置

    The Performance Setting for Construction Project Based on Social Network Analysis

  20. 社会网络分析下的城市社区治理结构探究

    Research on the Structure of Urban Communities with Social Network Analysis

  21. 社会网络分析在军事C~4ISR组织结构中的应用

    Application of Social Network Analysis Concepts in Military C ~ 4ISR Architectures

  22. 搜索引擎;日志挖掘;社会网络分析;合著网络;

    Search engine Log mining Social network analysis Co-authorship network ;

  23. 基于社会网络分析的产业集群建模及实证检验

    A Quantitative Model and Demonstration of Industrial Cluster Based on Social Network Analysis

  24. 社会网络分析法在运动队结构和人际特征分析中的应用探究

    Application of Social Network Analysis on Structure and Interpersonal Character of Sports Team

  25. 社会网络分析方法及其在创新研究中的运用

    Social Network Analysis and Its Application to Innovative Research

  26. 基于社会网络分析的供应链集成度评价

    Measurement of the Integration Level of Supply Chain Based on Social Network Analysis

  27. 社会网络分析在市场营销学中的应用

    The Application of Social Network Analysis to Marketing Research

  28. 网络协作学习中的社会网络分析个案研究

    Social Network Analysis in CSCL : A Case Study

  29. 基于语义社会网络分析的企业内隐藏关系探测

    Detection of Concealed Relations Based on Semantic Communities Behaviors

  30. 组织网络分析是社会网络分析的重要分支,也是目前一个跨学科研究热点。

    Social and organizational network analysis has become a hot research area involves multi-discipline .