
  • 网络social engineering
  1. 使用CBR技术设计专家系统,实现对目标对象分级和系统自学习,以社会工程学信息作为特征属性进行案例库检索,匹配相似案例进行攻击方案的决策。

    Design the expert system based on CBR technology to realize the target classification and self-learning ability of system . To make attacking-decision according to similar case in case library which is searched based on the information of social engineering .

  2. 浅析社会工程学入侵网络的机制与防范措施

    Analysis of Mechanisms and Preventive Measures of Social Engineering Intruding Network

  3. 社会工程学及其哲学问题

    The Theory of Society Engineering and Its Philosophy Problem

  4. 网络对抗技术中社会工程学攻击的研究

    Study on Social Engineering Attack in Network Confrontation Technology

  5. 新的错误页面提供了一个简单的用户体验帮助用户减少社会工程学和仿冒网站攻击。

    New error pages provide a simplified user experience which helps to mitigate social-engineering and phishing attacks .

  6. 社会工程学是一个最危险和最容易今天利用威胁对信息安全。

    Social engineering is one of the most dangerous and easiest to exploit threats to information security today .

  7. 网络钓鱼攻击是指利用社会工程学和技术手段窃取消费者的个人资料以及金融账户身份认证证书。

    Network Phishing attacks use both social engineering and technical subterfuge to steal consumers ' personal identity data and financial account credentials .

  8. 方兴未艾的社会工程学研究&2007国际社会工程与管理暨第二届社会工程理论与方法研讨会综述

    Summary of 2007 International Conference on Social Engineering and Management & the Second Symposium on Theories and Methods of Social Engineering in China

  9. 庞德在其著作中提出法律的社会工程学解释和建构其庞大的社会法学理论的前提性预设。

    The history interpretation to the development of legal philosophy is the premise hypothesis of the interpretation of legal social engineering and sociological jurisprudence theory .

  10. 这种伎俩被称为“社会工程学”,因为它是通过欺骗电脑用户(来行骗),而不是绕过安全软件或者防火墙安全系统。

    The tactic is referred to as " social engineering " because it involves fooling computer users instead of hacking past security software or firewalls guarding systems .

  11. 社会工程学强调通过自然科学、人文科学、社会科学的重新整合,更全面更积极地设计未来为和谐社会的建设服务。

    Social engineering focuses on the re-integration of natural sciences , humanities and social sciences and serves to more actively design the future and build the harmonic society .

  12. 在此基础之上,他又根据时代和理论的发展提出了其对法律的社会工程学解释,从而完成了其对社会学法理学建构的前提性准备。

    Then , he proposed his legal social engineering interpretation according to the needs of the time and the theory development . Thus , he had completed the premise hypothesis for the sociological jurisprudence .

  13. 摘要社会工程学作为一种自然科学与社会科学、理论科学与技术科学之间的交叉学科或学科群,它越来越受到学术界的跨学科视点的关注而逐渐成为一门显学。

    As an interdisciplinary subject or a group of subjects between natural and social sciences , theoretical and technical sciences , social engineering is attached mounting attention in an interdisciplinary perspective and becoming an important learning .

  14. 移动病毒编写者还依赖社会工程学伎俩:把恶意软件标为防病毒更新程序、游戏或者是流行的实用程序;或者窃取地址簿,让受感染的文件冒充来自熟人。

    Mobile virus writers also rely on social engineering by labeling malware as anti-virus updates , games , or popular utilities , or by pillaging address books to make infected files appear to come from an acquaintance .

  15. 社会系统工程学:对象、任务和内容

    Social System Engineering : Object , Task and Content

  16. 有时候我们可能会遇到某一个基本概念,它不止阻碍我们步入数学的大门,也会影响我们通往其他领域的步伐,比如社会科学或者工程学。

    There may be a particular basic concept that stands in the way of going forward in math , as well as other fields such as social science or engineering .

  17. OA的知识领域覆盖了行为科学、管理科学、社会学、系统工程学等学科,并且体现了多学科之间的相互交叉、相互渗透性。

    The knowledge field of OA covers the actionable science , management science , sociology , systems engineering and so on , and reflects the cross-cutting and mutual penetration between subjects .

  18. 当今社会急需专攻于工程学的专家。

    Degree programs focus on specialized engineering expertise that is demanded in real-world situations .

  19. 通过对社会工程的概念和研究内容的界定,提出了社会工程学的基本任务是通过建构新的社会结构与过程模式去促进社会发展;

    Through defining the conception and content of social engineering it is pointed out in the article that the basic task of social engineering is to promote social development by building a new social structure and process mode .