
  • 网络Mathematical Model Analysis
  1. 公司业绩与财务政策的数理模型分析

    Mathematical Model Analysis on Firm 's Performance and Financial Policy

  2. 资本充足监管与银行破产概率的数理模型分析

    A Mathematical Model Analysis on the Impact of the Capital Adequacy Requirement on Bankruptcy Probability

  3. 燃料乙醇争粮与争地问题的数理模型分析

    Analysis on Mathematical Model of Competition for Grain and Land of Bio-ethanol

  4. 家电以旧换新补贴政策的数理模型分析

    Analysis of the Electrical Household Appliances Trade-in Subsidies Policy Based on Mathematical Models

  5. 本文第7章在数理模型分析的基础上丰富和扩充了合意城市化率的概念。

    Based on the mathematical model , Chapter 7 enriches and expands the concept of optimal urbanization ratio .

  6. 本文构建数理模型分析了区域创新能力的提高和污染排放量的减少对区域全要素生产率增长的动力机制。

    The paper constructs a mathematical model to analyze the dynamic mechanism of the regional innovation capability and the reduction of pollution emissions on regional total factor productivity growth .

  7. 基于银行持续经营和经营权价值最大化的假定,本文建立数理模型分析了资本充足率要求影响商业银行资本和风险行为的内在机理。

    With the proposition that banks operate continuously and maximizing their chart value , the inner mechanism is analysed that how the capital adequacy requirement influences the capitalization and risk-taking of banks .

  8. 本文的一个重点是运用数理模型分析消费者和商户的信用卡使用行为,从银行卡对商户策略性行为的影响出发,考虑受理环境对消费者的影响、对商户受理信用卡的行为。

    One of the key content is to analyze the credit card usage behaviors of the consumers and commercial tenants , to consider how the environment can influence the behaviors of consumers and merchants from bank card business strategy on commercial tenants .

  9. 地质数据的数理模型综合分析方法

    Integrated mathematical and physical model analysis for geological data

  10. 论保险公司治理的特殊性&一个数理模型的分析

    Studies on Special Features of Insurer 's Corporate Governance & An Analysis of a Mathematical Model

  11. 捻转血矛线虫卵发育至三期幼虫需热量的线性回归数理统计模型分析

    An analysis of mathematical model of linear regression of heat requirement in egg 's development of Haemonchus contortus

  12. 国防支出与经济增长关系的战略选择&一个数理模型的分析与模拟

    Defense Spending and Economic Growth 、 the Selection of Defense Spending Strategies : Analyzing and Simulating through a Mathematical Model

  13. 第四章是分析金融支持不足的原因。首先对其原因作了一般分析,然后基于机制设计理论构建数理模型进行分析。

    The fourth chapter is based onthe theory of mechanism design to analyze the reasons of lack of financial support .

  14. 其次,本文构造了一个简单的数理模型,分析结果表明中国食品安全规制存在由低效率状态向高效率状态变迁的可能性。

    Secondly , the paper constructs a model , the analysis results show that the China ' food safety regulation have the possibility to shifting from low efficiency to high efficiency .

  15. 建立数理模型,分析无形资产质押贷款中由于企业可能实施机会主义行为套牢银行,导致的银行与企业期望收益的变化,并通过博弈分析,研究企业与银行的决策选择问题。

    By establishing mathematical model , the paper analyzed Changes in the banking and corporate earnings for Hold-up risk in intangible assets pledged financing , and by establishing game model , analyzed decisions of banks and enterprises .

  16. 在此基础上文章建立了一个数理模型,分析供应链联盟同企业、市场之间的选择关系,及其规模边界问题的内生决定。

    Based on the above discussion , this paper built up a mathematic model to analyze the relationship among supply chain alliance , firm , and market , and to discuss the endogenetic decision of scale boundary .

  17. 建立了冷暖地板换热的数理模型,分析了盘管内水与管壁、盘管管壁与地板表面、地板表面与房间的换热过程,形成了地板表面换热能力与表面温度的计算方法。

    Derives a thermal transmission model of cooling / heating floor through analysing the heat exchange processes between the medium water , the tube wall , and the floor surface , and forms a calculation procedure for predicting the thermal capacity and the surface temperature .

  18. 本文主要由三个部分组成:首先,简述EIT成像原理和数理模型,深入分析了重建图像的病态性;

    Firstly , the mathematical and physical models of the image reconstruction in EIT are discussed , and the ill-conditioned is researched deeply .

  19. 根据CNN网络结构特点和数理模型,详细分析了CNN的动态范围和稳定性,并介绍了图象处理中CNN输入与输出的量化方法及基本思想。

    According to the network construction character and mathematical physics model of CNN , the CNN dynamic range and stability is analyzed in detail , and the quantization method of CNN input and output in image processing and the basic principle of CNN applied to image processing is introduced .

  20. 第一,污染控制政策引致创新作用角度的研究由一个数理模型与实证分析构成。

    Firstly , the study of induce-innovation effect of pollution control policies constitutes a mathematical model and empirical analysis .

  21. 重点利用动态博弈方法和数理模型构建方法分析了品牌差异化效应和集群品牌荫庇效应。

    The brand differentiation effects are analyzed by game theory and the shelter effect are analyzed by quantitative model .

  22. 通过利用图示、数理推导、模型分析法分析验证农业补贴手段所产生的各种补贴效应,如福利效应、增长效应、收入效应、价格效应以及结构效应等。

    By means of graph , mathematical derivation and model , the paper analyzed and tested the effects and means of various agricultural subsidies , such as welfare effects , growth effects , income effects , price effects and structural effects .

  23. 接着通过建立数理模型,运用对比分析的方法,从理论上对仓单质押融资业务的可行性进行了论证。

    Secondly , it proves the academic feasibility of WRH by establishing mathematical model and using the method of comparative analysis .

  24. 本文主要围绕虚拟企业形成的历史背景,采用比较分析、实证分析、数理统计分析、模型分析方法等,就当前的企业理论热点问题,探讨了虚拟企业的运行机理。

    This paper around historical background of virtual enterprise mainly adopts comparability study , practice analysis , mathematical statistical analysis and model analysis method etc. For current enterprise theoretical hot problem , the paper has discussed the operation mechanism of virtual enterprise .