
  • 网络community employment
  1. 发展我国城市社区就业的障碍与对策

    On the Obstacles of Community Employment in Cities and its Countermeasures

  2. 济南市失业女性社区就业状况调查

    Research on the Community Employment of the Unemployed Women in Jinan

  3. 根据问卷调查统计的结果论文建立了城市社区就业和谐的评价指标体系,同时论文还运用层次分析法(AHP)确定评价体系中指标的权重,并都通过了一致性检验。

    According to the results of a questionnaire survey papers set up the Urban Community a harmonious employment evaluation index system , while the use of paper also Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP ) to determine the evaluation system of weights , and have passed the consistency test .

  4. 社区就业是社区服务的重要组成部分。

    Community obtain employment is the main component that community serves .

  5. 本论文的研究对象是城市社区就业服务的建设。

    This thesis focuses on the development of urban community employment service .

  6. 我国社区就业发展状况调查

    A Survey of the Employment Development in the Chinese Communities

  7. 社区就业服务体系建设的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice in the Construction of the Community Employment Service System

  8. 社区就业与城市经济的可持续发展

    Community Employment and The Sustainable Development Of The Cities'Economy

  9. 社区就业工程中主体角色定位研究

    A Study on Positioning of Main Body 's Role in Community Employment Project

  10. 但是,社区就业并不等于增权本身,它对女性增权也产生了一些令人担忧的负面效应。

    But community reemployments also produce some negative effects .

  11. 社区就业岗位开发和再就业对策研究&以南京地区为例

    Research on Community Employment and Re-Employment Policy & A Case Study of Nanjing

  12. 南昌城市社区就业问题研究

    The Study on Community Employment Questions of Nanchang City

  13. 关于我国社区就业发展及对策分析

    Analysis on Chinese community employment development and countermeasure

  14. 社区就业:一个亟待挖掘的岗位富矿

    Community Job-an Eagerly Exploratory Rich Ore of Occupation

  15. 城市外来散工社区就业与社会支持&以武汉市为例

    Community Support for Day Labor and Social Support & Taking Wuhan as an Example

  16. 试论社区就业职业指导的基本原则和方法

    Discussion about the Basic Principle and Methods of Professional Guiding of the Community Employment

  17. 社区就业&再就业的主渠道

    Employment in community & main channels for reemployment

  18. 本文就社区就业服务问题进行了探讨。

    This article discusses the community employment issue .

  19. 加快完善社区就业服务体系,提供多样形式的就业服务。

    Improving service system for community employment .

  20. 中国城市就业的新空间&21世纪中国社区就业的前景、瓶颈及对策

    New Space of Employment in Urban China

  21. 社区就业女性的增权问题研究:社会性别视角的分析

    Empowerment of Reemployed Women in Local Communities : Examining This Issue from a Gender Perspective

  22. 经济、观念和政策是影响社区就业的重要因素;

    The economy , policies and concept are the important factors to influence the community employment .

  23. 社区就业问题研究

    Research on the Employment in Community

  24. 非正规就业以及与此相联系的社区就业,便因此被提到议事日程上来。

    Thus , it is necessary to consider the informal employment and the corresponding community employment .

  25. 社区就业主要依靠的就是社区服务创造大量的就业岗位。

    Community Employment is mainly depends on the creation of a large number of community service jobs .

  26. 有关社区就业服务的思考

    On services for community employment

  27. 卡拉马扎说:我们必须证明,如果管理得当,这些企业是能够盈利的,而且促进社区就业。

    We must show that when managed legally these can be profitable businesses that bring employment to the community .

  28. 可通过政府调控,建立服务体系,开发就业岗位,落实优惠政策的措施来发展社区就业。

    We could establish service system , develop posts for employment , and implement preferential policies to develop community employment .

  29. 运用实地调研统计分析方法对西安城市社区就业和谐发展影响因素进行了抽样问卷调查和数据统计分析。

    Of Xi ' an urban community employment development harmonious factors which affect a sampling survey and data statistical analysis .

  30. 第四章探讨观念因素对城市社区就业的影响,主要从就业观念和消费观念两个方面分析。

    Chapter four discusses the effect of the concept on the urban community employment mainly from the concept of employment and consumption .