
  • 网络Socially Responsible Investment;SRi
  1. 阐述西方发达国家社会责任投资的发展现状,总结这些国家在发展社会责任投资时的成功经验。

    Introducing the current situation of SRI in western developed countries and their successful experiences .

  2. 秋山女士希望,社会责任投资将吸引更年轻的投资者与更多的妇女。

    Ms Akiyama is hoping that the SRI will attract younger investors and more women into the market .

  3. 分类参照不同的养老金层次,分为公共养老金、私营养老金和养老储备基金;同时还分别考察了DC计划和DB计划与社会责任投资的匹配性。

    Pension funds are classified into public pension , private pension and pension reserve fund ; DC plan and DB plan .

  4. 原本处于基金世界一隅的社会责任投资(sri),如今已开始在美国引起主流关注。

    Socially responsible investing , typically a small corner of the fund world , is starting to attract mainstream attention in the US .

  5. 社会责任投资(SRI)作为一种全新的投资理念,其目的在于引导企业和投资者在关注经济利益的同时也关注社会利益。

    Social responsibility Investment ( SRI ) as a newly investment philosophy aims to guide enterprises and investors concern about the economic benefits and the interests of the community .

  6. 未来几年,我们将越来越关注水资源这个企业风险问题,亨德森全球投资者公司(HendersonGlobalInvestors)社会责任投资基金主管尼克•罗宾斯(NickRobins)表示。

    Water as a business risk issue is something that we will be looking at more and more over the next few years , says Nick Robins , head of socially responsible investment funds at Henderson Global Investors .

  7. 纽敦镇代表了“我们当前的文化,”千美健康顾问集团(TrinityHealth)社会责任投资总监凯西·罗万称,它包含“企业需要应对的公共健康问题,在健康的社区中经营会令企业受益。”

    Newtown represents " the culture we live in , " says Cathy Rowan , director of socially responsible investments at Trinity health , encompassing " public health issues that corporations need to address because it benefits them to operate in healthy communities . "

  8. 社会责任投资:促进投资模式的转变

    Socially Responsible Investment : Promoting the Transformation of the Investment Model

  9. 揭示社会责任投资对企业行为的影响。

    Studying on the effect of SRI on corporate behavior from two perspectives .

  10. 比较分析社会责任投资与常规投资在投资主体、投资方式以及绩效上的差异。

    Comparing conventional investing and socially responsible investing from investor , investment manners and financial performance .

  11. 第四章则从实际应用角度对养老基金的社会责任投资进行讨论,首先比较了不同类型养老基金与社会责任投资的匹配性。

    First of all , we compare the matching of different types of pension funds with SRI .

  12. 呼唤社会责任投资

    Summon Society Responsibility Investment

  13. 并将社会责任投资与相近似的伦理投资和经济目标投资两个概念进行比较,分析其异同。

    And then do comparative analysis of the concept of SRI and Ethical Investment and Economic target investment .

  14. 社会责任投资:新型金融商品的发展契机

    Investment for Social Responsibility

  15. 目前,在中国,社会责任投资理念无论是理论上还是实践中都处于起步阶段。

    At present , both academic study and practice of socially responsible investing are in stating phase in China .

  16. 并简要回顾和展望了社会责任投资的发展历程,现阶段在国际范围内的发展状况和今后的发展趋势。

    And a brief review the history of SRI , the present development of international situation and future trends .

  17. 社会责任投资是近年在全球发展较快的一种新型投资产品,它是将投资决策与经济、社会、环境相统一的一种投资模式,是一种具有三重考量的投资。

    Socially Responsible Investment , which develops quickly in today 's global world , is a new investment product .

  18. 结果显示企业社会责任投资组合的收益均值60%都高于同期的大盘指数。

    Results show that income mean of CSR portfolio is60 % higher than the market index over the same period .

  19. 通过中国机构投资者对社会责任投资的问卷调查,分析社会责任投资在中国的实践情况。

    Through a survey of Chinese institutional investors treating SRI , we try to analyze the practice of SRI in China .

  20. 2012年以来,很多注重社会责任投资的董事会以及个人和机构投资者们都越来越关注社会政策。

    Throughout 2012 , boards and both individual and institutional investors who care about responsible investing are paying more attention to social policy .

  21. 社会责任投资作为一种新型的投资,在西方发达国家逐渐演变为金融市场的主流投资方式之一。

    As a new investment style , socially responsible investing has been a prevailing investment style in financial markets in western developed countries .

  22. 她坚信,股市变幻莫测以及长达10年的经济衰退,都不会影响社会责任投资在日本的增长。

    She maintains that the capriciousness of the stock market , coupled with a decade-long recession , will not affect the growth of Sri in japan .

  23. 凯捷咨询表示,亚太地区比例较高,可能源于该地区污染较为严重,投资者日益意识到环境问题和社会责任投资的重要性。

    Capgemini says the higher percentage in Asia Pacific may be due to high pollution in the region and growing investor awareness of environmental issues and socially responsible investment .

  24. 日本第一个公开发行的社会责任投资共同基金于1999年设立,接着又相继成立了很多类似的投资基金,抓住的是公众环境意识日益增强的特点。

    The first publicly offered Sri mutual fund in Japan was launched in 1999 and was followed by many similarly invested funds that captured the growing public awareness of environmental issues .

  25. 社会责任投资与常规投资相比,它既注重投资的财务绩效,又追求投资的社会绩效和环境绩效。

    Socially responsible investing compared with conventional invest , it pays attention to the investment and financial performance , the pursuit of social environment and the performance of the investment performance .

  26. 曰本晨星机构的位发言人承认:“按照美国或欧洲的社会责任投资标准,选择朝曰似乎有些奇怪。”但他接着讲,根据5项标准,该公司高居榜首。

    Morningstar spokesman admitted " the choice of Asahi may seem strange in terms of us or European Sri standards ", adding that the company ranked highest according to the five criteria .

  27. 现阶段,社会责任投资基金作为社会责任投资的有效实现方式已在发达国家颇具规模,成为金融市场上促进经济、环境、社会三方面良性互动循环的一种重要投资工具。

    At this stage , SRI funds have been the effective implementation of social responsibility , and been developed in large-scale , have become an important investment tool in the financial market .

  28. 诚然,理论界对于伦理投资概念的界定还比较模糊,诸如绿色投资、社会责任投资以及投资伦理等相关的概念容易混淆。

    However , it is difficult to ensure the definition of ethical investment theory , such as green investment , socially responsible investment and ethics in investment behavior and other related concepts .

  29. 再次,讨论了社会责任投资原则对环境保护责任的影响,讨论了赤道原则在国际项目融资中的作用以及法律问题。

    Thirdly , it discussed the impact of socially responsible on environment protection . Then , it also discussed the effect of the Equator principles on international project financing and legal issues .

  30. 同时,为进一步说明该模型存在的意义,举例验证了企业社会责任投资对跨国公司及东道国收益的改善。

    To further illustrate the significance of the existence of the model , this thesis cites an example to verify the improvement of the benefits for the Multinational Corporations and the host country .